From the Longwood University catalog:


The Modern Languages program offers courses in French, German, and Spanish. The major in Modern Languages requires a concentration in one of these three languages (30 or 33 hours beyond 202) and a second modern language (3 hours at the 202-level or above). No grade below C in the language of the concentration is accepted for graduation requirements for the major or minor in that language.

Students preparing to teach must take 33-36 semester hours of modern foreign language, including courses in advanced grammar and composition, conversation, culture and civilization, literature, applied linguistics, and methods. Students meeting endorsement requirements will be certified to teach a modern language at all levels from Pre-Kindergarten through twelfth grade. Second language endorsement requires 24 semester hours (at least 12 of which must be beyond intermediate level). Advanced placement reduces proportionately the number of hours required by the Commonwealth of Virginia for endorsement. Majors must have a 2.50 GPA, both cumulatively and in the major, prior to student teaching.

Modern Language majors are required to complete at least one regular semester in a Longwood-approved study abroad program. Students must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 to be eligible for study abroad. Longwood sponsors regular semester study abroad programs with the University of Salzburg in Austria, with Heidelberg College at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, with the VENUSA program in Merida, Venezuela, and with the Institute of Spanish Studies in Valencia, Spain. Longwood also offers regular semester abroad programs sponsored by the Council on International Educational Exchange at various universities in France. Summer programs are available in France, Spain, Venezuela, and with the University of the Antilles in Martinique.

Supporting courses are recommended in the other humanities. Greek, Latin, and Russian may be taken at Hampden-Sydney College.


The Department requires student outcomes assessment testing prior to graduation.



B. McRae Amoss, Ph.D., Professor of French
Wade Edwards, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of French
Francis X. Moore, III, Ph.D., Associate Professor of French

The French concentration of the Modern Language major requires the completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours in French beyond FREN 202 and the completion of a minimum of three credit hours of work in a second language at the 202-level or higher. Students are required to complete the equivalent of one semester study abroad in a Longwood-approved program, such as affiliate programs in France sponsored by the Council on International Educational Exchange.



Geoffrey C. Orth, Ph.D., Professor of German
John F. Reynolds, Ph.D., Professor of Modern Languages

The German concentration of the Modern Language major requires the completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours in German beyond GERM 202 and the completion of a minimum of three credit hours of work in a second language at the 202-level or higher. Students are required to complete the equivalent of one semester study abroad in a Longwood-approved program, such as the Longwood affiliate programs at the University of Salzburg and with Heidelberg College at the University of Heidelberg.



Ruth Budd, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Spanish
Lily Anne Goetz, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish
Guillermo Gray, M.A., Lecturer in Spanish
Laura Sánchez, M.A., Lecturer in Spanish
Javier Fernández, M.A., Lecturer in Spanish
Donna Brown, M.A., Lecturer in Spanish

The Spanish concentration of the Modern Language major requires the completion of a minimum of 33 credit hours of work beyond SPAN 202 and the completion of three credit hours of work in a second language at the 202-level or higher. Students are required to complete the equivalent of one semester study abroad in a Longwood-approved program, such as the affiliate program in Valencia, Spain at the Institute of Spanish Studies or with the VENUSA program in Merida, Venezuela.


A. General Education Core Requirements. 41 credits

See General Education Requirements

The Department requires PHIL 308, 315, or 316 for satisfaction of Goal 13.

B. Additional Degree Requirements. 6 credits

See Degree Requirements for Bachelor of Arts degree

C. Major Requirements.

Successful completion of Longwood-approved study abroad program
FREN 330 Civilization and Culture/3 credits
FREN 341 A Survey of French Literature I: The Middle Ages Through the Enlightenment/3 credits
FREN 342 Survey of French Literature II: Romanticism Through the New Novel/3 credits
FREN 401 Advanced Grammar/3 credits
FREN 402 Advanced Conversation and Phonetics/ 3 credits
One 400-level literature course/ 3 credits
FREN 461 Senior Seminar: Literature in Cultural/Historical Context/2 credits
FREN 490 Directed Study /1 credit (satisfies General Education Goal 15)
French electives numbered 300 and above/ 9 credits

Successful completion of Longwood-approved study abroad program
GERM 330 Civilization and Culture/3 credits
GERM 341 Survey of German Literature I: The Age of Goethe/3 credits
GERM 342 Survey of German Literature II: Realism to the Present/3 credits
GERM 401 Advanced Grammar and Composition/3 credits
GERM 402 Advanced Conversation and Phonetics/3 credits
One 400-level literature course/ 3 credits
GERM 461 Senior Seminar: Literature in Cultural/Historical Context/2 credits
GERM 490 Directed Study/ 1 credit (satisfies General Education Goal 15)
German electives numbered 300 and above/ 9 credits

