36. A patient has mild chills and fever for a few hours. He also has absence of sweating, and nasal congestion. His tongue coating is thin and white with moisture. Which of the herb is the best?

A. Ju Hua(Flos chrysanthemi morifolii) and Du Huo (Radix Angelicae Pubescentis)

D. Ge Gen (Radix Puerariae) and Sang Ye(Folium mori albae)

C. Jin Yin Hua(Flos lonicerae japonicae) and Dan dou Chi(Semen Sojae Praeparatum)

D. Dan dou Chi(Semen Sojae Praeparatum) and Cong Bai(Bulbus Allii Fistulosi)

37. Which of the following herb can expel wind heat, relive cough, clear the liver and the eyes?

A. Ju Hua(Flos chrysanthemi morifolii)

B. Ye Ju Hua(flos Chrysanthemi Indici)

C. Jin Yin Hua(Flos lonicerae japonicae)

D. Sang Ye(Folium mori albae)

38. Which of the following condition is the best indication of Man Jing Zi(Fructus viticis)?

A. Headache due to liver wind

B. Headache due to stomach heat

C. Headache due to the lung heat

D. Headache due to kidney deficincy

39. Which of the following taste and property of herbs is the best to treat irregular menstruation and cold pain in low abdomem due to blood stasis caused by cold stagnation?

A. Acrid and cold

B. Acrid and warm

C. Sweet and warm

D. Salt and cold

40. Which of the following combination ofDa Huang(Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) and Mang Xiao(Mirabilitum) does they belong to?

A.Mutual incompatible(Xiang Fan)

B. Mutual suppression(Xiang Sha)

C. Mutual accentuation(Xiang Xu)

D. Mutual enhancement(Xiang Shi)

41. Which of the following herb has the both function of promoting sweat, expelling exterior syndrome and promoting urination, releasing edema?

A. Ma Huang(Herba ephedra),Fu Ping(Herba spirodelae)

B. Gao Ben(Rhizoma et radix ligustic), Xiang Ru(Herba elsholtziae seu moslae)

C.Jing Jie(Herbs seu flos schizonepetae tenuifoliae), Fang Feng(Redix ledebouriella


D. Zi Su Ye(Folium Perillae), Xiang Ru(Herba elsholtziae seu moslae)

42. Which of the following herb combination is the best for palpitation, knotted, intermittent pulse due to injuried heart Yang?

A. Gui Zhi(Ramulus cinnamomi cassiae) and Bai Shao(Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae)

B. Gui Zhi(Ramulus cinnamomi cassiae) and Zhi Gan Cao(honey-fried Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis)

C. Gui Zhi(Ramulus cinnamomi cassiae) and Fu Zi(Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata)

D. Gui Zhi(Ramulus cinnamomi cassiae) and Fu Ling(Sclerotium poria cocos)

43. Which of the herb is the best for clearing wind heat and sores caused by heat and toxin?

A. Huang Lian(rhizoma coptidis)

B. Niu Huang(Calculus bovis)

C. Sang Ye(Folium mori albae)

D. Jin Yin Hua(Flos lonicerae japonicae)

44. Which of the following herbis contraindicated for patient has glaucoma?

A.Xia Ku Cao(Spica prunella vulgaris)

B. Ju Hua(Flos chrysanthemi morifolii)

C. Qing Xiang Zi(Semen celosiae)

D.Jin Yin Hua(Flos lonicerae japonicae)

45. A patient has poisoning due to Ban Xia(pinellia ternatae). Which of the following is the best for detoxification?

A. Gan Cao(Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis)

B. Lu Dou(Semen Phaseoli Radiati)

C. Jin Yin Hua(Flos lonicerae japonicae)

D. Sheng Jiang(Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens)

46. Which of the following herb is the most commonly used for post partum fever?

A. Qing Hao(artemeisia apiacea)

B. Bai Wei(Radix Cynanchi Baiwei)

C. Hu Huang Lian(Rhizoma picrorrhizae)

D. Mu Dan Pi(Cortex Moutan Radicis)

47. Which of the following herb is the best used for Bi Syndrome due to wind and heat dampness?

A. Sang Ji Sheng(Ramus Loranthi seu visci)

B. Du Huo(Radix Angelicae Pubescentis)

C. Wei Ling Xian(clematis chinensis)

D.Han Fang Ji (Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae)

48. Which of the following herb has the action of drying dampness, transforming spleen, promoting sweat and relieving exterior syndrome?

