Ø  Introduction to Global Environmental Politics and Concerns

Ø  (Sociology, Geography, Basic Biology, Psychology, Demography)

Ø  Objectives:

o  Define Environment and identify concerns

o  Describe Environmental dilemmas

o  Understand division between wealthy and poor nations and degradation

o  Introduce Ozone and Green house gases

Ø  Activities

o  The Lorax (video)- Introduces environmental greed and consequences

o  Life boat ethics-who will survive? Group work-must decide carrying capacity of boat and relate to industrialized nations

o  Begin Global Summit

Ø  Lab #1

o  How to write a lab handout-expectations

o  Radish seeds and saline-Explore scientific method

Ø  Quiz testing basic knowledge from biology

Ø  Vocab words assigned to journal.

Ø  Journal entry #1 and #2 Articles of interest –ozone and green house gases

Ø  Videos on Ozone and Green house gases political Reflections (journal #3)

Ø  Unit 1

Ø  Introduction to the Rock Cycle and Plate tectonics

Ø  Environmental Geology

Ø  Chapters 16 and 17

Ø  Objectives:

o  Understand plate tectonics

o  Explain the rock cycle

o  Summarize Ecological and economic strategic minerals

o  Discuss effects of mining

o  Recognize hazards of volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis etc

o  Analyze global climate change

o  Explain jet streams, wind patterns, fronts, clouds and weather consequences

o  Comprehend el nino and la nina

Ø  Video Lecture series on rock cycle

Ø  Journal #4 vocabulary

Ø  Lab #2 Rock cycle

Ø  Video Lecture series Plate tectonics

Ø  Lab #3 Volcanoes and Mt Ranges

Ø  Quiz/ Test

Ø  Unit 2

Ø  Matter, Energy and Life-Biological Communities and Species Interactions

Ø  Chapters 3 and 4

Ø  Objectives:

o  Describe matter, atoms, molecules

o  Understand 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics

o  Know photosynthesis and respiration

o  Define species, population, community and ecosystem

o  Discuss food webs, chains and trophic levels

o  Compare and contrast biogeochemical cycles

o  Discuss resilience, diversity and stability

o  Explain succession

o  Distinguish inter specific and intra specific competion

Ø  Journal #5 and #6 2 separate articles on INTER specific competition and INTRA

Ø  Class discussion Gleason vs. Lovelock from textbook(choose a side and debate with class)

Ø  Lab#4

o  Biomagnification- Model for class.

Ø  Expect POP quizzes from Lecture

Ø  Lab #5 CO2 levels lab 1-6

Ø  Journal #7 Vocabulary

Ø  Test Unit 2

Ø  Unit 3

Ø  Biomes, Restoration, Management and Biodiversity

Ø  Chapters 4 and 13

Ø  Objectives:

o  Recognize characteristics of Aquatic and terrestrial biomes

o  Describe how humans disrupt biomes

o  Explain ecosystem management

o  Evaluate the pros and cons of restoration

o  Define biodiversity

o  Report total number of species on earth

o  Explain captive breeding and recovery programs

o  Observe Endangered Species Act

Ø  Lab #7 Shannon Weiner Index

o  Calculate the Index of biodiversity for a parking lot near our school

Ø  Journal #8 Vocabulary

Ø  Test Unit 3


Ø  Projected START OF 2ND 9 WEEKS

Ø  Unit 4

Ø  Population Dynamics

Ø  Chapters 6 and 7

Ø  Objectives:

o  Define exponential growth

o  Describe logistic growth and Thomas Malthus

o  Compare and contrast density dependent and independent limiting factors

o  Explain fecundity, birthrates, k-selected and r-selected

o  Evaluate family planning

o  Trace human population growth

Ø  Activities

o  Personal opinion journal #9“what is the world’s greatest problem?”