Successful completion of Longwood-approved study abroad program
SPAN 320 Advanced Spanish/3 credits
SPAN 330 Spanish Civilization and Culture/3 credits
SPAN 331 Latin American Civilization and Culture/3 credits
SPAN 341 Survey of Spanish Literature I: Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque/3 credits
SPAN 342 Survey of Spanish Literature II: Neoclassicism to the Present/ 3 credits or
SPAN 351 Survey of Spanish American Literature I: The Age of Discovery and the Colonial Period/3 credits
SPAN 352 Survey of Spanish American Literature II: The Era of Independence to the
Present/3 credits
SPAN 401 Advanced Grammar and Composition/3 credits
SPAN 402 Advanced Conversation and Phonetics/3 credits
One 400-level literature course/ 3 credits
SPAN 461 Senior Seminar: Literature in Cultural/Historical Context/2 credits
SPAN 490 Directed Study/ 1 credit (satisfies General Education Goal 15)
Spanish electives numbered 300 and above/ 3 credits

D. PreK-12 Teaching Endorsement. 37-40 credits.

(Students will have three field experiences - EDUC 265, 370, and FREN/GERM/SPAN 482. In accordance with state licensure regulations, these experiences must include settings at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels. Each student must make appropriate arrangements with Coordinator of Student Teaching and Field Services in the Department of Education to ensure that this requirement is met.)

FREN 320 Advanced French/3 credits
FREN 400 Approaches to Teaching French/3 credits
EDUC 245 Human Growth and Development/3 credits
EDUC 260 Introduction to Teaching/2 credits
EDUC 265 Education Practicum I/3 credits
EDUC 370 Practicum II/3 credit
EDUC 380 Classroom Assessment/2 credits
EDUC 430 Reading in Content Area/2 credits
EDUC 484 Media and Technology/1 credit
EDUC 487 Classroom Management and System Issues/3 credits
EDUC 489 Survey of Exceptional Children/3 credits
Professional Semester:
FREN 482 Directed Teaching in the Elementary and Secondary French Classroom/11 credits
EDUC 488 Education Seminar/1 credit

GERM 320 Advanced German/3 credits
GERM 400 Approaches to Teaching German/3 credits
EDUC 245 Human Growth and Development/3 credits
EDUC 260 Introduction to Teaching/2 credits
EDUC 265 Education Practicum I/3 credits
EDUC 370 Practicum II/3 credits
EDUC 380 Classroom Assessment/2 credits
EDUC 430 Reading in the Content Area/2 credits
EDUC 484 Media and Technology/1 credit
EDUC 487 Classroom Management and System Issues/3 credits
EDUC 489 Survey of Exceptional Children/3 credits

Professional semester:
GERM 482 Directed Teaching in the Elementary and Secondary German Classroom/11 credits
EDUC 488 Education Seminar/1 credit

SPAN 400 Approaches to Teaching Spanish/3 credits
EDUC 245 Human Growth and Development/3 credits
EDUC 260 Introduction to the Teaching Profession/2 credits
EDUC 265 Education Practicum I/3 credits
EDUC 370 Practicum II/3 credits
EDUC 380 Classroom Assessment/2 credits
EDUC 430 Reading in the Content Area/2 credits
EDUC 484 Media and Technology/1 credit
EDUC 487 Classroom Management and System Issues/3 credits
EDUC 489 Survey of Exceptional Children/3 credits

Professional semester:
SPAN 482 Directed Teaching in the Elementary and Secondary Spanish Classroom/11
EDUC 488 Education Seminar/1 credit

E. General Electives for B.A. degree - 41-44 credits

General Electives for B.A. Degree with N,K-12 Teaching Endorsement - 4

F. Total Credits Required for B.A. in Modern Languages - 120


The minor in French, German, or Spanish requires 18 hours of concentration at the 200 level or above, to include:

French Minor
FREN 330 Civilization and Culture/3 credits
FREN 341 Survey of French Literature I: The Middle Ages Through the Enlightenment/3 credits or
FREN 342 Survey of French Literature II: Romanticism Through the New Novel/3 credits
French Electives/12 credits

German Minor
GERM 330 Civilization and Culture/3 credits
GERM 341 Survey of German Literature I: The Age of Goethe/3 credits or
GERM 342 Survey of German Literature II: Realism to the Present/3 credits
German Electives/12 credits

Spanish Minor
SPAN 330 Spanish Civilization and Culture/3 credits
SPAN 331 Latin American Civilization and Culture/3 credits

