Linn-Benton Micro-Enterprise Class (Spring 2010)

Lebanon campus (LBCC)

September 21 – November 30

Tuesdays (+1 Thursdays) 6:30 – 9:30 PM

(What’s due and when)

Instructor: Scottie Jones, Ph: 541-487-4966, email:

Date Read/Guests WorksheetsBusinessPlan(p.iii)

21 / Session 1:
Keys to Your Business Success / * on all worksheet assignments make sure your name is at the top of the page / Create a .doc file with your
Business Plan Outline
( found on p. iii in workbook and on my instructor website)
28 / Session 2: AssessingYour Business Idea
Session 3: Business Planning
Guest: Richenda Hawkins, LBCCResearch Librarian / 1-4, 1-5, 2-2, 2-5 turn in / Write: Section II. Personal Background Information
A. Personal Skills and Experience
B. Personal Financial Resources
Start adding notes:
i.e.Section V.Marketing Plan B. Market Analysis
your niche; the need for your
product or service; who is your customer; competition
5 / Session 4:
Marketing Plan
Guest: Jessica Stanley,RocketQueen Cupcakes / 3-2 turn in / Write:Section III. Business Concept
A. General Description Of Business
B. Business Goals and Objectives
12 / Session 12:Where’s The Cash?
Guest: TBD / Start cash flow projection
(this is a lot of work and we will cover in class – but give it a try anyway!) / Write: Section III. Business Concept
C. Industry Information
Industry Background Info
Current and Future Industry Trends
Business Fit in the IndustryWrite:
19 / Session 13:Managing the Money
Guest: Ilene Anderton A&S Accounting / 12-7 turn in
Continue to work on cash flow projection / Write:Section VI. Financial Plan
A. Investment Required for Start-Up
Start-Up Costs/Needs
Investment Required – Bank
B. Cash Flow Projections
Monthly Cash Flow Proj.–Year 1
26 / Session 5:
Guest: Nadine Davidson, Jeanne Smith& Assoc / 4-6, 4-7 turn in / Section VI. Financial Plan
D. Additional Financial Information
Summary of Financial Needs
Personal Financial Statement
E, Conclusion
28 / Session 6:
Guest: Trevor Griesmeyer, Barker-Uerlings
Brian Egan,Clarity
(SBDC) / No worksheets to turn in / Write: Section IV. Business Organization
A. Ownership, Regulations, Contracts
Business entity type
Govt. Regulations and Taxes
Contracts and Leases
2 / Session 7:Marketing Analysis
Guest: Ryan McLaughlin, Marketlink / 6-5, 6-13 turn in / Write: Section IV. Business Organization
B. Management Issues
Mgmt Team/Organizational chart
Outside Services/Advisors
Risk Management
C. Managing Books and Records
9 / Session 8:
Price and Product
Guest: Marlene Peterson
Campagna Foods / 7-10, 7-11 turn in / Write:Section V. Marketing Plan
A. Product Description
Product Description
Features and Benefits
B. Market Analysis
Customer Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Market Potential
16 / Session 9:Placement and Promotion
Guest: Rebecca Badger, Badger Marketing / 8-1, 8-5 turn in / Write:Section V. Marketing Plan
C. Marketing Strategies
Product Lines
Packaging & Branding
23 / Session 10:
Guest: Loyan Roylance, ProWorks / 9-7 turn in / Write:Section V. Marketing Plan
C. Marketing Strategies
Placement Strategies
Promotional Strategies
Public Relations & Networking
30 / Session 14:Financial Tips and Tools
Guests: Karen Schulz, OSU Fed Greg Gerding, WNHS, Brenda Baze, Council of Govts / Complete as much of the business plan as you can!
Email or hand to me by March 18 / Write: Section V. Marketing Plan
Other Promotional Tools
Online presence
SectionI.Executive Summary
Completed Business Plan!

Text: Business Plan Basics NxLevel Guide for Micro-Entrepreneurs, editor Cameron Wold, 2nd edition, May 2006

LBCC instructor website:

or go to: click on Academics, click on Instructor websites, click on J-N, click on Jones, Scottie – MicroBusiness