Kerrville Police Department

Less–Lethal for First Responders

Lesson Plan

Subject: Less–Lethal for First Responders

Instructional Aids: 12-gauge less–lethal shotgun, 12-gauge bean bag rounds (drag stabilized & square bean bag), handouts, and marker board.

Reference Manual: The Training Academy – Technology & Tactics.

Specialty Impact Munitions

Published by: Defense Technology / Federal Laboratories – an Armor Holdings Company 2002.

Objective: Train Patrol Officers & Criminal Justice personnel in the minimum requirements needed to be certified in the use of specialty impact munitions at a patrol / first responder level.

This training program will be both classroom and practical.

Time required for the training is eight (8) hours: four (4) hours classroom and four (4) hours practical.

Instructor: Paul Gonzales

Enable Objective

1.  Introduction and Approaches to Specialty Impact Munitions (SIM’S) for first responders.

2. The Cause and Effect of SIM’S.

3.  The Deployment Considerations.

4. The Elements of a Physical Encounter and the SIM’s Force Continuum.

5.  The Munition Selection.

Criterion Objective

1. Upon completion of training, the student will have a basic understanding of the Patrol Officer’s / First Responders role in using SIM’S.

2.  In completing the program, the student will understand the Cause and Effect in using SIM’S.

3.  Know and understand the Deployment Considerations and be able to explain the reasons why they are necessary.

4.  Know and be able to explain the elements of a Physical Encounter, and how they relate to the SIM Force Continuum.

5.  Know and understand the importance of the Munition Selection based on the situation encountered.


A. As a First Responder and given certain situations, Like “suicide by cop”, this increases a first responder’s force options offering a better probability of a non-lethal outcome.

1.  Explain the Definition of Specialty Impact Munitions:

“An extended range impact weapon system.”

A.  Using SIM’S on situations such as “suicide by cop”, emotionally disturbed persons, perimeter control, temporarily incapacitating barricaded subjects, and civil disorders.

B.  By using SIM’S, it increases a first responder’s force options and a probability of a non-lethal outcome.

2.  Explain the Cause and Effect of using SIM’S:

A.  Psychological (Mental) Effects – In many cases the mental effects may far outweigh the physical effects.

1). Anxiety

2). Fear

3). Panic

B.  Physiological (Physical) Effects – SIM’S are used with the intent to cause pain, and at times sufficient blunt trauma to disorient or incapacitate an individual.

3.  Explain the Deployment Considerations:

A.  Distance – Plays a role on accuracy and energy makes shot placement an important consideration.

1). Distance equates to time

2). Close range engagements

3). Long-range engagements

B.  Factors Influencing Point of Aim

1). Clothing

2). Physical Stature, Condition, and Age

3). Immediate Surroundings

4). Impact Areas

5). Target Picture

4.  Explain the SIM Force Continuum:

A.  Elements of a Physical Encounter

1). Observation – Observe what you see

2). Evaluate / Analyze Professional Opinion – Fact

3). Response (Plan of Action)

5.  Explain the Munition Selection:

A.  Single Subject

1). Small Bore Munitions – 12 gauge SIM’S – High Energy Rounds

Date Prepared: May 28, 2005

Specialty Impact Munitions Test

Name:______Score: ______


1.  Specialty Impact Munitions means an extended range impact weapon system.

A. True B. False

2.  Which of the following is not a deployment consideration prior to using SIMS?

A.  Clothing

B.  Distance

C.  Physical Stature

D.  None

3.  Which of the following is not an element of a physical encounter?

A.  Observation

B.  Decision

C.  Evaluation

D.  Response

4.  Following exposure to SIM’s, a subject may exhibit all of the following psychological effects except?

A.  Anxiety

B.  Lethargy

C.  Fear

D.  Panic

5.  SIM’s may not be used for Punishment.

A. True B. False

6.  Communication of pending SIMs use is necessary to avoid sympathetic gunfire.

A. True B. False

7.  The three Psychological (Mental) Effects are:

______, ______, ______.

8.  The three elements of a Physical Encounter are:

______, ______, ______.

9.  Two examples of single subject munitions are:

______, ______.

10. Deadly force should be authorized when targeting the head.

A. True B. False