o  Journal #10 Watch (The People Bomb)-3 countries reflection

o  Watch (the dots video) 5 minutes illustrating exponential growth

o  Lab #8

o  Fish population simulation (tag and release method)

o  Library -Trace your countries population

Ø  Journal # 11 vocabulary

Ø  Test Unit 4

Ø  Unit 5

Ø  Environmental Health and Toxicology

Ø  Chapters 9 and 12

Ø  Objectives:

o  Define Health and disease and environmental factors

o  Identify infectious organisms and hazardous agents

o  Distinguish between toxic and hazardous chemicals

o  Compare and contrast chronic and acute toxicity

o  Evaluate environmental risks

Ø  Journal # 12 Vocabulary

Ø  Lab #9 HIV simulation

Ø  Unit 5 test

Ø  Unit 6

Ø  Food and Agriculture and Sustainable Land use

Ø  Chapters 11 and 14

Ø  Objectives:

o  Describe world food supplies

o  Explain nutritional requirements

o  Analyze genetic Engineering

o  Sketch soil pyramid

o  Differentiate erosion, Salinization, and water logging

o  Recognize potential for sustainable living

o  World Land use

o  Understand issues of forest in developed countries

Ø  Lab #10

o  Characteristics of soil- cations, ph, salinity -2days

o  Soil texture

o  Soil Layers

Ø  Journal #13

Ø  Homework chapter 11-12 -13 questions vocab quiz to follow

Ø  Project

o  Feed 100 people for a year on minimum land with only 7 different crops making diet nutritional

Ø  Test Unit 6

Ø  Note before Holiday break we are hoping to get through 13 journals entries at LEAST and 10 labs at most.

Ø  The first week after break we will review for midterm and work free response questions til January 15.

Ø  Starting January 21st

Ø  The next 3 units will be AIR- WATER- ENERGY

Depending on time, these units will vary. We will begin preparing for the AP test the end of March.

Ø  Unit 8

Ø  Air pollution

Ø  Objective:

o  Describe categories of sources of air pollution

o  Distinguish criteria vs. non criteria air pollutants

o  Analyze indoor air pollutants

o  Evaluate ozone in troposphere and stratosphere

o  Compare approaches to pollution control

o  Judge air quality around the world (historically)

Ø  Activities

o  Journal enty #14 China video: 1 page essays explaining source, solutions, and consequences of human behavior and global warming.

o  Lab

o  Air quality-CO, CO2, Hydrocarbons, and flow rate of our cars

o  Air pollution and Air planes

o  CO2 Simulation

Ø  Homework Ch 18 questions and quiz

Ø  Test Unit 8

Ø  Unit 9

Ø  Water and Water Pollution

Ø  Chapters 19 and 20

Ø  Objectives:

o  Summarize hydrolic cycle

o  Contrast volume and residence time of water

o  Define causes and consequences of water shortages

o  Debate water management

o  Define water pollution and sources

o  Discuss status of water quality

o  Suggest ways to protect groundwater

o  Judge the impact of legislation on water

Ø  Activities

o  Water wars-reading and questions and essays

Ø  Lab

o  Local water testing Chromium, chloride, hardness, copper, iron, ammonia, pH, nitrates, BOD and DO

o  Acid Rain

Ø  Homework question s chapter 19-20 vocab quiz to follow


Ø  Test Unit 9

Ø  Unit 10

Ø  Conventional and Sustainable Energy

Ø  Chapters 21 and 22

Ø  Objectives:

o  Summarize current energy sources

o  Compare U.S. consumption with other countries

o  Analyze resources and reserves for fossil fuels

o  Evaluate cost and benefits of coal, oil and natural gas

o  Discuss nuclear reactors

o  Understand passive and active energy systems

o  Explain hydropower, wind, and geothermal energy

o  Compare and contrast options for storing electrical energy

o  Define renewable and non renewable resources

Ø  Homework chapter questions 21-22 Quiz to follow

Ø  Project

o  Alternative energy source- establish cost, source, effectiveness, duration, and output (emissions etc)

Ø  Unit 11

Ø  Solid Waste Management and Recycling

Ø  Chapter 23

Ø  Objectives:

o  Identify components of U.S. waste

o  Explain dumps and landfills