The list below is from the bookThe 100 Greatest Heroes: Inspiring Profiles of One Hundred Men and Women Who Changed the World(Kensington Publishing Corp./Citadel Press: New York City, 2003), written by H. Paul Jeffers.
Text from inside book jacket:
In Greek and Roman mythology, the worldherowas used to describe men whose courageous actions brought favor from the gods. Today, a hero can be just about anyone--from a steadfast politician working to secure world peace to an average man or woman who demonstrates remarkable bravery. H. Paul Jeffers has searched the annals of world history to identify the most influential heroes of all time--chronicling one hundred intriguing real-life tales that are sure to fascinate and inspire.
The 100 Greatest Heroesincludes profiles--ranked in order of significance--of the world's most spirited warriors and explorers, politicians and entertainers, innovators and peacekeepers, police officers, doctors, and nurses. It brings to life exciting figures from history, including the father of our country, George Washington; Mahatma Gandhi, who promoted the use of nonviolent tactics to bring about peace; baseball player Bab Ruth; and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
Included among the list are many of the extraordinary women who distinguished themselves through their astonishing achievements and bravery. Among them are suffragette Susan B. Anthony; the fearless warrior Joan of Arc; the first woman doctor, Elizabeth Blackwell; pioneering social worker, activist, and reformer Jane Addams; and aviator Amelia Earhart, whose daring exploits captured the world's attention before costing her her life.
But not all of the heroes profiles are those whose lives played out on the world stage. Some are everyday people who found their own way to make a difference, such as Harriet Tubman, a runaway slave who overcame enormous odds... Other exceptional people who made the list include Lech Walesa, an ordinary shipyard worker whose Solidarity Movement helped bring down the Iron Curtain; New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, whose leadership during the tragedy of September 11, 2001, brought him worldwide acclaim and admiration; and Raoul Wallenberg, whose heroics helped rescue Jews from the Holocaust.
Spanning from biblical to modern times,The 100 Greatest Heroespays homage to the men and women whose life stories serve as an inspiration to the world.
1 / George Washington / 1732-1799 / Episcopalian2 / Abraham Lincoln / 1809-1865 / Regular Baptist (childhood);
later ambiguous -
Deist, general theist or
a very personalized Christianity
3 / Franklin Delano Roosevelt / 1882-1945 / Episcopalian
4 / Winston Churchill / 1874-1965 / Anglican
5 / Ronald Reagan / 1911- / Presbyterian
6 / Alexander the Great / 356-323 B.C. / Greek state paganism
7 / Christopher Columbus / 1451-1506 / Catholic
8 / Martin Luther / 1438-1546 / Catholic; Lutheran
9 / Samuel Adams / 1722-1803
10 / Napoleon Bonaparte / 1769-1821 / Catholic (nominal)
11 / Dwight D. Eisenhower / 1890-1969 / Jehovah's Witness; Presbyterian
12 / Theodore Roosevelt / 1858-1920 / Dutch Reformed; Episcopalian
13 / Ulysses S. Grant / 1822-1885 / Presbyterian; Methodist
14 / Pope John Paul II / 1920- / Catholic
15 / George W. Bush / 1946- / Methodist (former Episcopalian)
16 / Harry S. Truman / 1884-1972 / Baptist
17 / George C. Marshall / 1880-1959 / Episcopalian
18 / Mikhail Gorbachev / 1931- / Russian Orthodox
19 / Lech Walesa / 1943- / Catholic
20 / Boris Yeltsin / 1931-
21 / John F. Kennedy / 1917-1963 / Catholic
22 / John Glenn / 1921- / Presbyterian
23 / Neil Armstrong / 1930-
24 / Susan B. Anthony / 1820-1906 / Quaker; Unitarian
25 / Senator Margaret Chase Smith / 1897-1995 / Methodist
26 / Whitaker Chambers / 1901-1961
27 / Simon Bolivar / 1783-1830 / Catholic (nominal); Atheist
28 / David Ben-Gurion / 1886-1973 / Judaism
29 / Charles A. Lindbergh / 1902-1974
30 / John Paul Jones / 1747-1792
31 / Sergeant Alvin York / 1887-1964
32 / Sergeant Audie Murphy / 1924-1971
33 / General Douglas MacArthur / 1880-1964
34 / Davy Crockett / 1786-1836
35 / King George VI / 1895-1952 / Anglican
36 / Charles de Gaulle / 1890-1970
37 / Joan of Arc / 1412-1431 / Catholic
38 / Clara Barton / 1821-1912 / Universalist
39 / Elzabeth Blackwell / 1821-1910
40 / Anne Hutchinson / 1591-1643 / Unitarian
41 / William Bradford / 1590-1657
42 / Fiorella La Guardia / 1882-1947
43 / Raoul Wallenberg / 1912-?
