Unknown Solids Lab Name: ______
Applied Chemistry Date: ______Period: _____
TITLE: Unknown Solids Lab Activity - Qualitative Analysis
In this lab activity, you and your lab partner will be investigating five solids, which are labeled A, B, C, D and E. You will observe their physical properties, and conduct liquid and heating tests. After completing the investigation, each person will be given an unknown containing any possible combination of the solids. Your unknown may contain two, three, four, or all five solids. You are responsible for determining which solids are present in your unknown.
1. Perform careful investigations and observations with your lab partner.
2. Maintain a record of your work in lab. A total of 4 observation sheets (one for each of the 3 tests and 1 for the unknown) must be completed during the experimental process.
3. Identify your unknown.
4. Organize your data in a table or chart so that you will be able to determine what solids are in your unknown. Your procedure must be clear and descriptive so that a student not familiar with the lab activity could follow your directions to identify the unknown.
5. Each person will write a lab report (word processed).
1. TYPED lab report must include the following:
Title (2 points)
Purpose (3 points)
Materials (5 points)
Procedure (10 points): A step-by-step procedure so that another individual could do the experiment based on your procedure.
Data (30 points): Construct a data table to include all of the test results for each of the 5 solids and for your unknown.
Conclusion (20 points): Correct identification of unknown (10 points). Write a paragraph where you identify the solids in your unknown mixture. Explain the reason for your identification (10 points).
2. Neatness, spelling and grammar (10 points).
3. Observation sheets for each test – a total of four sheets (20 points).
Ten (10) points will be taken off for each day late.
No labs will be accepted after one cycle from the due date!
Date: Period:
Unknown Solids Lab Grading Rubric
Category / Points Possible / Points EarnedTitle / 2
Purpose / 3
Materials / 5
Procedure / 10
Data / 30
Conclusion: Correct Identification / 10
Conclusion: Explanation / 10
Observation Sheet: Phys. Properties / 5
Observation Sheet: Heating Tests / 5
Observation Sheet: Liquid Tests / 5
Observation Sheet: Unknown / 5
Neatness / 5
Spelling/Grammar / 5
Subtotal / 100
Late Deduction (-10/day)
Extra Credit (up to 10 points)