Advanced Placement Studio Art: 2-D Design

Summer Assignments

The purpose of these assignments is to give the AP student a preliminary experience in the rigor of the AP Studio Art Course and to give them a head start on the enormous quantity of finished works without sacrificing quality. There are ten assignments in total. Six of those assignments should be completed by July 31st and turned into Mr. Papadonis’s art room between the hours of 8 AM and 2:30 PM Monday through Friday.

The final four works should be brought to class on the first day of school. Failure to complete these works by the set deadlines requires an automatic withdrawal from the AP Studio Course.

All of this summer work requires the use of Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, or Picassa. Gimp and Picassa may be downloaded for fee off of the Internet.

All Photographs should be saved on a flash drive and the completed single photograph for each of the ten assignments should be saved with the following information: (ex. Assign 1, Assign 2, Assign 3, etc.)

Assignments to be completed by July 31

  1. Photographs of White Objects

Take at least five white objects that somehow connect or relate to each other and take at least 25 photographs them changing your point of view and distance from them.


・Experiment with back, front, side and diffused lighting when taking the photos.

・Use a tripod and slow down your shutter speeds and use high numbered F-stops (ex. f22, f16)

・Be sure to change them to black and white when altering your photographs with your chosen computer software

2. Facial Expression in a Self Portrait

Sit in front of your camera mounted on a tripod and make a self-portrait using 7 distinctive facial expressions using charcoal.


・Be sure to draw what you see even if it looks strange, awkward or funny.

・When altering your photographs with your chosen computer software be sure to change them to black and white.

3. Take at least 15 photographs a Landscape in Inclement Weather (Rain, fog, wind)


・Experiment with varying artistic filters when you work with the photos in your selected computer software.

Projects 4, 5, and 6 should be taken as still life or figure works with the use of a tripod and slow shutter speeds (ex. 5 seconds, 3 seconds, 1 second, 1/15 of a sec, or 1/30 of a sec.)

The only thing that is changing is your light source. All or most lights should be out in the room with the exception of your light source.

Take at least 5 pictures of each of these below changing point of view, distance, and shutter speeds

4. Window Light

5. Lamp Light

6. Candle Light


・Be sure that you can see noticeable effects of the designated light source

・Look at the whole background in your composition and be sure that it is active and moving

The following Assignments are the beginnings of your “Concentration”

7. Answer the questions on the accompanying questionnaire and write out a brief statement about your concentration.

Ex. “I was drawn to people in groups,”or “ I wanted to portray stages of my childhood up until my recent youth.”


・Be sure to pick something that really matters to you and something you feel close to or knowledgeable about as it will make a tremendous difference in your final works

Go onto Mark Hardens artchive. Com on the Internet and take a look at sample works from at least 10 different photographers.

Select 3 out of the 10 photographers and make your own photographs that show how each one of the photographers would make your concentration?

Take at least 10 photographs for 8, 9, and 10

8. Example- Ansel Adams

9. Example- Paul Strand

10. Example- Cindy Sherman