English I

2013-2014 – Mrs. Guthrie

Welcome to FHS! I am excited to have each of you in my class this year. I am looking forward to working with you in order to help you be the best English I student you can be! I have high expectations for you because I want you to be successful this year as well as throughout your high school career. We will be busy, but we will also do some fun things as well. Let’s have an awesome year! Thanks,

Vicki L. Guthrie

Conference Times: 1:20-2:05 and 2:10-2:55 M-F. My phone number here at the high school is 997-7551 ext. 1144. My email address is .

Supplies: For my class you will need the following supplies:

Composition book (supplied for you by FHS) This will be kept in the classroom and used daily

Small binder with the following dividers: Handouts (course overview, instruction sheets, etc.), Notes (notes taken during class), Daily Work (vocabulary, grammar, and more), Returned Work (graded daily work and tests), Writing (writing that is in progress)

Notebook paper (NOT college ruled)

Pens and pencils (no red ink or “light” colors that are difficult to read—stick with blue or black ink)

A box of tissues

You should have your supplies for class absolutely no later than 8/30/2013.

Late work policy: 1 day late=70, 2 days late=50, 3rd day=0 You must learn to be accountable by turning in your work when it is due.

Grading policy: The FHS English Department sets up grades based on multiples rather than percentages. The weights of the different categories of assignments are as follows: Daily=1x, Quizzes=2x, Major Tests/essays=3x, Projects=3x.

Retests: I do NOT allow students to retest or make test corrections to change a failing test grade. You must be responsible and learn to STUDY!

Tardies: Any student not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings is considered tardy.

Restroom: My students will be allowed 2 restroom passes per six weeks. If you have an emergency or a medical condition that requires more trips to the restroom, please notify the school nurse.


Be Prepared—Have your supplies with you every day!

Be Respectful—Use appropriate language and tone of voice with me as well as your fellow classmates (this includes not interrupting someone when they are speaking, raising your hand if you have a comment or question, etc.). This also includes taking proper care of school property. My tables are brand new this year, and I expect them to look as good at the end of the year as they do now. Do not write or carve on the tables or chairs, and do NOT put your chewing gum anywhere but the trashcan! Note: I should not have to say this, but my desk, chair and file cabinets are off limits to students at all times.

Be Honest—Anyone caught cheating (this includes plagiarism of an essay) will receive a zero for that assignment and will be required to serve lunch detention.