Minutes of 4th Executive Committee Meeting

2016 – 2017 Season

22 June 2017 & 4 July 2017


Because of the lengthy agenda, the meeting was held in two parts – 22 June at Keswick Rugby club and 4 July at Penrith Rugby Club. The minutes record status of actions and other business details as of 4 July


1.1  Attendance

Tom Armstrong Chairman & Secretary,

Chris Lilley County League Secretary, Treasurer,

Guy Huxtable Preparation of the Junior Development Plan, Research into Child

Protection Requirements

Ian Lowrey Junior County Coaching Process & Junior Financial Management

Mike Lowrey Men`s & Women`s County Team Organiser, Junior County Coaching

1.2  Apologies

Mark Pearson Child Protection

Jonny Irving Marketing, Publicity & Communications Officer & Website

Management – Junior Inter County Teams for 2017/2018


2.1 Approval of Minutes

The minutes were approved as a true record of the meeting.

2.2 Status of Actions from the 29 March 2017 Meeting

1.  Actions carried over from the 15 June 2016 meeting

Section 2.2 Submit return to Charity Commission for year ending 30 June 20 2016 – Guy -Action complete

Section 4.1 Get the accounts for year end 30 June 2016 audited – Chris – Action complete

2.  Actions carried over from the 12 October 2016 meeting

E-1-16/17-12.3 Request for fees & subs from clubs - add the following to the note sent to clubs:

Workington Junior Squash Club & CSR Individual members – Chris - Action complete

3.  Actions carried over from the 25 January 2017 meeting

E-2-16/17-3 Steven Gill`s Complaint – a letter detailing investigation findings has been given to all involved with the exception of John Crichton and Gavin Stephenson. They will be given copies - Tom – Action complete

E-2-16/17-5.2 Junior IC Teams for 2017/2018 – contact the parents of our listed county team players to see if they want us to run teams in next season`s IC competition – and if they do , identify the teams we can field and enter them by the closing date of 31 July 2017 – Jonny – no action

E-2-16/17-5.2 Junior IC Procedures and Guidelines – if we decide to go ahead with Junior IC Teams, we must ensure that we have these in place and are communicated to parents and players – was reviewed in the 29 March 2017 meeting and a specific action agreed – see section 4 below.

E-2-16/17-10 Gavin`s Contract

- Contact Gavin to clarify some payments re mentoring county teams at IC weekends – Chris – no action

- Introduce that information into the contract – Guy – no action – waiting for Chris

- Provide Tom with an electronic copy of the revised contract when complete – Guy – no action – waiting for Chris

E-2-16/17-12.1 Financial: Payment of IMS & League Team Fees

Some clubs are slow in paying their subs & fees – they are to be reminded – Chris – Action complete

E-2-16/17-16.1 PSA Tournament

Check with Liam at Carlisle to see if Tom is correct in thinking that he as an idea to run a PSA tournament at the club – Mike – no action

4.  Actions raised during the 29 March 2017 meeting

E-3-16/17-2.1 Pay the £30 fee for Cumbria CVS Subscription – Guy – no action

E-3-16/17—3.1 Consultation Meeting with Clubs on 28 March 2017 – prepare and issue a summary - Guy – Action complete

E-3-16/17-3.2 Prepare draft procedures/guidelines for review by Exec Committee – for County Team Player Selection & Inter County Expenses for review by Exec Committee – Guy – Action complete – Refer to Section 6

E-3-16/17-4.1 Issue updated 2016/2017Management Accounts to Exec members – Chris – Action complete

E-3-16/17-4.2 Chamber of Commerce Grants

- We may be able to apply for funding for our County Coaches attending courses to get higher qualifications – to be followed up – Tom & Ian - Action complete - Refer to Section 9.2

- There may be clubs with paid employees that could take advantage of this – send information to all clubs and post on the website – Jonny – no action

E-3-16/17-5 Review Club Survey feedback to see if there is anything that needs to be incorporated into the Junior Plan or needing follow-up re other aspects of our organisation outside the junior operation – Guy – Action complete – there is nothing to include

E-3-16/17-6 Northern Cup income/expenditure management - there were some strong concerns about this – Alan Batchelor to be contacted – Guy – Action complete

E-3-16/17-7.1The Hazel Award – Press Coverage – Publish a report and photo in the local press – Jonny – not done – we have missed the timeline for this being meaningful Action closed

E-3-16/17-8 Organise the next meeting at Keswick - if suitable venue can be found – easy access, close and adequate car parking, private room – Guy – Action complete


3.1  Date, Venue, Time

Wednesday 6 September 2017, Penrith Rugby Club, 7-30pm.

This goes against our intention when we achieved CIO status, reported last season, to hold the AGM as close as is practical to the season it relates to, that is why we held last year`s meeting on 28 July. But, we found that was too close to the end of the season to allow us to get the annual reports prepared in time to issue with the AGM notification to the membership, which is a constitutional requirement, so a later date is required. Going for September misses out the July & August main holiday periods.

