Listed below are some guidelines for conditioning on your own.



­  Run 1 mile (at least)

­  Sprint laps alternating with bench jumps

­  Bike 30 minutes (at least)

­  Run bleachers

­  Swim

Strengthening and Toning:

­  Lunges

­  Frog Jumps

­  Long Jumps

­  Jump and Hold

­  Wall-sits

­  Push-ups and dips

­  Abs

­  Handstands (Hold with a partner or against a wall)

Weight Lifting:

Highly recommended if you have access

­  Arms (isolate biceps and triceps)

­  Shoulders

­  Legs (isolate quadriceps and hamstrings)

* Please make sure that you know how to lift properly- if you need guidelines please ask.


·  Try-outs will begin on Monday, February 20that 4:30 PM

o  Meet by the softball fields – unless it rains, then check the whiteboard in the activities office

Please arrive early to stretch and turn in your paperwork

Check the white board for any changes on the day of tryouts

·  Try-outs will begin each day at 4:30 PM if we are outside or 5:00 PM if we are inside.

o  We hope to hold try-outs outside, but weather-pending, we could be inside the first week.

o  Make sure you are prepared for any scenario…. Bring tennis shoes for inside, and bring warm clothes for outside.

o  Make sure to bring plenty of water!!

·  Check the white board in the activities office EVERYDAY to verify times and locations.

·  Try-outs will last approximately a week, but may vary based on the number of people trying out for the team.

Please read all rules and policies carefully before you try-out for this team. Make sure you understand the commitment you will be required to make and the expectations we have for all players before you attend try-outs. NO SPOTS ON THIS TEAM ARE GUARANTEED!!! RETURNING PLAYERS WILL NOT BE GIVEN ANY FAVORITISM.

Softball is time consuming. If you make either of the teams, you MUST attend all practices, games, fundraising, and other required functions. Other non-academic functions must not interfere with your commitments to the Lake Braddock Softball Program.

At try-outs you will be judged on your fielding, throwing, and batting skills, as well as attitude and hustle. Pitching skills may be added in as bonus points to your score.

What to bring to try-outs:

·  VHSL Physical Form dated after May 1, 2016 (unless it is on file with the athletic office)

If you have any questions, call the Athletic Trainers office at 703-426-1176 or Student Activities at 703-426-1001.

·  Concussion Test Completed by Athlete and Parent (unless it is on file with the athletic office)

·  Emergency Care Card

·  Player Information Sheet (located in the softball packet)

·  Player Agreement (located in the softball packet)


Thank you for your interest in the Lake Braddock Softball program. Our goal is to build a competitive team and have fun in the process. This goal will be obtained when players combine sound softball fundamentals with excellent physical conditions and possess an unselfish, “TEAM” attitude. These players should have respect for themselves, coaches, faculty, administration, and the “TEAM.”

Softball players at Lake Braddock Secondary will maintain a high level of athletic and academic achievement. With your hard work, dedication, and commitment, we can achieve many goals for the upcoming season. We are committed to you as coaches, to prepare our team for the many challenges ahead and to mold this group into a winning TEAM!! We will do our best to select the finest softball players at Lake Braddock – however, we will be looking for players who work hard, learn fast, and who show dedication and a positive attitude towards this TEAM.


·  Teamwork and team spirit are essential parts of what this team is all about. Your commitment and dedication to our team is necessary for our success this season.

·  We (the team and coaches) ask each team member to give 100% at all times. Your constant attention and preparation during practices and at games will ensure success.

·  Each player must maintain a loyal attitude towards her teammates, coaches, and team managers throughout the season. Loyalty is measured by respect, unselfishness, and the submerging of personal pleasures/attitudes for the good of the “TEAM.”

·  We (players, managers, trainers, and coaches) are a “family” – caring and respecting each other. Your must have respect for and acceptance of your teammates. Be supportive of your teammates, and remember that everyone is doing the best they can.



You must always conduct yourself in the finest tradition of Lake Braddock Secondary School – both on and off the field, as well as, in or out of school. Everything you do, in or out of class/school, reflects not only on yourself, but Lake Braddock, our softball program, and your teammates. Absence and lateness from class, inappropriate language, smoking, drinking, and substance abuse (OR BEING PRESENT WHILE OTHERS ARE USING) will not be tolerated. Each player is a representative of Lake Braddock and this softball program. We ask that you behave in an appropriate manner AT ALL TIMES! Be aware of your conduct and actions, as a Lake Braddock Softball player you are held to a higher standard of conduct than other students (everyone notices what you are doing, especially when you are in uniform).

*Any of the above instances may constitute suspension from participating in team events, possible dismissal from the squad, or you may not be awarded a letter if earned.

·  Each player must willingly provide their continuous support to the Team Captains. They will be selected by the coaches for the purpose of providing leadership both on and off the field. They will not be selected because they are the best players or the most popular ones. They are specifically charged with the responsibility of providing the positive leadership necessary to produce a winning TEAM. Players should discuss any team related problems with the captains – recognize however, the coaches are always available to discuss individual/team problems.

·  When talking to or addressing the coaches, use “Coach ______.”

·  While it is the duty of the coaches to treat all players fairly, all players are not identical and the staff will react to each player as an individual. The coaching staff expects you to try your best, maintain a positive attitude, and do your best to improve as players and team members. Should you feel too much pressure is being placed on you, you should confer with a coach or your team captains.

·  Maintain high academic standards.