A. Bai Zhu(Rhizoma Atractylodis)

B. Cang zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis)

C. Xiang Ru(Herba elsholtziae seu moslae)

D. Huo Xiang(herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi)

49.Which of the following herb that not only kill round worm and pin worm, also treat children’s malnutrition?

A. Ku Lian Gen Pi(Cortex meliae radixcis)

B. Bing Lang(Semen arecae catechu)

C. Lei Wan(Sclerotium omphaliae)

D.Shi Jun Zi(Fructus quisqualis indicae)

50. Which of the following herb has the action of warming the mildle Jiao, stopping bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea?

A.Ai Ye (Folium Artemisiae Argyi)

B.Gan Jiang(Rhizoma Zingiberis)

C. Zhao Xin Tu(Terra Flava Usta)

D. Pao Jiang(Quik-fried Rhizoma Zingiberis)

51. Which of the following is the purpose of the Yan Hu Suo(Corydalis Yanhusuo) prepared with vinegar?

A. To increase the action of removing blood stasis

B. To increase the action of regulating Qi

C. To increase the action of stopping pain

D. To decrease bitter taste of the herb

52. Which of the following is the same action of Shi Chang Pu(Rhizoma Acori Graminei) and Yuan Zhi(Radix polygalae tenuifoliae)?

A. To open orifice and calm mind

B. To eliminate dampness and harmonize stomach

C. To norish heart and calm spirit

D. To Eliminate phlegm and stop cough

53. Which of the following herb is used with caution when a patient has viscous sputum that is difficulty to experate?

A. Su Zi(perilla frutescens)

B. Bai Guo(Semen Ginkgo Bilobae)

C. Ting Li Zi(lepidium apetalum)

D. Qian Hu(Radix peucedani)

54. Which of the following herb that invigorates the blood has action of reducing swelling and generating flesh?

A. Mu Yao(Myrrha) and Ru Xiang(Gummi Olibanum)

B. E Zhu(Rhizoma curcumae) and San Leng(Rhizoma sparganii)

C. Xue Jie(Sanguis Draconis) and Er Cha(Pasta Acaciae seu Ucariae)

D. Bai Zhi (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae),Dan Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae)

55. Which of the following herb has the action of tonifying blood, moistening intestines and teating malarial disorder?

A. Shu Di Huang(Radix rehmanniae glutinosae conquitae)

B. Bai Shao(Radix paeoniae lactiflorae)

C.Dang Gui(Radix angelicae sinensis)

D. He Shou Wu(radix polygoni multiflori)

56. Which of the following herb has the action of containing the leakage of lung Qi, stopping diarrhea, inhibiting sweating and blinding up essence?

A. Wu Wei Zi(Fructus schisandrae chinensis)

B. Fu Xiao Mai(Semen tritici aestivi levis)

C. He Zi(Fructus terminaliae chebulae)

D. Shi Liu Pi(Pericarpium punicae granati)

57. Which of the following herb has the action of absorbing acid and alleviating pain, invigorating the blood, dissolving phlegm and dissipating nodules?