3.2  CIO Constitution requirement for the Meeting

We must:

Give 14 clear days` formal notice of the meeting to members

Present the Trustees Annual Report (Chairman`s Report) – issue with the notification

Present the Annual Statement of Accounts (Treasurer`s Report) – issue with the notification

Get the accounts audited

Give particulars of any resolution which is to be moved at the meeting – see 3.3 & 3.4

Follow the stated `Trustee retirement` requirement – that will be explained on the notification

3.3  Special Business from Committee – maybe the proposed new ES Membership & Affiliation Proposal

3.4  Special Business from the Membership – will be requested on the AGM notification

Action: Tom & Chris


4.1 Organisation Structure

All members wish to continue their services on the Executive Committee next season (2017/2018) in the areas of responsibility shown in the Appendix

Appendix - This is the temporary organisation structure (and associated responsibilities) that was set up on 2 April 2017 to cover David Henderson`s retirement from the organisation - to see us through the season and allow us to prepare for next season in an effective way. It is working well at present but may not be the best way of working long term and early next season (2017/2018) it will be reviewed to see if we wish to continue to work in this way or if changes need to be made on the basis of experience gained since its introduction. At that time we will know if we were able to recruit more volunteers for the Executive Committee at the AGM – if so this may change the whole structure.

4.2 CIO Trustees

When David retired he resigned his position as Trustee leaving 4 Trustees – Chris, Guy, Jonny, Tom.

The organisation can continue to operate effectively with that number of trustee and there is no constitutional requirement or pressing need to have more but existing trustees can appoint as many trustees as we wish so anyone interested in being considered for such an office in our organisation must apply to the Secretary (Tom). This was discussed with the non-trustee members of the committee – no decisions were made at the time for any of them to be made trustees...

E-4-16/17-5 NORTHERN CUP

Was held at Carlisle Squash Club very successfully on Sat & Sun, 1& 2 July 2017

Liam, Carlisle Head Coach, was Tournament Referee and general manager of the event over the weekend – he did an excellent job.

The following counties entered – Cumbria, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cheshire, Northumbria, Durham & Cleveland

Cumbria Teams were entered into all four categories of the competition

Feedback from competing counties was excellent – one note read “…. absolutely super weekend and excellently organised”.

Thanks to Exec members who organised the Cumbria Teams and helped on the day

Tom presented the trophy ceremony on both days – Alan Batchelor (Chairman Cheshire Squash) presented the trophies on Saturday and Ronnie Bell on Sunday

Thanks to the NWRF for giving us the opportunity for hosting the event

Thanks to Ronnie & Carlisle Committee for opening their lovely facilities for the event and making all visitors welcome.


6.1 Men & Women

We will be entering Men`s Over 50 & Over 65 Teams. We don`t think there will be enough support from the women players to enter a women`s team but will try – Action Mike.

6.2 Boys & Girls

- Junior Teams

After last season`s experiences with only one team being entered and then having to withdraw it (for well documented reasons), lengthy debate was held around the situation for next season. It was finally agreed that we will try again – there is already an outstanding action on this Ref Section 2.2 – Jonny & Gavin will progress it

- Inter County procedures – for team selection and county support for expenses

Draft procedures presented by Guy were reviewed and some changes were agreed. Final drafts will be prepared and issued to Exec members for approval – Action Guy

Once approved, they will be communicated to juniors and parents and posted on the website – Action Jonny & Gavin

6.3 ES Instructions for Team Entry

We are waiting for ES to send us the normal entry documentation – it will be sent to Tom who will forward it to Mike & Jonny – Action Tom

Team entries will be made when we decide which ones to field – closing date for entries is normally the end of July – Action Mike & Jonny


7.1 Junior Development Plan

After lengthy discussion & debate about the plan (that has been been issued to all clubs) it was agreed that under current circumstances we can and should progress all aspects of it.

Good progress is being made - we have had a very busy season that has included:

- The County Coach & Assistant Coach are already running the new ``academy approach`` to county

wide coaching:

- The County Coach is working with some individual clubs/schools and providing a coaching service where


- The County Coach is sounding out clubs not involved in the above work to see if help is required and what

kind of support/service we can give to them – he will feedback the information to the Exec to decide how

we can provide it...

- Special coaching and awareness initiatives open to county clubs have been held at Whitehaven (Gavin

Stephenson`s Summer Half Term Camp and at Carlisle (Carlisle Clubs Junior Challenge Series)

- ES/NWRF major initiatives have been assigned to the county – NWRF Northern Cup at Carlisle & Josh

Taylor`s ES NW Inspire Roadshow at Windscale (in September)

- Regular local coaching sessions with club coaches are being progressed at Penrith, Kendal, Carlisle,

Whitehaven and Windscale Clubs

- Junior County Closed Championships were held for boys & girls at all age groups.

- We are hoping to enter some teams in ES IC Champs (as above)

And for future seasons:

- We will be continually looking at what other local inter club initiatives we can introduce to help

junior development across the county

- We have agreed to work with Lancashire Squash in its new initiative – ref 7.2

7.2 Invitation from Lancashire

Tom had a discussion at the Northern Cup with Dave Surlock, Director Youth Development Lancashire Junior Squash. Dave invited Cumbria to join a new initiative to get more grassroots players involved in our sport in a similar way as the NC has done.

It involves:

“Getting Lancs Clubs involved with Cumbria Clubs.E.g. Lancaster, Preston Clubs with Carlisle and Kendal”

“Lancs will be putting training sessions and events at Lancaster University in the coming year

All members thought it a great idea and we should accept the invitation – Action Tom


Guy presented a list of child protection policies, guidance ad templates that England Squash has produced. We have to decide which of them we wish to adopt, or amend, to form our approach to child protection. He has taken the view that we simply don`t have the resources to adopt the wide range of policies that ES has, and that some of them don`t apply to us – we need to be selective with policies that we are confident that we will follow. The committee supports that stance.