·  Sacrifice – you have already sacrificed time and effort to be a member of our team and to learn. Learning one’s role as a team member usually requires further sacrifices, such as abiding by these rules, getting along with your teammates, managers, and coaches. Most importantly, is learning to be part of our team – rather than as an individual…. There is no “I” in “TEAM.”

·  Maintain a positive attitude at all times – even when things may not be going as well as you would like.

·  Leave your personal problems and “drama” off the field and out of the dugout.

·  Cell phones must be out of sight during practice and games. No talking or texting will be permitted with the exception of emergency situations or with the coach’s permission.


If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don’t.

Success begins with your own will…

It’s all in your state of mind.

Life’s battles are not always won

By those who are stringer or faster:

Sooner or later the person who wins

Is the person who thinks she Can!!!

·  Honesty – always be honest, not only with your teammates and coaches, but most importantly, with yourself. It is always easier to tell the truth.

·  Mangers- are an integral part of our TEAM. They fulfill an extremely vital role for both player and the coaching staff; therefore, should be treated and respected accordingly.


Commandments of Good Sportsmanship – Live by them!

·  Encouragement of your own teammates before, during, and after games and practices is essential to our success, and is helpful to all in good, as well as, during bad times, both on and off the field. Name calling, abusive remarks to the other team is completely out of line – regardless of what may be said to us. We must restrain our tempers and emotions in order to continuously display good sportsmanship.

·  Be courteous to visiting teams and umpires.

·  Be modest when successful and gracious in defeat. A true sportsman does not offer excuses for failure.

·  Respect the integrity and judgment of the umpires and accept their decisions without question. Under no circumstances will you dispute any call with an umpire. Leave any discussion with umpires to your coaches.

·  Any softball equipment belonging to the team must be handled and maintained properly, as if it were your own. Abused equipment (helmets, bats, etc.) will be paid for by the offender.

·  Profanity will not be tolerated.

·  Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be accepted in any form. Offenders will be given:

·  First Offense – One game suspension

·  Second Offense – Suspended for the season

·  Disrespect or inappropriate comments to/about the coaches, teammates, or softball program in any format, including text messages, email, social media, etc. will not be tolerated and may result in immediate suspension for the season at the coach’s discretion.


·  Athletes must be in school 100% of the day in order to participate in games and practices.

·  Any athlete absent from class must provide a valid doctor’s note to the athletic office and coach in order to be eligible to participate. Doctor’s appointments should be made around the softball schedule, not during games or practices if possible. Players are responsible for advising the coach of any infraction to the rule.

·  If you are not in school due to illness, you should not be at softball – however, you are required to call the Coach PRIOR TO PRACTICE OR GAME TIME (you will be given the numbers) with an explanation as to why you are not going to be at a practice or game.

·  Attendance at all team-related activities such as practices, games, and team meetings is MANDATORY, unless excused by the coach – prior to the absence. Conflicting activities must be presented to the coach, in writing, AT LEAST one week in advance. Please realize we depend on everyone – everyone plays an important role on our team – and therefore it is critical you be at every practice and team functions.

·  Personal or family events and trips are not excused, including family dinners, birthdays, vacations, college visits, HOMEWORK, work, etc.

·  Players are responsible for personal communication with the coach by telephone or personally contacting the coach if they must be absent or late on practice or game days. CALLS MUST BE MADE BY PLAYERS, NOT PARENTS OR OTHER TEAM MEMBERS!

·  You must bring a doctor’s note or teacher’s note if you will be late or absent.

·  Lateness to practices or games (and the coach was not contacted) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Your time is our time, too! Don’t waste it.

·  If you are not fully dressed and prepared for a practice or game, you will be considered late and may incur a penalty for this.


All players and managers selected to the Varsity Team, who completes the entire season in good standing will be awarded a varsity letter. Note: ONLY Varsity players are eligible to letter.


·  The Lake Braddock team bench and immediate area, at home and away games, is for Varsity team members, coaches, and managers ONLY! Please advise family and friends to use the bleachers provided. There definitely will be no socializing during a game. You are expected to be “in the game” at all times.

·  Eating is prohibited on the bench during games.

·  Friends are prohibited from attending practices. Parents, however, are welcome.


School work and studies are the responsibility of each softball player. You are expected to maintain a proper perspective in achieving satisfactory grades. Poor grades and poor school conduct/attendance can effect your participation in game and practices, and consequently may have an adverse impact on the entire team. Player’s grades will be monitored by the faculty and coaching staff. Players are responsible for notifying the coaches of any drop in grades during the season, so we can remedy the situation with special help if required – we want to avoid any “surprises.”

All members of the Lake Braddock Softball Program are expected to strive for academic excellence! You must be eligible to participate according to the VHSL academic eligibility guidelines. Anyone receiving a ‘D’ or ‘F’ on an interim of report card WILL be subject to grade monitoring by the coaching staff and MAY be removed from team activities at the discretion of the coaching staff (e.g. games, etc.).

Please note that inappropriate conduct (including skipping school, suspension from school, insubordination, disrespecting teachers, etc.) may result in removal from the team, at the discretion of the coaching staff.


·  Fairfax County Public Schools’ policies will be strictly adhered to in instances of substance abuse – drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and weapons. Any member of the team who violates these policies will be immediately terminated from the team.

·  Any use of these controlled substances is detrimental to you as an individual. Our coaching staff is opposed to any and all use of these substances by any team members at any time!

·  All members of this team will sign the Athlete’s Pledge accepting and pledging their support regarding alcohol/drugs and tobacco use at any time.

·  Violation of these policies will result in the following actions: