The form is to be completed when a research candidate undertakes the Pre-Submission of Thesis Seminar as specified in Section 20 of the Research and Professional Doctorate Degree Regulations ( ).
As part of this process it will be necessary to ensure:
  • that the Pre-submission Seminar occurs at the appropriate time;
  • that the candidate includes in their presentation all required components; and
  • that the composition of the panel complies with the Regulations.
For assistance, please contact Graduate Research ().
Part 1: Candidate Details
Student ID /
First Name
Family Name
Part 2: Program Details
School/Research Institute
Study Mode / Full Time Part Time
Commencement Date
Supervisory Panel
Principal Supervisor
Assistant Supervisor
Associate Supervisor
Thesis Title

Pre-Submission of Thesis Seminar/20170318Australian Catholic University Limited

ABN 15 050 192 660

CRICOS registered provider: 00004G

Part 3: To be completed by the Chair in consultation with all Panel Members
Date of Pre-Submission of Thesis seminar
3.1 The Regulations require the following composition of Panels for the Pre-Submission of Thesis Seminar. Please note that this is the minimum and other members may be included where required.
The Associate Dean Research may vary the Panel membership under certain conditions.
Panel Chair
Associate Dean Research or Senior Researcher with an established high-quality track record in the discipline
Candidate’s Principal Supervisor
Candidate’s Co-supervisor
Candidate’s Assistant Supervisor
If applicable
Candidate’s Associate Supervisor
If applicable
Panel Member
Researcher with an established high-quality track record in the discipline or in a cognate area.
Panel Member
Researcher with an established high-quality track record in the discipline or in a cognate area.
3.2 Summary of comments of the Panel to be shared with the candidate regarding the appropriateness of the candidate submitting a NOI (additional pages to be attached if required):
Panel Member Signatures (emailed approval acceptable)
Name / Role
Signature / Date
Name / Role
Signature / Date
Name / Role
Signature / Date
Name / Role
Signature / Date
Name / Role
Signature / Date
Name / Role
Signature / Date
Name / Role
Signature / Date
Part 4: To be completed by the Research Candidate
I have read this report.
Signature / Date

Pre-Submission of Thesis Seminar/20170318Australian Catholic University Limited

ABN 15 050 192 660

CRICOS registered provider: 00004G

Part 5: To be completed by the Associate Dean Research
The Panel recommends:
1. Candidate should be permitted to submit an NOI
(Associate Dean Research to ask the candidate to submit an NOI after the Pro Vice-Chancellor has endorsed the recommendation).
2. Candidate should be advised to undertake further work on the written documentation under the direction of the Principal Supervisor before being permitted to submit an NOI.
(Panel Chair to provide a report which states the activities the candidate must undertake before submitting the thesis, including timelines for completion of the thesis, and indicate who will be responsible for checking that the tasks have been completed to the required standard. Permission to submit an NOI is to be given by the Principal Supervisor and the Associate Dean Research at an appropriate time agreed by them; this will be after the Pro Vice-Chancellor has endorsed this recommendation to undertake further work on the written documentation.
The revised documentation, along with a note from the Principal Supervisor, and Associate Dean Research stating that the written documentation is of a standard suitable for a Pre-Submission of Thesis Seminar, should then be forwarded to Graduate Research ()
3. Candidate should be required to present a second Pre-submission of Thesis Seminar once the advised changes to the written documentation have been made.
(A new Pre-Submission of Thesis Seminar Report should be completed and submitted to Graduate Research after the candidate has undergone his or her second Pre-Submission of Thesis Seminar, if this recommendation is endorsed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Research).
Additional Comments:
Written report prepared by candidate attached
Following an analysis of the iThenticate report, a copy of which is attached, I confirm that plagiarism has not been detected in the Pre-Submission of Thesis Seminar documentation.
Signature / Date
Please return the completed form to Graduate Research at
Part 6: Pro Vice-Chancellor Research Approval
Do you approve of the recommendation above? / YES NO
Signature / Date

Pre-Submission of Thesis Seminar/20170318Australian Catholic University Limited

ABN 15 050 192 660

CRICOS registered provider: 00004G