Minutes from October 29, 2007 Meeting

Members Present: Debbie Briddell, Timothy Brown, Griff Campbell, Maitri Campbell (with aide Vicky Flanagan), Elisha Jenkins, Daniese McMullin-Powell, Melissa Shahan, Christine Trincia, and Ruth Eckenrode (staff member)

Members Absent: Wayne Carter, Shirley Gipson, Jarrod Lippi, Peter Mitchell, and Scott Ward

Guests: John Gano


11:00 am – 12:00 noon /


The Evaluation Team reviewed the updated proposals. /


Welcome – 12:00 noon
/ Christine Trincia, Acting Chair, welcomed everyone to the Full Council meeting.
Minutes – August 27, 2007 / Corrections to 9/27/07 minutes in bold letters. The DVR State Rehabilitation Council is in need of a member from the SILC.
Freedom Center Report – The November 10, 2007 the Freedom Center will host the ADA event with the Freedom bus at the Middletown High School. / A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the August 27, 2007 minutes after the corrections were made.
Chair Report
(Christine Trincia) / The Evaluation Team (Ad Hoc Committee) went over the proposals requesting budget dollars from the SILC. Christine contacted Raetta McCall, Interim Executive Director, from the Freedom Center to let her know a few things were left off the Freedom Center’s proposal.
Melissa Shahan suggested Debbie Briddell, (DVI SRC member) and Jarrod Lippi (future DVR SRC member) give a report every month. / After the Freedom Center’s adjusted proposal is received, Griff Campbell will work on the final agreements to be submitted to the Ad Hoc Committee for approval.
Debbie Briddell reported that the (DVI SRC) is changing the by-laws, working on the annual report, trying to recruit six new members, and have started a coalition for the National SRC to work with other states.


DVR Report

(Griff Campbell) /


Griff reported on the following: /


·  The Independent Living Program served 102 clients plus 13 projects for the Division of Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD.)
·  The State Plan for Independent Living has been approved.
·  Griff has been working on the following projects: Annual 704 Report, Memorandum of Understanding with DSAAPD; DATI Loan Program; Training DVR and DSAAPD staff on IL referrals; accessibility of the One Stop Centers; Project on Preventing Secondary Conditions; and Transportation Evacuation Committee.
DVI Report
(Elisha Jenkins) / Elisha reported on the following: / ·  The wait list for services for legally blind is about six weeks, and for the severely blind is about a year and half.
·  Early in November DVI will participate in the Elder Care event at Astro Zeneca.
Independent Resources, Inc. (Larry Henderson) / Due to prior commitments, Larry was unable to attend the meeting. Christine Trincia gave the following report: / ·  IRI’s new website ( is up and running.
·  The Annual Disability Ball will be held at White Clay Country Club on November 9, 2007.
Freedom Center / No Report
Subcommittee Report / Community Choice Hearing / Daniese Mc-Mullin Powell attended the Senate Finance Committee hearing on September 25, 2007 in Washington, DC. Since the hearing the Congressional Budget Office has begun work on a revised cost estimate on the Community Choice Act. Your help in sending messages to policy makers that this is a life and death choice for many facing institutional care because home and community based services are not available.
Old Business / Discussion of New Officers
MOU/Agreements / This subject will be discussed at the next meeting.
Griff will be preparing the Agreements for signature.


New Business



Location of December meeting
Location of 2008 meetings
Advertisement for SILC Congress in January 2008.
Quiz on SILCs /


Captains Quarters or Stuarts Pub
Meetings will be held bi-monthly on the fourth Monday of the month and will rotate between the Freedom Center, Independent Resources, and Appoquinimink State Service Center.
A ¼ page ad has been purchased in the SILC Congress Program with the Delaware SILC Logo with a caption “Delaware Supports the SILC Congress.”
Also, all states have a “STATE BASKET” and the DE SILC will supply a “Delaware Basket” filled with Delaware Items of interest.
Daniese McMullin-Powell handed out a quiz on what a SILC member should know. After taking the quiz, Daniese went over the correct answers.
Adjournment / Christine Trincia, Acting Chair, adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:

Ruth Eckenrode