Effective Date: May 2016
Lead Author(s): Duane Price, Nancy Vázquez-Maldonado, Autumn Hutko, Kamesha Crawford,
David Alperin
Authorizing Official: Dr. Duane Price / Approval Date: May 2016
Reviewed by: Dr. Duane Price/ Faculty Training Module / Review Date: February 2017
Purpose: This document describes the standard operating procedure for RSs, and SROs to verify that information in the IMPAC II/Committee Management/Meeting is correct before forwarding to OCM for FRN release.
Definitions: Division of Extramural Activities (DEA); Office of Committee Management (OCM); Scientific Review Program (SRP); Federal Register Notice (FRN); Work Planning System (WPS)
Key Contacts: Office of Committee Management (OCM): David Alperin, Macie Warren, Aurelio Vásquez
SRP Program Specialists (PS): Kamesha Crawford (both Nicole Slade-Acty and Reggie Jenkins will serve as back-up for Kamesha)
Related Document Link: None
General Information
· The Federal Register is an official, daily government publication communicating proposed and final regulations and legal notices issued by federal agencies. In the case of NIH Peer Review, the FRN request is due to OCM 30 days prior to the meeting. The SRO should email the RSs and the PS’s their final date/time for their review meeting. The RS will update information in their meeting shell and the SRO will be responsible for updating the final date in their WPS shell. The PS’s will run the Review Meeting info Report once a week and will complete a FRN mail merge based off the Review Meeting info Report. PS’s will send the SRO their FRN through mail merge and the SRO will be responsible for checking for accuracy. PS’s will send the FRN templates to OCM through mail merge once the SRO provides approval through email. Note: OCM will not send the actual FRN draft to the SRO or RS for final review before submitting it for publication.
1. The Lead SRO should email final date/time of review meeting to their assigned SRP staff (RS, SRS, PA, secondary SRO) and to the PS (Kamesha) a minimum of 45 days before the review meeting.
2. The assigned SRP staff (RS, SRS, PA, or SRO), that enters information for the meeting shell, should update any change in Committee Management shell within 24 hours of receiving the email.
3. The assigned SRO should update the final review meeting dates in their WPS shell within 24 hours from sending the email.
4. The PS (Kamesha) will run “Review Meeting Info Report” R:\SRP-DEAS-SHARED\Tools and Technical Guides\QVR-Review Mtg Rpt.docx once a week to confirm all information is correct.
5. The PS will inform the assigned SRP staff (RS, SRS, PA, or SRO) regarding the need for corrections.
6. Once the information is updated, the PS will run the FRN MailMerge (R:\SRP-DEAS-SHARED\Standard-Documents\Sorted_by_Training_Module\Informing and Reporting\AI-PreMtg_FRN_Mail_Merge_Template.docx) for all confirmed review meetings and send the assigned SRO an email containing a draft of the FRN information.
7. The SRO will send an email back to PS to confirm the information is correct or what needs to be updated.
8. The PS will then forward the email confirmation from the SRO to OCM (cc’ing the SRO also).