MSc (Pain Medicine) PhD FRCA FFPMRCA


Contact Details

Dr. Andreas Goebel

Senior Lecturer in Pain Medicine and Honorary Consultant in Pain Medicine

University of Liverpool and The Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery NHS Trust

Lower Lane, Fazakerley

Liverpool L9 7LJ


Page No.

Summary of professional experience 3

Qualifications 3

Prizes, Awards and Distinctions 4

Clinical Appointments 5

Postgraduate Training 5

National Clinical Guidelines Group 5

Selected Publications 5

Esteem 6


I have been a practicing Anaesthetist and Pain Doctor since 1995, and was appointed as a Consultant in the Specialty of Pain Medicine in 2006. Since my academic appointment as Senior Lecturer in 2008 (50% of my time), I have been seeing with my team approximately 350 patients/year. Within my practice, I am responsible for providing provide both secondary and tertiary services; the tertiary services are for a capture area of 3.2 million population. I lead the tertiary/quarternary CRPS service at the Walton Centre, with regional, national and international referrals. My academic work is largely concerned with understanding the pathophysiology of CRPS, and establishing novel treatments for this conditions. I have first established the ‚Autoimmune Hypothesis’ for CRPS, and have provided scientific data in support.

I have been seeing mediolegal cases per year since 2011. My specialist area is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), and almost all cases I see are in the field of limb pains. I am acting as expert for Claimant / Defendant / Joint instruction, includig in medical negligence cases, and occasionally in criminal cases. I was scheduled to appear in court first in 2014. I was invited speaker for the 2014 Peterhouse Medicolegal Conference on novel concepts in CRPS, have published on the medicolegal implications of newest scientific findings in CRPS, and have initiated a working group to formulate brief patient guidance for those who may wish to pursue litigation for post-traumatic chronic pain.


2011 Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists: FFPMRCA

2009 MsC in Pain Medicine, University of Edinburgh and Sydney

2006 Facharzt, Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training in Anaesthesiology/Pain Medicine, Munich

2005 F.R.C.A. (England)

1997 Post-Trauma Immunology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, US

1998 Ph.D., University of Wuerzburg

1994 M.D., University of Wuerzburg (Hons)

1983 Abitur Honours, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Classical Greek


2013 First Price, International CRPS Conference, Bath

2007 Talecris Talents International competition

2004 Travelling Fellowship, American Neurological Association

2002 Michell Goat Prize, Oxford School of Anaesthesia

2001 British Pain Congress, 1st Prize, Poster and Oral Presentation

1999 German Ministry of Research Award

1998 Trauma Prize, Harvard Medical School


November 2008 – present Senior Lecturer in Pain Medicine, University of Liverpool and Honorary Consultant in Pain Medicine, The Walton Centre NHS Trust, Liverpool.


University of Wuerzburg, Germany, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, University of Oxford and Oxford Rotation, University College London


2008 – ongoing “UK CRPS Guidelines.” Initiation, and Lead under the umbrella of the Royal College of Physicians, London. Publication of short and long Guidance in 2011/2012.

Lead for Guidance revision group preparing the first Guidance revision scheduled 2016

SELECTED Publications

Barbalinado S., Loer SA, Goebel A*, Perez R. The treatment of longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome with oral steroids. Pain Medicine 2015 (in press *joint senior author)

Aradillas E., Schwartzman R.J., Grothusen J.R., Goebel A., Alexander G.M. Plasma exchange therapy in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Pain Physician 2015, 18(4):383-94.

Goebel A., Jayaseelan A., Bhagwat K., Gupta M., Frank B. Racemic Ketamine 4.5 day Infusion for the treatment of longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2015, 115(1): 146-7

Osborne A., Farrell J., Dearman R.J., MacIver K., Naisbitt D.J., Moots R.J., Edwards S.W., Goebel A. Cutaneous Immunopathology of Longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. European Journal of Pain 2015 (in press).

Mbizvo G., Nolan S., Nurmikko T., Goebel A. Placebo responses in longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Pain 2015 16(2): 99-115

Benson J., Spencer M., Goebel A., Munglani R.. Compensation Claims Relating to Chronic Pain – Parts 1-5. Journal of Observational Pain Medicine 2014; 1(4).

Goebel A. Immune activation and autoimmunity in chronic pain conditions and response to immunoglobulin G. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 2014; 178(S1): 39-41.

Goebel A. Cellular and behavioral models to predict responses to immunoglobulin G treatment in complex regional pain syndrome. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 2014; 178(S1): 136-137.

Goebel A., Jones S., Oomman S., Callaghan Th., Sprotte G. Treatment of Longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome with Therapeutic Plasma Exchange; a Preliminary Case Series of Patients Treated 2008-2014. Pain Medicine 2014; 15(22): 2163-4.

