ASSIGNMENT: All students during the course will make a fifteen-minute presentation to the entire group (usually on Fridays) about a favorite song. In addition, all students will turn in a 600-word (2 pages) written response that expresses the key points of the presentation. [Honors students will be the first presenters and will be required to expand their written response (personal response and analysis) by two pages.]

[The song must be “school appropriate”—no glorification of drugs or alcohol, or gratuitous use of bad language or sexuality.]

1.  Fri. 11/18—Newton Pervaiz, Tim Jiang, Josh Harlow

2.  Fri. 12/9—Olivia Sullivan, Gilad Cohen, Will Spier

3.  Wed. 12/14—Eliana Freeman, Cynthia Situ

4.  Fri. 12/16—Sophie Glik, Olivia Schutte, David Han

5.  Fri. 12/23—Hannah Ewing, Desi Norris, Jordan McAfee-Hahn

6.  Fri. 1/6—Victor Moisescu, Mitchel Wong, Sam Andres, Isabelle Parker

7.  Wed. 1/11—Giovanni Acevedo, Aaron Trachtman, Marissa Shocket

8.  Fri. 1/13—Jelisa Blandin, Robin Shuster, Evan Klein, Jake Abramson

9.  Wed. 1/18—Sam Caggiano, Dan Sahleanu, Juan Carpio

10.  Fri. 1/20 (final day of Term 2)—Lilian Castro, Isaac Rogers, Amanda Lau

ASSIGNMENT: All students during the course will make a fifteen-minute presentation to the entire group (usually on Fridays) about a favorite song. In addition, all students will turn in a 600-word (2 pages) written response that expresses the key points of the presentation. [Honors students will be the first presenters and will be required to expand their written response (personal response and analysis) by two pages.]

[The song must be “school appropriate”—no glorification of drugs or alcohol, or gratuitous use of bad language or sexuality.]

1.  Fri. 11/18—Newton Pervaiz, Tim Jiang, Josh Harlow

2.  Fri. 12/9—Olivia Sullivan, Gilad Cohen, Will Spier

3.  Wed. 12/14—Eliana Freeman, Cynthia Situ

4.  Fri. 12/16—Sophie Glik, Olivia Schutte, David Han

5.  Fri. 12/23—Hannah Ewing, Desi Norris, Jordan McAfee-Hahn

6.  Fri. 1/6—Victor Moisescu, Mitchel Wong, Sam Andres, Isabelle Parker

7.  Wed. 1/11—Giovanni Acevedo, Aaron Trachtman, Marissa Shocket

8.  Fri. 1/13—Jelisa Blandin, Robin Shuster, Evan Klein, Jake Abramson

9.  Wed. 1/18—Sam Caggiano, Dan Sahleanu, Juan Carpio

  1. Fri. 1/20 (final day of Term 2)—Lilian Castro, Isaac Rogers, Amanda Lau