Trade Connect Application Form
The ACT Government’s Trade Connect grant program is designed to help Canberra based businesses and approved bodies with a range of export market development activities.
More information on Trade Connect is at the webpage
For assistance with the application process please contact Trade Connect on 13 2281.
Completed applications should be emailed to
A.Applicant Details
Organisation Name:Insert your Organisation Name here
Insert Australian Business Number here
ACT Office address:
Insert ACT office address here
Postal Address: Same as ACT office address
Insert your postal address here if diferent to ACT office address
Website address: (if applicable)
Insert website address (if applicable) here
Name of authorised contact person:
Insert the name of the authorised contact persons here
Job title:
Insert the job title of the authorised contact persons here
Contact telephone number:
Insert contact telephone number here
Email address:
Insert the email address of the authorised contact persons here
Business Profile and Operations
Provide a brief description of your company business profile and operations under the headings below.
Year established:Insert the year the business was established here
Number of employees (Full Time Equivalents):
Insert the number of employees the business has here
Annual income (AUD)$
Insert the business's annual income here
Export Markets Selling to or Targeting (including current or forecast export revenue)
Insert your business's annual turnover here and include current or forecast export revenue
Which industry sector do you operate in?
●GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601●13 2281●
Trade Connect Application Form – 27.10.2016
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Education/R&D Institution
Health/Sports Science
Space/Satellite/Spatial Sciences
Renewable Energy
Creative Industries
●GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601●13 2281●
Trade Connect Application Form – 27.10.2016
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B.Current Export Development Plan
Attach an Export Development Plan for the business with this application that describes;
- Core business activitiesand tradeable goods or services
- Competitive advantages in the market targeted in relation to this Trade Connect grant
- Key markets targeted and reasons
- Market entry method and development strategies, including risk considerations
- Intended future direction of your business and its exporting activities over the next five years, including prospective export revenue, job creation, capital investment, or pipeline measures such as becoming an accredited supplier/preferred tenderer, and qualitative outcomes
Advice and one type of export plan template are available at or by discussion with the Trade Connect team.
C.Proposed Export Market Development Activity
Describe details of your proposed activity under the headings below.
Activity title:Insert the title of the proposed funded activity here
Start: Insert start date here Finish: Insert finish date here
Insert the objectives of the proposed funded activity here
Description of activity (who, when, what, how and why?)
Insert details of the proposed funded activity here
Expected outcome (refer to measures referenced in your current Export Development Plan or Section B above):
Insert details of the expected outcome of the proposed funded activity here
If the activity is a market visit, insert planned names, dates and locations of meetings.
Proposed Budget
List reasonable costs directly associated with the proposed activity.In the case of market visits, oneperson will be supported (Economy class airfares only; Livingexpenses include accommodation, meals and in-market transport). Routine business expenses will not be considered as eligible expenses.
Expenditure type and brief description: / Expenditure amount (excluding GST)AUD$
1. Economy class airfares:
Number of people: Insert number of people here / 1. Insert spend amount here
2.Living expenses (including accommodation, meals and local transport):
Number of people: Insert number of people here
Number of days: Insert number of days here
(Note:The maximum reimbursement amount is $150pp per day for a maximum of 14 days – ie half of $300 per day) / 2. Insert spend amount here
3. Insert details of expenditure here / 3. Insert spend amount here
4. Insert details of expenditure here / 4. Insert spend amount here
Total Expenses / Insert total proposed spend here
Amount of Funding sought: (Amaximum of AUD$15,000 per year per applicant equal to 50% of eligible expenditure, capped at $7,500 per application)
AUD$ Insert total amount of funding sought here
Did you, or will you, also lodge an application with other grants programs (eg Austrade’s Export Market Development Grants scheme, for funding of the same proposed market development activity?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details:
Name of grant program: Insert name of grant program here
Amount applied/granted: Insert amount of addition grant funding here
Are you currently, or will you consider becoming, a member of the ACT Exporters’ Network? Further information on the ACT Exporters’ Network is available at
Yes No
If no, please provide reasons:Insert reasons here
Are you a past winner, current applicant of an ACT Chief Minister’s Export Award,or if successful will you consider applying for an ACT Chief Minister’s Export Award? Further information on the ACT Chief Minister’s Export Awards is at:
Yes No
If no, please provide reasons:Insert reasons here
Most recent certified Financial StatementsCurrent Export Development Plan
Other relevant supporting documents
Declaration by Authorised Person
I declare that I am authorised by the applicant organisation to submit this application and declaration on behalf of the applicant organisation.
I further declare that:
- I have read and understood the Guidelines for Applicants of the Trade Connect Program.
- I accept the terms and conditions of the Trade Connect Program.
- I understand and accept that the ACT Government may be required to liaise with other organisations, including Commonwealth Government Agencies, in relation to this application. I agree to the release of detailed information by these organisations to officers of the ACT Government.
- I understand and accept that should the application be successful, a formal agreement will need to be executed with the Australian Capital Territory prior to funding.
- I understand and accept that if the applicant is offered funding, non copmmercial-in-confidence details of the activity may be released by the ACT Government for the promotion of its programs or in meeting reporting requirements to the ACT Legislative Assembly.
- The information provided in this application, including attachments, is true and correct in all respects.
Name: / Date:
Insert your name here / Insert date here
Insert your signature here (scanned is acceptable)
To allow adequate time for processing and assessment, applications should be lodged at least 4 weeks before commencement of the proposed trade development activities.
Please email the completed and signed Application Form together with all required supporting documents to r lodgement.
●GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601●13 2281●
Trade Connect Application Form – 27.10.2016
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