A Message from the Bernards Township Sewerage Authority
The Authority members would like to advise our customers of the upgrades and new construction being accomplished. The following projects have been completed or are under construction within budgets based on a conservative, pay-as-you-go, and no borrowing policy:
1. Pump Stations – Pump stations are critical elements in our collection system and are rehabilitated on a regular schedule to ensure reliable operation. In 2016, the Stonehouse Road Pump Station Project was completed and in 2017 the Crown Court pump station will be rehabilitated.
2. Collection System – Every year the Authority contracts to repair various manholes and sewer pipes in need of improvement. In 2016 a project to repair various locations throughout the system was completed.
3. Solar Field Initiative – The Authority completed construction of a 1.1 Megawatt solar photovoltaic system (4,700 solar panels) in 2011 that will provide the Authority ongoing annual energy generation savings of about $150,000 and ongoing solar energy credit revenue.
4. Grit System – The grit removal equipment will be replaced in 2017 including grit screws, bucket elevators and conveyor, and blowers.
5. Meters – influent and effluent meters were installed at the plant in 2016.
6. RAS & WAS Pump room – Replacement of the activated sludge pumps (RAS & WAS) and related equipment is scheduled for 2017. This equipment is critical to the treatment process and re-circulates sludge to the oxidation ditches to maintain bacterial processes.
7. Plant Hydraulic Improvements – the first phase of a multi-phase hydraulic improvement project will be designed in 2016 and 2017.
8. The Madisonville Pump Station Force Main will be excavated and inspected in several locations in 2017 to determine the extent of tuberculation in the main.
Inflow and Infiltration -
Inflow and Infiltration problems are still prevalent. Our plant is rated at 2.5 million gallons per day; however during a heavy rain event we may exceed 5 million gallons per day. The Authority is continually video taping our sewer pipes to find the sources of inflow and infiltration. A common source is homeowner sump pumps illegally tied into the sanitary sewer system. A single illegally connected sump pump discharges approximately 24,000 gallons per day of clean water to the sewer system. This added clean water into our piping network results in decreased operating efficiency of our treatment plant and added electrical and chemical costs. Illegal connections are being aggressively addressed by the authority with potential penalties and fines assessed to property owners. We would be happy to work with you to eliminate this source of infiltration. If you are interested on more information regarding the Bernards Township Sewerage Authority, please feel free to contact any one of us or go on-line to www.bernards.org, Boards & Commissions, Sewerage Authority. We are here to serve you.
The Bernards Township Sewerage Authority
John Malay -Chairperson§John Carpenter -Vice Chairperson§Carol Bianchi
Carolyn Gaziano§ Mary Pavlini