


Review: Test 2-1

Chapter 2

Demographic Transition Model

For the following chart, plot the CDR, CBR, NIR, and overall population. Examples are on pages 57-59.

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4

The ______led to a burst of population growth in Stage 1.

What are two technological advances which brought countries into Stage 2?

What is the process which brought most countries into Stage 3?

What are three reasons why the birth rate returns to “low growth” in Stage 4?

Judging from Figure 2-21 (page 63), Cape Verde advanced to stage 2 in 1950. Looking at the CDR, CBR and NIR, what year before 1950 did Cape Verde almost advance to Stage 2 before falling back deep into Stage 1?

What is the ecumene?

Thomas Malthus

Thomas Malthus said that population grows ______, whereas food supply increases ______.

What is the pattern you see for the chart at the top of page 67 between people and food?

What are three criticisms of Malthus’ predictions?

Epidemiological Stages

List one sickness associated with each of the following epidemiological stages:





Stage 2 deals with the spread of a ______, which is a disease which occurs over a large area and affects a large percentage of the population.

What was the greatest example of a Stage 1 disease, and how did it affect Europe?

What has been the most lethal epidemic in recent years?

What Stage of the Demographic Transition model is most likely to have an outbreak of a Stage 1 or 2 epidemic? Why?

Chapter 3


emigrationimmigrationnet migration intervening obstacle

interregional migrationintraregional migrationvoluntary migration

forced migrationchain migrationquotascirculation

______Laws placing maximum limits on the number of people who may immigrate from a

country each year.

______Immigration to a region because members of the same family or culture previously

migrated there.

______The difference between the level of immigration and the level of emigration.

______Migration to a new location.

______Permanent movement undertaken by choice.

______Migration from a location.

______Permanent movement from one country to another.

______Permanent movement within one region of a country.

______Permanent movement compelled usually by cultural factors.

______Short term, repetitive, or cyclical movements that recur on a regular basis.

______An environmental or cultural barrier to migration.

What is an environmental push and pull factor?



What is an economic push and pull factor?



What is a cultural push and pull factor?



Who immigrates and why?

Briefly describe Wilbur Zelinsky’s theory of migration transition (Page 84). How does it relate to the Demographic Transition Model?

Briefly describe the origin of immigration to the US during the following periods.




Circle the correct answer

Most long distance migrants or immigrants are male/female

Most long distance migrants or immigrants are individuals/families

Most long distance migrants or immigrants are children/young adults/middle-aged parents/elderly

Most long distance migrants or immigrants are more/less likely to have an education than US citizens.

Describe the relationship between quotas and unauthorized immigration.

Read the definition of brain drain on page 92. How do you think brain drain affects countries in Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition model?

Key Issue 4 documents numerous cases of intraregional migration in the US and other countries. Describe one of these cases.