2010-2011 Stewardship Emphasis: Time & Ability Sheet

Family: ______Phone: ______Email: ______

• We are available:  first sunday service,  second sunday service,  saturday service,  wednesdays in lent

• We are not available:  during the winter,  during the summer,  evening services,  holidays

• Additional Comments/Restrictions: ______

Scheduled Volunteers

Check off any and all the following scheduled roles in which you would be able to serve, including those you are already participating in. Please write at the top of the column the name of the individual for whom it applies. Thank You.


Please mark at least one of these positions for each individual: (name) (name) (name)

A: Usher handing out bulletins and collecting offering ______

B: Greeter welcoming and helping visitors ______

C: Acolyte lighting candles in worship (youth only) ______

D: Nursery provide childcare during worship services ______

E: Altar Guild setting up communion-ware for services ______

F: Lector reading scripture lessons during worship ______

G: Communion Assistant distribute bread and wine ______

H: Counter record offerings on sunday mornings ______

I: Cleaning serve on cleaning crew, minor housekeeping ______

Talents, Gifts, & Interests

Check off the general areas of talents and gifts you have to share, or areas in which you would have interest in involvement at the church. The examples listed are simply possibilities.

J: Music singing, playing instruments, leading music ______

K: Drama being part of skits, plays, live nativity scene ______

L: Creativity art-work, sewing, quilting, crafts ______

M: Welcoming new member sponsor, invitation, hospitality ______

N: Praying email/phone prayer chain, confirmation sponsor ______

O: Helping social ministry, community service projects ______

P: Visiting visitor for shut-ins, hospitalized, nursing homes ______

Q: Teaching sunday school, vacation bible school ______

R: Youth serving as youth leader, chaperone, first fridays ______

S: Learning attend forums or bible studies, small groups ______

T: Fellowship plan events, getting together with others ______

U: Office Work secretarial, newsletter, letter-stuffing ______

V: Serving Meals meals, potlucks, new-member receptions ______

W: Maintenance upkeep and repair of the church building ______

X: Lawn Care summer mowing, trimming, gardening ______

Y: Snow Removal shoveling, snow-blowing, de-icing walks ______

Z: Leadership church council, synod, long range planning ______