Johnson S., Ayling H., Sharma M., Goebel A. External Non Invasive Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Treatment of Neuropathic Pain, a Prospective Audit. Neuromodulation 2015; 18(5): 384-91.

Dubuis E., Thompson V., Leite M., Blaes F., Maihoefner Ch., Greensmith D., Shenker N., Kuttikat A., Leuwer M., Goebel A. Longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is associated with activating autoantibodies against α-1a adrenoceptors. Pain 2014; 155: 2408-2417.

Goebel A., Shenker N., Padfield N., et al. Low-dose Intravenous Immunoglobulin Treatment for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome – Study Protocol. Trials 2014; Oct 15:404.

Tamburin S., Bork K., Caro XJ., Jann S., Clark AJ., Magrinelli F., Sobue G., Werhagen L., Zanette G., Koike H., Spaeth PJ., Vincent A., Goebel A. Immunoglobulin G for the Treatment of Chronic Pain: Report of an Expert Workshop. Pain Medicine 2014; 15(7): 1072-82

Birley T, Goebel A. Widespread Pain in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Pain Practice 2014; 14(6): 526-31.

Haynes L, Goebel A, Flynn M. The Impact of Spinal Cord Stimulation for Upper Extremity Complex Regional Pain Syndrome on Level of Function. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 2014; 21(2): 77-83

Tékus V, Hajna Z, Borbély E, Markovics A, Bagoly T, Szolcsányi J, Thompson V, Kemény A, Helyes Z, Goebel A. A CRPS-IgG-Passive-Transfer-Trauma Model Reproducing Inflammatory and Positive Sensory Signs Associated with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Pain 2014; 155(2):209-308

Goebel A.Current Understanding of the Causes of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome with its Medico-Legal Implications. Journal of Observational Pain Medicine 2014; 3(1)

Gupta M., Goebel A. Unexplained nausea and weight loss in two cases of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Pain Medicine 2013; Nov14(11):1806-07.

Goebel A., Mishbah S., McKiver K., Haynes L., Burton J., Philips C., Frank B., Poole H. Immunoglobulin Maintenance Therapy in Longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, an Open Study. Rheumatology 2013; 52(11): 2091-93.

Goodson NJ, Smith BH, Hocking LJ, McGilchrist MM, Dominiczak AG, Morris AD, Porteous DJ, Goebel A. Cardiovascular risk factors associated with the metabolic syndrome are more prevalent in people reporting chronic pain: results from a cross sectional general population study. Pain 2013; 154(9): 1595-602.

Goebel A. The Management of Adult Patients with Longstanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Pain Management 2013; 3(2): 1-10.

Goebel A, Blaes F. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Prototype of a Novel Kind of Autoimmune Disease. Autoimmunity Reviews, 2013; 12(6):682-6.

Cossins L, Okell RW, Cameron H, Simpson B, Poole HM, Goebel A. Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in adults: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials published June 2000 to April 2012. EuJPain 2013; 17(2):158-73.

Goebel A, Lecky B, Smith LJ, Lunn M. Pain intensity and distribution in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Muscle & Nerve 2012; 46(2): 294-295.

Goebel A. Morphine and Memantine Treatment for CRPS. Pain Medicine 2012; 13(3): 357-8.

Johnson S, Hall J, Barnett S, Draper M, Darbyshire G, Haynes L, Rooney C, Cameron H, Moseley G L, Williams A C de C, McCabe C, Goebel A. Using Graded Motor Imagery for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in clinical practice: failure to improve pain. EuJPain 2012; 16(4):550-561.

Kohr D, Singh P, Tschernatsch M, Kaps M, Pouokam E, Diener M, Kummer W, Birklein F, Vincent A, Goebel A, Wallukat G, Blaes F. Autoimmunity Against the β(2) adrenergic Receptor and Muscarinic-2 receptor in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Pain 2011; 152(12):2690-700.

Turner-Stokes L., Goebel A. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in Adults: Concise Guidance for the UK. Clinical Medicine 2011; 11(6): 596-600. Long Guidance published 2012, available at :

Robinson G, Cohen H, Goebel A. A case of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome with Agnosia for Object Orientation. Pain 2011; 152(7):1674-81.

Goebel A. „Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in Adults“. Rheumatology, 2011; 50(10): 1739-50.

Goebel A, Leite MI, Yang L, Deacon R, Cendan CM, Lewis A, Vincent A. “The passive transfer of IgG Serum Autoantibodies from Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.” European Journal of Pain, 2011; 15(5):504.e1-6.

Goebel A, DuToit N, Perez J, Huygen F. “Anesthesiologists’ Views on Using Immune Modulating Drugs in Pain Medicine”. Pain Practice, 2011; 11(4):344-52.

