The President Shall:
- Be elected by the membership as a voting member of the Board of Directors
- Be a PSPA / AAPA member in good standing
- Serve as chief of operations for the organization
- Serve as Chief Delegate to the AAPA House or Delegates or appoints a designee
- Provide leadership in setting and meeting the Society’s goals in the most expeditious manner
- Keep abreast of changes or needs for change within the Society
- Prepare and submit a “President’s Message” for each edition of the PSPA NEWS
- Prepare and present an annual report of the activities of the Society and its Board of Directors for the annual general membership meeting
- Mentor the President Elect
- Keep the membership informed of important information and programs
- With the Board Administrator, insure all requested AAP paperwork is submitted in a timely manner
- Represent the PSPA to outside organizations and the media
- Execute bonds, mortgages, and other documents requiring a seal under the seal of the corporation
The President shall:
- Coordinate the agenda for all Board of Director Meetings
- Preside over all business meetings of the PSPA and its Board of Directors
- Recommend appropriate policies for consideration by the Board of Directors
- See that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect, subject to the right of the Board of Directors to delegate any specific powers
- Fully and accurately inform the Board of Directors of all activities and situations requiring action within the Society
- Delegate responsibility for all Executive functions
- Submit in writing any resolution recommendations for the AAPA House of Delegates to the Board of Directors at the meeting closest to the AAPA annual conference
The President Shall:
- Appoint all standing committees and chairpersons with the approval of the Board of Directors
- Serve as an ex-officio member of all PSPA committee
- Assign ad-hoc committees and their chairpersons with the approval of the Board of Directors
- Assign charges to the committees to accomplish the goals as set by the Board of Directors
The President Shall:
- Miss no more than one Board of Directors meeting per year
- Attend applicable AAPA Meetings
- Attend any strategic planning sessions of the Society

This position requires approximately 20-25 hours per month to fulfill its duties
Revised 4/5/08


A Delegate to the AAPA House of Delegates shall:
- Be a PSPA and AAPA member in good standing.
- Be elected by the fellow members of PSPA.
- Represent the interests of Pennsylvania’s PAs to the AAPA House of Delegates
- Review all proposed resolutions prior to the House of Delegates
- Present those resolutions deemed controversial to the Board of Directors to determine

the position of PSPA
- Represent the official position of the PSPA to the House of Delegates as determined

by the Board of Directors
- Inform the membership of the actions of the House of Delegates via newsletter articles

or other appropriate means
- Estimated time needed to fulfill the duties of this position is 1-2 hours per month with

increased time during the months preceding the meeting of the House of Delegates.
A Delegate to the AAPA House of Delegates shall:
- Attend the PSPA Board of Directors meeting immediately prior to the meeting of the

House of Delegates if resolutions will be discussed
- Attend the full House of Delegates meeting, including the reference committee

hearings unless excused by the Chief Delegate
Approved 6/30/01; Revised 9/30/08


A Director At Large shall:

- Be elected by the membership as a voting member of the Board of Directors

- Be a PSPA / AAPA member in good standing

- Be familiar with and adhere to the duties of the Board of Directors as a whole

A Director At Large shall:

-Review all information presented for discussion at the Board of Directors meeting prior to the meeting and come adequately prepared to discuss those items

As a group, the Board of Directors shall:

- Fill vacancies in the positions of the Board between elections of the Society

- Impose such charges, dues, and assessments as deemed advisable for furthering the Society’s objectives

- Determine who is authorized to sign bills, receipts, endorsements, checks, releases, contracts, and documents on the Society’s behalf

- Approve actions and expenditures while always securing the fiscal solvency for the Society

- Hire, oversee, and remove when necessary all employees and /or those providing professional services for the Society

- Be certain that the organization is fulfilling all aspects of its not-for-profit status and tax-exempt status

- Monitor the activities of the Board of Directors to ensure it does not overstep its authority

- Approve resolutions to the AAPA House of Delegates on behalf of the Society

- Determine and notify the delegates to the AAPA House of Delegates as to the official position of the Society

- Be familiar with the Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures of the Society

- Be certain that polices are clearly identified and are enforced by the Board as a while rather than a small group of individuals

- Be familiar with the minutes of the Board of Directors meetings

- Be familiar with the publications of the Society

- Be familiar with the budget and financial situation of the Society

- Monitor the community and professional image of the Society

- Avoid the substance or appearance of conflicts of interest

A Director At Large shall:

- Act as a Board Advisor to those committees assigned by the President

- Be familiar with the minutes of the committees for which he or she acts as Board Advisor

- Oversee that each committee under his or her supervision meets the goals as outlined in the Society’s Action Plan

- Encourage all committees under his or her supervision to submit a report two weeks prior to each Board of Directors meeting

A Director At large shall:

- Miss no more than one Board of Directors meeting per year

- Attend meetings of those committees for which he or she acts as a Board Advisor

- Attend any strategic planning sessions of the Society

This position requires approximately 10-15 hours per month to fulfill its duties

Revised 4/5/08


A Student Director At Large shall:

- Be elected by the student membership as voting members of the Board of Directors

- Be a PSPA / AAPA member in good standing

- Be familiar with and adhere to the duties of the Board of Directors as a whole

- Promote student membership in the Society to students in the state’s PA programs

- Facilitate student involvement in all aspects of the Society

A Student Director At Large shall:

- Serve as a liaison between the Board of Directors and the student members of the Society

- Represent student views to the Board of Directors

- Review all information presented for discussion at the Board of Directors meeting prior to the meeting and come adequately prepared to discuss those items

- Recommend appropriate policies for consideration by the Board of Directors

A Student Director At Large shall:

- Act as a Board Advisor to the Student Affairs Division of the Society

- Be familiar with the minutes of those committees for which he or she acts as Board Advisor

- Oversee that each committee under his or her supervision meets the goals as outlined in the Society’s Action Plan

- Encourage all committees under his or her supervision to submit a report two weeks prior to each Board of Directors meeting

A Student Director At Large shall:

- Miss no more than one Board of Directors meeting per year

- Attend meetings of those committees for which he or she acts as a Board Advisor

- Attend any strategic planning sessions of the Society

- Attend applicable AAPA meetings

- Outgoing Student Directors shall meet with newly elected Student Directors at the first Board Meeting for the incoming Student Directors

This position requires approximately 10 hours per month to fulfill its duties

Revised 4/5/08