A. Long Gu(Os draconis)

B. Mu Li(Concha ostreae)

C. Wa Leng Zi(Cincha Arcae)

D. Chi Shi Zhi(Halloysitum Rubrum)

58. Which of the following function does the Dan Dou Chi(Semen sojae praeparatum) have?

A. Clearing heat and detoxifing fire

B. Releasing the exterior, and alleviating irritability

C. Releaving cough, and expeling wind heat

D. Clearing heat and pacifing liver winf

59. Which of the following herb that expels exterior syndrome also can alleviate diarrhea and relaxe the spasm?

A. Bai Shao(Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae)

B. Ju Hua(Flos chrysanthemi morifolii)

C. Du Huo (Radix Angelicae Pubescentis)

D. Ge Gen (Radix Puerariae)

60. Which of the following herb that relieases exterior syndrome does it enters the liver and gall bladder channels?

A.Sang Ye(Folium mori albae)

B. Gui Zhi((Ramulus cinnamomi cassiae)

C. Chai Hu(Radix Bupleuri)

D. Ju Hua(Flos chrysanthemi morifolii)

61. Which of the following herb can release exterior syndrome and soothe liver Qi?

A. Chai Hu(Radix Bupleuri)

B. Sang Ye(Folium mori albae)

C. Ju Hua(Flos chrysanthemi morifolii)

D. Fang Feng(Redix ledebouriella divaricatae)

62. Which of the following herb is the most likely combined with Chai Hu(Radix Bupleuri) for soothing liver?

A. Ju Hua(Flos chrysanthemi morifolii)

B. Bai Shao(Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae)

C. Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis)

D. Ge Gen(Radix Puerariae)

63. A patient has diarrhea due to spleen qi deficiency. He also has toothache. Which of the following herb is the best?

A. Chai Hu(Radix Bupleuri)

B. Fang Feng(Redix ledebouriella divaricatae)

C. Ge Gen (Radix Puerariae)

D. Sheng Ma(Rhizoma Cimicifugae)

64. A patient has high fever without chills, thirst, profuse sweating, yellow tongue coating. Which of the following herb is the best?

A. Yin Chen Hao(Herba artemisiaeyinchenhao)

B. Shi Gao(Gypsum)

C. Da Huang(Radix et Rhizoma Rhei)

D.Zhi Shi(Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii)

65. Which of the following herb can clear heat, quell fire, nourish Yin and drain heat in the lower Jiao?

A.Shi Gao(Gypsum)

B.Zhi Shi(Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii)

C. Zhi Mu (Rhizome anemarrhenae)

D. Huang Bai(Cotex Phellodendri)

66. Which of the following herb is the best herb for draining damp heat in Three Jiao?

A. Zhi Zi(Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis)

B. Huang Bai(Cotex Phellodendri)

C. Huang Lian(rhizoma coptidis)

D. Huang Qin(Radix scutellariae baicalensis)

67. Which of the following herb is the most likely combined with Dan Dou Chi(Semen sojae praeparatum) for irritability?

A. Dan Zhu Ye(Herba loptatheri gracilis)

B. Zhi Zi(Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis)

C. Huang Bai(Cotex Phellodendri)

D. Lian Xin(nelumbinis nuciferae)

68. A patient has red, painful eyes due to liver fire. He also has goiter due to phlegm fire. Which of the following herb is the best?

A. Long Dan Cao (Radix Gentianae longdancao)

B. Chai Hu(Radix Bupleuri)

C. Xia Ku Cao(Spica prunella vulgaris)

D. Huang Qin(Radix Scutellariae)

69.A patient has cough with yellow and thick sputum due to heat in the lungs. Which of the following herb is the best?

A. Dan Zhu Ye(Herba loptatheri gracilis)

B. Shi Gao(Gypsum)

C. Jin Yin Hua(Flos lonicerae japonicae)

D. Lu Gen(Rhizoma phragmitis communis)

70. What is the function of Jue Ming Zi(Semen cassiae)?

A. Clearing heat in the lungs and stomach, promoting urination and generating fluids

B. Quelling the heart fire, cooling the blood

C. Clearing the liver heat and benefiting the eyes, lubricating the intestine and moving stool

D. Clearing the heat and expelling the jaundice, descending the lungs Qi

71. A patient has bleeding under skin due to heat in the blood level. Which of the following herb is the most recommended to replace of Xi Jiao(cornu rhinceri)?

