Objective – Observe and summarize information about bacteria, protists, and fungi.
Bacteria, Protist, and Fungi Characteristics
It’s So Simple:Kingdom Monera (Bacteria)
Scientists put all living things into five kingdoms:Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.(We’ll look at Monera, Protista, and Fungi).Let’s look at Monerans.
Cell Structure
Moneran cells to not have a nucleus (brain).They are called prokaryotes, which means “before a nucleus.”They also don’t have any organelles (“little organs”) to help with life processes.They do have cell membranes and some of the also have cell walls.Some kinds of Monerans have chlorophyll, as well (this makes them producers).They also come in three shapes – round, rod, and spiral.
Number of Cells
Monerans are the simplest kinds of organisms.They have only one cell (single-celled organism).
Kinds of Movement
Some kinds of Monerans are able to move on their own.They use simple structures that look like whips.These are called flagella.Others cannot move.
Some Monerans are producers.Others are consumers.
It’s Still Pretty Simple:Kingdom Protista (Protozoan)
Cell Structure
Protozoans do have a nucleus and it’s surrounded by a nuclear membrane.They are called eukaryotes, which means “true nucleus.”They also have cell organelles that help the nucleus perform all the life processes.
Number of Cells
Most Protozoans are single-celled organisms.A few are made up of two or more cells.
Kinds of Movement
Some Protozoans do not move at all, but many of them are able to move.Some protists use psuedpods, or false feet.The cell in this type of protists is able to change its shape.It is able to extend some of the cytoplasm to make a fake foot or two.The feet are able to push or pull the cell along.
Other protists move using tiny, hair-like structures called cilia.The cilia are found on the outside of the cell.They are able to move very quickly back and forth, moving the protists along through water or another liquid.
Finally, some protists move using flagella.These are simple, whip-like structures that propel the protist through its environment.
Some protists are producers and have chloroplasts and chlorophyll.Others are consumers.
Any organism that has these specific characteristics is a Protista.If it doesn’t have these characteristics, it’s not a Protista.
For the Last Time, It’s Simple:Kingdom Fungi (Fungus)
Cell Structure
Fungi cells have a nucleus that is surrounded by a nuclear membrane.Like protists, they are called eukaryotes.Fungi have cell organelles that help the nucleus perform all life processes.
Number of Cells
Some fungi are single-celled organisms.Many of the members of this kingdom are many celled.
Kinds of Movement
Fungi can’t move on their own.
Fungi do not have any chlorophyll.They are unable to make their own food; therefore, they are not considered producers.They are not able to actually eat other organisms, either.Instead, fungi are able to absorb nutrients from any other organisms.Most fungi get their nutrition from dead or dying matter, so they are classified as saprophytes.
Any organism that has these specific characteristics is a Fungus.If it doesn’t have these characteristics, it’s not a Fungus.
Name ______
Bacteria, Protist, and Fungi Characteristics
Is it Moneran or Not?
I have recently found a new organism.I need to classify it.I think it should be classified as a Moneran.Look at the following characteristics and see if you agree with me.
1.When I see it in the microscope, I notice it is only one cell.Could this be a Moneran?
a. Yesb. No
2.When I look closely inside the cell, I notice there is no nucleus.I don’t notice any organelles inside the cell. Could this be a Moneran?
a. Yesb. No
3.This cell does not seem to be able to move.I do not notice any structures on or I the cell that would help it move.Could this be a Moneran?
a. Yesb. No
4. This cell has a cell wall and chlorophyll.It is able to use the Sun’s energy to make its own food.It does not have any cell structures that would allow it to use other organisms for food. Could this be a Moneran?
a. Yesb. No
5.Could this be a Moneran?
a. Yesb. No
Is it a Protist or Not?
Guess what?I have found some new organisms.I think they should be classified as either Moneran or Protist, but I’m not sure.Look at the following characteristics and see if you can decide which kingdom they should be in.
6. When I look at one of the organisms in the microscope, I notice a tiny nucleus inside the cell.A membrane surrounds the nucleus.
a. Moneranc. Could be either
b. Protist
7. When I look at the next organism, I notice it has more than one cell.I don’t see any tissues or organs, but the group of cells seems to be one organism, not a colony.
a. Moneranc. Could be either
b. Protist
8. This organism is moving.I notice that it is a single cell, with a flagellum.I cannot tell if this organism has a nucleus or not.
a. Moneranc. Could be either
b. Protist
9. This is a simple organism with chloroplasts in its cell.It makes its own food.
a. Moneranc. Could be either
b. Protist
10. This organism is most likely a…
a. moneran.c. could be either.
b. protist.
Is it Fungi or Not
Read each of the following statements.If the statement is true for a fungus, write “A”.If it is false, write “B.”.
11. _____ It may have many cells.12. _____ It has a cell membrane.
13. _____ It may have only one cell.
14. _____ It is a eukaryote.
15. _____ It is a producer.
16._____ It can move voluntarily.
17. _____ It is a saprophyte.
18. _____ It is a prokaryote.
19. _____ It has organelles.
20. _____ It has chlorophyll and can photosynthesize. / A. True
B. False
Bacteria, Protist, and Fungi Characteristics – Key
Is it Moneran or Not?
1.When I see it in the microscope, I notice it is only one cell.Could this be a Moneran?
a. Yesb. No
a. Yes (2 choices)
2.When I look closely inside the cell, I notice there is no nucleus.I don’t notice any organelles inside the cell. Could this be a Moneran?
a. Yesb. No
a. Yes (2 choices)
3.This cell does not seem to be able to move.I do not notice any structures on or I the cell that would help it move.Could this be a Moneran?
a. Yesb. No
a. Yes (2 choices)
4. This cell has a cell wall and chlorophyll.It is able to use the Sun’s energy to make its own food.It does not have any cell structures that would allow it to use other organisms for food. Could this be a Moneran?
a. Yesb. No
a. Yes (2 choices)
5.Could this be a Moneran?
a. Yesb. No
a. Yes (2 choices)
Is it a Protist or Not?
6. When I look at one of the organisms in the microscope, I notice a tiny nucleus inside the cell.A membrane surrounds the nucleus.
a. Moneranc. Could be either
b. Protist
b. Protist (3 choices)
7. When I look at the next organism, I notice it has more than one cell.I don’t see any tissues or organs, but the group of cells seems to be one organism, not a colony.
a. Moneranc. Could be either
b. Protist
b. Protist (3 choices)
8. This organism is moving.I notice that it is a single cell, with a flagellum.I cannot tell if this organism has a nucleus or not.
a. Moneranc. Could be either
b. Protist
c. Could be either (3 choices)
9. This is a simple organism with chloroplasts in its cell.It makes its own food.
a. Moneranc. Could be either
b. Protist
c. Could be either (3 choices)
10. This organism is most likely a…
a. moneran.c. could be either.
b. protist.
b. Protist (3 choices)
Is it Fungi or Not
Read each of the following statements.If the statement is true for a fungus, write “A”.If it is false, write “B.”.
All options are two choices.
11. A It may have many cells.
12. A It has a cell membrane.
13. A It may have only one cell.
14. A It is a eukaryote.
15. B It is a producer.
16.B It can move voluntarily.
17. A It is a saprophyte.
18. B It is a prokaryote.
19. A It has organelles.
20. B It has chlorophyll and can photosynthesize.
Bacteria, Protist, and Fungi Characteristics– Scoring Guide
19-20 – 418 – 3.5
17 – 3
15-16 – 2.5
13-14 – 2
11-12 – 1.5
9-10 – 1
1-8 – .5
0 – 0