Choose one of the following:

SPAN 341 Survey of Spanish Literature I: Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque/3 credits
SPAN 342 Survey of Spanish Literature II: Neoclassicism to the Present/3 credits

Choose one of the following:

SPAN 351 Survey of Spanish American Literature I: The Age of Discovery and the Colonial Period/3 credits
SPAN 352 Survey of Spanish American Literature II: The Era of Independence to the Present/3 credits

Spanish Electives/6 credits


General Education Course *

Writing Intensive Course **

Speaking Intensive Course ***

NOTE: FREN 101-202 constitute a sequence of courses. A student who has successfully completed a course in the sequence may not subsequently receive credit for any course that comes earlier in the sequence. A student who has successfully completed a course numbered 300 or higher may not take a 100 or 200 level course for credit. Students who have successfully completed more than two years of high-school French may not take FREN 101 for credit.

FRENCH 101. Elementary I. Development of basic oral expression, listening and reading comprehension, and writing. Prerequisite: No previous formal instruction in French, or a limited amount of previous formal instruction in French. Followed by FREN 102. Three classes, one practical reinforcement session, and language lab work; 4 credits.

FRENCH 102. Elementary II. The skills of speaking, listening and reading comprehension, and writing are further developed. Prerequisite: FREN 101 or an appropriate placement test score. Followed by FREN 201. Three classes, one practical reinforcement session and language lab work; 4 credits.

FRENCH 201. Intermediate I. A course designed to help students develop skills in speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing in French, and apply these skills in a context that recognizes and explores the particularities of French and Francophone culture. Prerequisite: FREN 102 or an appropriate placement test score. Followed by FREN 202. 3 credits.*

FRENCH 202. Intermediate II. Students will continue to develop the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing at a higher level, integrating a wide variety of topics and materials from the target culture. Prerequisite: FREN 201 or appropriate placement test score. Successful completion of this course satisfies the foreign language requirement for the B.A. degree and is prerequisite for upper-level courses. 3 credits.

FRENCH 292. Internship in French. A semester-long, on-the-job learning experience designed to apply the principles of French. 1-18 credits.

FRENCH 295. Special Topics. Selected topics in French. The topics will vary from semester to semester. Descriptions will be available from academic advisors. May be repeated for credit when topics change. Prerequisite FREN 202. 1-3 credits. Does not satisfy requirement for B.A. degree.

FRENCH 311, 312. French Studies Abroad. Primarily intended for transfer of credit earned abroad in courses on French language, civilization, or culture. 1-16 credits per semester.

FRENCH 320. Advanced French. Development of increased proficiency in all linguistic skills and a more extensive acquaintance with French and Francophone culture. This course will prepare students for more advanced culture and literature courses, but will also prepare students to use French to communicate effectively and to function in a foreign community. Prerequisite: FREN 202 or appropriate placement test score. Successful completion of this course is recommended before students take upper-level courses. 3 credits.

FRENCH 330. Civilization and Culture. A study of French civilization and culture with emphasis on social institutions of the current century. Prerequisite: FREN 202. 3 credits. ***

FRENCH 341. A Survey of French Literature I: The Middle Ages Through the Enlightenment. A study of representative works and literary movements in French literature from the Middle Ages through the Enlightenment. Students will learn to use the methods and language of literary analysis. Prerequisite: FREN 202 or equivalent. 3 credits. *

FRENCH 342. Survey of French Literature II. Romanticism Through the New Novel. A study of representative works and literary movements in French literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Students will learn to use the methods and language of literary analysis. Prerequisite: FREN 202 or equivalent. 3 credits. *

FRENCH 390. Directed or Independent Study. Must be approved by the head of the department. May be repeated as 391. 1-18 credits.

FRENCH 392. Internship in French. A semester-long, on-the-job learning experience designed to apply the principles of French. 1-18 credits.

FRENCH 400. Approaches to Teaching French. A study of theories of second language acquisition and their application to the teaching of languages in a communicative, interactive approach at the primary, middle, and secondary levels. Attention will be given to the teaching and testing of listening, reading, writing, speaking, and cultural understanding. Students will develop lesson plans, engage in peer-teaching, and integrate technology into teaching. Students should take this course in the semester prior to student teaching. 3 credits.

FRENCH 401. Advanced Grammar and Composition. Syntax and grammar through written work. Prerequisite: FREN 202 or equivalent. 3 credits. **

FRENCH 402. Advanced Conversation and Phonetics. Theory and practice in the spoken language. Current techniques and their uses in attaining mastery of oral French. Prerequisite: FREN 202 or equivalent. 3 credits. ***