A. Sheng Di Huang(Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae)

B.Shui Niu Jiao(cornu bubali)

C. Bai Yao(Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae)

D. Mu Dan Pi(Cortex Moutan Radicis)

72. Which of the following herb has the strongest function of tonifing blood?

A. Sheng Di Huang(Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae)

B. Mu Dan Pi(Cortex Moutan Radicis)

C.Xuan Shen(Radix scrophulariae Ningpoensis)

D. Mai Men Dong(ophiopogon root)

73. Which of the following herbs that can clear deficient heat has the function of solftening hardness and dissipating nodules?

A. Sheng Di Huang(Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae)

B. Mu Dan Pi(Cortex Moutan Radicis)

C. Xuan Shen(Radix scrophulariae Ningpoensis)

D. Mai Men Dong(ophiopogon root)

74. Which of the following herbs that can clear deficient heat has the function of invigorating blood?

A. Sheng Di Huang(Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae)

B. Mu Dan Pi(Cortex Moutan Radicis)

C. Xuan Shen(Radix scrophulariae Ningpoensis)

D. Mai Men Dong(ophiopogon root)

75. What is the main difference of Yin Chai Hu(stelaria dihotoma) from Chai Hu(Radix Bupleuri)?

  1. Soothing the liver Qi, raising the Yang Qi, and resolving Shao Yang synrome
  2. Clearing deficient heat and benefiting the eyes, lubricating the intestine and moving stool
  3. Cooling blood, clearing deficient heat and nourishing the Yin
  4. Clearing deficient heat

76. Which of the following herb has the functions of clearing heat, draining dampness, and calming the fetus?

A. Huang Qin(scutellaria baicalensis)

B. Huang Lian(Rhizoma coptidis)

C. Huang Bai(Cotex Phellodendri)

D. Long Dan Cao (Radix gentianae longdan cao)

77. Which of the following herb can be used for deficient heat?

A. Huang Qin(scutellaria baicalensis)

B. Huang Lian(Rhizoma coptidis)

C. Huang Bai(Cotex Phellodendri)

D. Long Dan Cao (Radix gentianae longdan cao)

78. A patient has high fever, irritation, delirium, acid regurgitation due to excessive fire in heart and stomach. Which of the following herb is the best?

A. Huang Qin(scutellaria baicalensis)

B. Huang Lian(Rhizoma coptidis)

C. Huang Bai(Cotex Phellodendri)

D. Jin Yin Hua(Flos lonicerae japonicae)

79. Which of the following herb is the best to draining and pacifing excessive liver fire?

A.Yin Chen Hao(Herba artemisiaeyinchenhao)

B. Huang Lian(Rhizoma coptidis)

C. Zhi Zi(Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis)

D. Long Dan Cao(Radix gentianae longdan cao)

36. Answer: D 37. Answer: D 38. Answer: A 39. Answer: B 40. Answer: C

41.Answer: A 42. Answer: B 43.Answer: D 44.Answer: C 45. Answer: D

46. Answer: B 47. Answer: D 48. Answer: B 49. Answer: D 50. Answer: D

51.Answer: C 52. Answer: A 53. Answer: B 54. Answer: A 55. Answer: D

56. Answer: A 57. Answer: C 58. Answer: B 59. Answer: D 60. Answer: C

61.Answer: A 62.Answer: B 63. Answer: D 64. Answer: B 65. Answer: C

66. Answer: A 67. Answer: B 68. Answer: C 69. Answer: D 70. Answer: C

71. Answer: B 72. Answer: A 73. Answer: C 74. Answer: B 75. Answer: D

76. Answer: A 77. Answer: C 78.Answer: B 79. Answer: D