Goebel A, Baranowski A, Ghiai A, Maurer K, McCabe C, Ambler G. “Skepticism about intravenous immunoglobulin treatment in long-standing complex regional pain syndrome”(letter). Annals of Internal Medicine, 2010; 152(12):829-830.

Goebel A. “Immunoglobulin Responsive Chronic Pain”. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 2010; 30 Suppl1: S103-108 (review).

Goebel A, Baranowski A, Maurer K, Ghiai A, McCabe C, Ambler G. “Intravenous Immunoglobulin Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Annals of Internal Medicine. 2010; 152(3): 152-158.

Goebel A, Schedel R, Sprotte G, Buehner S, Lochs H. “Increased intestinal permeability in patients with primary fibromyalgia and in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.” Rheumatology, 2008; 47(8): 1223-1227.

Goebel A, Allen S, Lawson A, Glynn C. “Buprenorphine injection to the stellate ganglion in upper body chronic pain syndromes.” European Journal of Pain, 2008; 12(3):266-274.

Goebel A. “A comparison between the British and German systems for postgraduate education in anaesthesia (GERMAN). “Anaesthesie und Intensivmedizin, 2007; 6: 335-344.

Goebel A. “Should trainees conduct research to assess the effect of drugs on patients?” British Journal of Hospital Medicine 2006; 67(6):332.

Goebel A, Vogel H, Bajwa Z, et al. “Immune responses to Campylobacter and serum autoantibodies in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.” Journal of Neuroimmunology 2005, 162(1-2):184-9.

Goebel A, Stock M, Deacon R, Sprotte G, Vincent A. “IVIG response and experimental evidence for pathogenic antibodies in a case of CRPS.” Annals of Neurology 2005; 57(3):463-4.

Goebel A, Moore A, Weatherall R, et al. “Intravenous immunoglobulin in the treatment of primary trigeminal neuralgia refractory to carbamazepine treatment: a study protocol (ISRCTN33042138)”. BMC Neurology 2003, 3:1(1-7).

Goebel A., Netal S., Schedel R., Sprotte G. "Human pooled immunoglobulin in the treatment of chronic pain syndromes". Pain Medicine 2002; 3(2): 119-127.

Goebel A. “Screening of patients with complex regional pain syndrome for antecedent infections.” Clinical Journal of Pain 2001; 17(4): 378-9.

Goebel A., Kavanagh E., Lyons A., Saporoschetz I., Soberg C, Lederer J., Mannick J., Rodrick M. "Injury induces deficient interleukin-12 production, but interleukin-12 therapy after injury restores resistance to infection." Annals of Surgery 2000; 231(2): 253-61

Lyons A., Goebel A., Mannick J,, Lederer J. “Protective effects of early interleukin 10 antagonism on injury-induced immune dysfunction. Archives of Surgery. 1999; 134(12): 1317-23; discussion 1324.

Kavanagh E., Kell M., Goebel A., Soberg C., Mannick .J, Lederer J. „Interleukin 10 is not essential for survival or for modulating T-cell function after injury.” Surgery, 1999; 126(2): 456-62.

Kell MR., Kavanagh E., Goebel A., Soberg C., Lederer J. “Injury primes the immune system for an enhanced and lethal T-cell response against bacterial superantigen.” Shock. 1999; 12(2): 139-44.

ESTEEM (Presentations and Workshops 2012-2015)

Plenary: ‘Immunomoduation in CRPS’, British/German/Irish/Austrian joint Neuromodulation Societies Meeting 2015 (November)

Plenary: ‘CRPS’, British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology 2015 (October)

Workshop Convenor: European Federation of IASP Chapters (2015)

CRPS Study Day Convenor: Royal College Of Anaesthetists Faculty of Pain Medicine 2015

Plenary: Irish Faculty of Pain Medicine, 2015

Webinar Lead: ‘Autoantibody Pain’, Harvard Medical School Neuro-Discovery Centre, 2014

Plenary and workshop: British Pain Congress, (‘CRPS’, ‘Autoantibody Pain’), 2014

International CRPS Research Consortium Foundation Member, Chicago, 2014

Plenary and workshop, Interlaken International Immunoglobulin Congress, 2014 (‘Immunology in Chronic Pain’, ‘CRPS’)

Workshop on CRPS: British Society for Rheumatology (2014)

Workshop on CRPS, NeuPsig, Toronto 2013 (CRPS)

Plenary, American College of Rheumatology, Washington 2012 (first ever plenary on CRPS)

Royal College of Anaesthetists working group on Anaesthesia research 2012

Teaching Liverpool Pain Course 2012-2015

Teaching Pfizer Pain Masterclass 2012 (on CRPS)

Teaching Royal College of Anaesthetists Pain Day 2012 (on CRPS)

British Pain Society Clinical Pathway Groups (‘widespread pain’): 2012, and Map of Medicine CRPS: 2012/2013

Workshops British Pain Society, 2012, 2013