Federal Employees Golf Association

The Reserve - North


4-Person Team Event

Monday June 5, 2017 @ 1:30 PM (Shotgun Start)


Use the entry form below to enter from 1 to 4 golfers in the The Reserve Block Time Tournament.

Guests are welcome. Handicaps are assigned as follows:

1)  If the person has no GHIN number (obviously a guest)

a.  If we have a history of scores for this person at our own block events, use those to calculate an index (minimum of 3 scores)

b.  If not, assign an index that is the lesser of 10, or whatever is suggested by the player

2)  If the person has a GHIN number, but no index

a.  If we have a history of scores for this person at our own block events, add those to the posted scores to calculate an index

b.  If any scores have been posted, use those to calculate an index

c.  If no history or posted scores, assign an index that is the lesser of 10, or whatever is suggested by the player

3)  Use the person’s GHIN index

This is a Three-Ball Team Low Net event with a Shotgun start. The best net scores from three of the four golfers on the team will be used to determine the total team score on each hole. All golfers on the team must hole out on each hole and record the gross scores, since this is a handicap and FEGA Season counting round. There will be KP and Long Drive holes by flight and Honey Pot and Pay Ball side games at $5 each for those interested. An entry form with less than 4 persons will have other golfers added to make up a four person team. If a team does not consist of 4 players, a blind draw of the players in the field will be used to determine the remaining score for that team. We will do our best to place everyone on a team, and each team must wind up with at least three members to be eligible for the cash placement prizes. Please get your team together and send in one entry form ASAP. The field is limited to 144 golfers on a first-come first-served basis. FEGA members will have preference over guests. Power carts and range balls will be provided.

Enclose payment for all persons listed, and send your check(s) and entry form to Mike Harris – J-2 (see address below). The entry fee of $75 per player includes green fees, carts, range balls, and tournament fees. Please get your entry forms in by Wednesday, May 24, 2017. ENTRY FORMS RECEIVED AFTER THAT DAY WILL BE WAITING LIST ONLY!!

Starting hole assignments will be e-mailed to you by Thursday, June 1st.

ENTRY DEADLINE: Wednesday, May 24, 2017.



*** The Reserve North 4-person Team Event ***

Monday, June 5, 2017, 1:30pm shotgun start.

Entry fee: $75.00 per person

Entrants / Entry Fee
$75 / Pay Ball *
$5 / Honey Pot**
$5 / Credits / Total Entry
0. Example FEGA Member / $75 / $0 / $5 / 3 / $77.00

* - You win a share of the Pay Ball pot if you have the best un-tied gross score on a hole over the entire Pay Ball field.

** - You win a share of the Honey Pot if you shoot net 70 or better for the tournament.

Send entry forms to: Mike Harris

Bonneville Power Administration

PO Box 3621 – J-2

Portland, OR 97208-3621

2017 The Reserve North sign-up