44 / Ira Hayes / 1923-1955
45 / Harriet Tubman / 1820(?)-1913 / Methodist
46 / Galileo Galilei / 1564-1642 / Catholic
47 / Martin Luther King, Jr. / 1929-1968 / Baptist
48 / Sir Thomas More / 1478-1535 / Catholic
49 / Andrew Jackson / 1767-1845 / Presbyterian
50 / Thomas Jefferson / 1743-1826 / raised Episcopalian; later no specific denomination
held Christian, Deist, Unitarian beliefs
51 / Meriwether Lewis / 1774-1809
52 / John Quincy Adams / 1767-1848 / Unitarian
53 / Amelia Earhart / 1897-1937
54 / General James H. "Jimmy" Doolittle / 1896-1993
55 / Admiral Chester W. Nimitz / 1885-1966
56 / Admiral David Glasgow Farragut / 1801-1870
57 / Colin Powell / 1937- / Episcopalian
58 / Nathan Hale / 1755-1776
59 / Alexander Hamilton / 1757-1804 / Episcopalian
60 / Giuseppi Garibaldi / 1807-1882 / Catholic
61 / Admiral Horatio Nelson / 1758-1805
62 / Admiral George Dewey / 1837-1917
63 / Moshe Dayan / 1915-1981 / Jewish
64 / Golda Meir / 1898-1978 / Judaism
65 / William "Wild Bill" Donovan / 1883-1959
66 / Lord Louis Mountbatten / 1900-1976 / Episcopalian
67 / Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi / 1969-1948 / Hindu (mother was a Jain)
68 / Ralph Bunche / 1904-1971
69 / Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. / 1887-1944
70 / Captain Edward "Eddie" Rickenbacker / 1890-1973
71 / Lieutenant Giuseppe Petrosino, NYPD / 1860-1909
72 / Melvin Purvis / 1903-1960
73 / Lou Gehrig / 1903-1941 / Lutheran
74 / George Herman "Babe" Ruth / 1895-1948 / Catholic
75 / Joe Louis / 1914-1981
76 / Branch Rickey / 1881-1965 / Methodist
77 / Jackie Robinson / 1919-1972 / Methodist
78 / Admiral Richard E. Byrd / 1888-1957
79 / Eleanor Roosevelt / 1884-1962 / Episcopalian
80 / Margaret Thatcher / 1925-
81 / Anwar el-Sadat / 1918-1981 / Islam
82 / Edward R. Murrow / 1908-1965
83 / General George S. Patton / 1885-1945
84 / General Omar N. Bradley / 1893-1981
85 / General Jonathan Wainwright / 1883-1953
86 / Rudolph "Rudy" Giuliani / 1944- / Catholic
87 / Chief Sitting Bull / 1831-1890
88 / Eugene V. Debs / 1855-1926
89 / Jane Addams / 1860-1935
90 / Willy Brandt / 1913-1992
91 / Haile Selassie / 1891-1975
92 / General Gouverneur Kemble Warren / 1830-1882
93 / John McCain III / 1936- / Episcopalian
94 / Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North / 1943-
95 / Howard Hughes / 1905-1976
96 / Vaclav Havel / 1936- / Catholic
97 / Todd Beamer / 1969-2001
98 / Sergeant Nathan Ross Chapman / 1971-2002
99 / Sir William Stephenson / 1896-1989
100 / Bob Hope / 1903- / Catholic