Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Planning Year: 2011 (January-December)

Unit: Social Sciences
Related Strategic Goal:
3.1 Monitor and improve the effectiveness of educational programs and services.
Action Plan #: SOSC-01
Action Plan Title: Assessment of General Education Core Courses
Desired Outcome: Social Science courses in the general education core will be assessed per the general education core assessment schedule using an array of assessment techniques such as pre-test/post-test, embedded course assessment, and common papers with the use of common rubrics.
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities:
The Chair of the Department of Social Sciences and the affected faculty designed course-specific Expected Student Learning Outcomes and an appropriate Pre-Test/Post-Test for fall courses. Faculty administered the designated pre-test/post-test during classes. During the Spring assessment cycle, the administration of the pre-test/post-test was automated and moved online in order to facilitate data collection and analysis of such a large volume of assessment. A benchmark of a 70% pass rate for each course Expected Student Learning Outcome was identified.
Team Members: SOSC faculty, SOSC dept. chair, and students
Timeline: Review progress and evaluate on December 1, 2011
Est. Cost: $0 / Budgeted: Included in current budget
Evidence of Success: Completed Student Learning Outcomes Use of Assessment Results Form will show summary data, assessment results and results of assessment results for general education courses in SOSC department.
Current Status: On Schedule
Describe Progress Below
Fall 2010
PSY 1410 General Psychology
Pre-/Post-Test Results for PSY 1410 (Fall 2010)
Questions / Pre Total Correct / % / Post Total Correct / % / Difference
Q1 / 244 / 68% / 110 / 65% / -2%
Q2 / 130 / 36% / 64 / 38% / 2%
Q3 / 234 / 65% / 130 / 77% / 12%
Q4 / 190 / 53% / 117 / 70% / 17%
Q5 / 246 / 69% / 142 / 85% / 16%
Q6 / 137 / 38% / 70 / 42% / 4%
Q7 / 115 / 32% / 107 / 64% / 32%
Q8 / 206 / 57% / 113 / 67% / 10%
Q9 / 200 / 56% / 111 / 66% / 10%
Q10 / 110 / 31% / 123 / 73% / 43%
Q11 / 211 / 59% / 117 / 70% / 11%
Q12 / 156 / 43% / 108 / 64% / 21%
Q13 / 85 / 24% / 75 / 45% / 21%
Q14 / 160 / 45% / 95 / 57% / 12%
Q15 / 133 / 37% / 125 / 74% / 37%
Q16 / 140 / 39% / 99 / 59% / 20%
Pre-Test / Post-Test
# Taking Tests / 359 / 168
With regard to the articulated goals (student learning outcomes) for PSY 1410:
Goal 1: Questions 1 and 2
Goal 2: Questions 3 and 4
Goal 3: Questions 5 and 6
Goal 4: Questions 7 and 8
Goal 5: Questions 9 and 10
Goal 6: Questions 11 and 12
Goal 7: Questions 13 and 14
International Module: Questions 15 and 16
Use of Assessment Results for PSY 1410 General Psychology:
These data show that Goals 2, 3, 5, 6, and the PSY 1410 International Module were met at or above the 70% pass-rate on the post-test. Goals 1 (65% pass-rate) and 4 (67% pass-rate) very nearly achieved the 70% pass-rate benchmark. Goal 7 (57% pass-rate) was the lowest.
These results were reviewed and discussed among full-time faculty teaching this course. It was agreed that the goals (student learning outcomes) were appropriate and should be maintained. However, greater emphasis should be made on teaching Goals 1, 4, and 7 in order to achieve the desired benchmark.
One additional issue which quite possibly may have been a factor in depressing post-test scores was the low response rate of students on evaluated sections of PSY 1410. Only 46.79% of students who took the pre-test actually completed the post-test. It is important to note that both the pre-test and post-test were administered online. It is clear that effort must be made in increasing the number of students completing the post-test.
Describe Needed Changes: See above
List of Supporting Documentation: Use of Assessment Results for General Education Core Courses
Date Last Updated: February 1, 2011