ME 321 : FE – I: Engineering of Plastics

VI semester B.E. Mechanical Engineering

Faculty Details

Course Teacher:D.N.KASHYAP


Office Hours:09.00 am to 16.00 pm

Phone: 9503133009


Course Website:

Required Textbook

.Reference books:
S.N. / Title of the book / Edition (Year of publication) / Author(s) / Publisher
1 / Product Design and Process Engineering / 1995. / Harold Belofsky, / Hanser Publishers,
2 / High Performance Polymers / 1991 / Bera, E and Moet / Hanser Publishers,
3 / Plastics Extrusion technology / 1988 / F.Hensen,
4 / Injection Moulding Machines / 1983 / F.ohannaber / Hanser Publishers,
5 / Polymer extrusion / 1990 / C.Rauwendaal, / Hanser Publishers,
6 / Blow Moulding Handbook / 1989 / D.V.Rosatao, / Hanser Publishers,
7 / Modern Plastics Moulding / E.B Seamour, / John Wiley.
8 / Plastics Moulding / 1952 / John Dalmonte, / John Wiley.
9 / Machining of Plastics / 1981 / Akira Kobyashi, / Mc-Graw Hill.
10 / Composite Materials science and Engineering / 1998 / Krishan K.Chawla / Springer-Verlag, 1987.

Course Objectives

To develop in the engineering students the ability to analyze any engineering problem in a simple and logical manner and to apply to its solution a few, well understood basic principles.


Sound knowledge of Manufacturing Processes and machining details.

Course Assessment

Grading is based on the following components that are weighted as described below:

1. Home Assignments: 6%

2. Seminars / Presentation: 3%

3. Attendance: 1%

4. Mid Semester Examinations (2): 15% each

5. End Semester Examination: 60%

Home Assignments:

Home assignments will be given periodically.


There will be 3 scheduled exams and at least one surprise test as detailed below. The schedule of these examinations is given in the Academic Calendar for the session published by the Dean (Academic)

1. MSE #1: On the basis of Units 1 and 2 of the syllabus

2. MSE #2: On the basis of unit 3 and 4 of the syllabus.

3. ESE: On the basis of Units 1 to 6 of the syllabus


As per the rules of the institute.


Asst.Prof. Mechanical Engg.Head Mech. Engg.

ME 321 : FE – I: Engineering of Plastics

VI semester B.E. Mechanical Engineering

Course Teacher: D.N.KASHYAP

Teaching Plan

Week Number / Topics
1 / Unit 1
2 / Unit 1
3 / Unit 2
4 / Unit 2
5 / Unit 3
6 / Unit 3
7 / Unit 4
8 / Unit 4
9 / Unit 5
10 / Unit 5
11 / Unit 6
12 / Unit 6
13 / Overview


Asst. Prof. Mechanical Engg.Head Mech. Engg..