

Thursday, November 5, 2015

1000 to 1130 hours.

RCECC Conference Room

Renton, WA

Members Present at meeting:

Karen Davy

Ryan Abbott

Sean Pierce

Sgt. Eric Muller

Greg Victor

Jason Jones

Captain Ted Boe

Sgt. Scott Dery

Sgt. Diana Neff

Sgt Denny Gulla

VP- Mechee Burnett (Not present)

Treasurer- Keith Miller- stepping down (Not present)

  • Reviewed minutes
  • It had been a long time since we had a meeting, Deputy Abbott was able to locate the last minutes but we didn’t go over them as it had been a year since our last meeting.
  • Old Business: Bank info
  • Keith Miller is resigning as treasurer, Jason Jones has been filling in.
  • Cpt Boe would like to see the actual cash flow statements when we have our meetings. This is the money that came in and this is what came out for each day. CPT Boe’s Dad is a CPA and is willing to do a free review of our finances.
  • Questions asked do we self audit? Answer is No. We need to have an audit done by someone outside of the Sheriff’s Office.
  • Reminder that anything less than $100.00 a check can be written. Over $100 just a board majority vote needed. Vote by email will work and is usually the easiest.
  • It was discussed about splitting money by post inside the non-profit. Sgt Gulla asked if it would be a process that the Board could manage. Deputy Davy said we would have to constantly manage the amount of money brought in and by what post. Sgt Neff suggested we set requirements that each post would have to make a certain amount of money each year. For example each post would contribute $500 a month.
  • Deputy Davys talked about how MV has contributed the most around $19,000 over the years. We should keep a track of who is contributing the money and the posts that are contributing the most can use the money they bring in for new uniforms or other items. Sgt Neff says it is a good teaching point to the Explorers.
  • Talk about making it mandatory for posts that a certain percentage of money received for events would go into general fund and the rest would be used for each post. Article 7 Section 1 talks about it. (ii. Each Post will submit 20% of their overall revenue to the general fund.
  • New Business:
  • Talked about learning for life and why we even have to be a part of it.
  • Deputy Victor talked about how WLEEA makes it mandatory that all posts are part of L4L.
  • Discussion about all of us being called, King County Sheriff’s Office Post for Learning for life. This would minimize the fees instead of paying for SeaTac Post, Burien Post, Maple Valley Post, Ect why not be one post for learning for life, to keep the fees down. Each City will still have their own posts with patches but just for the learning for life part of things we would be one large entity. Everyone at the meeting seemed to be in agreement this would make more sense to minimize fees.
  • Sgt Neff worried that MV as a City won’t give as much money to each post if they take away the identity. She liked the idea of one large post for L4L just cornered if we go completely away from MV they won’t give the money that they have before.
  • Everyone agreed that we would all have our own posts and run things exactly as we do now, just L4L we would call ourselves KCSO Explorers. It will be just like KCSO- contracting same way. We need to make sure that if we are one big pool we need to all be putting kids into events to help out.
  • Victor talked about for the Treasurer report we could have one general line column with amount brought in. Next line could be for each post and how much money they have brought in per post.

Long Term Job for Explorers at IKEA

  • Deputy Davy discussed about IKEA and how they want to hire Explorers to run the traffic jobs in their parking lot but it would be a huge job lasting two years. Victor and Davy met with them and they want someone every weekend Saturday and Sunday, the job would be traffic control in their parking lot and directing people on how to get around the parking lot. It would be perfect for explorers but they would have to pay for an advisor. IKEA had told Deputy Davy it would be $687.00 a day which wouldn’t cover it.
  • A lot of discussion about this event being possible and if this job would look like a money laundering scheme. Deputy Pierce thought that this job has nothing to do with the community so it wouldn’t be something the explorers would do. It was brought up that Shoreline Costco hired Police Explorers yearly in the past to have them work just in their parking lot.
  • Captain Boe will talk about how King County would have to pay the OT for this job because an advisor cannot be on Off duty. It was discussed how there is no way KC would pay this job in the City of Renton for two years.
  • We need to run this stuff by Patty Shelledy. Asking if advisors can work off duty vs. on duty OT and still supervise kids? Also if working this type of event is even legal. How can we accomplish if we have a private entity that comes to us wanting the explorers to work? Captain Boe and Deputy Davy working on this part.

Explorer Manual

  • It needs to be done so maybe assigning sections to people and have them get it done.
  • Our Deputy GOM manual has changed drastically over the years and the explorer manual has not. We need to get it done. Capt Boe is taking care of Section 5 discipline.

Upcoming Events

  • Apple Cup- Yakima- May
  • Federal Way Challenge- Last year it was cancelled not enough participants. Should be February this year.
  • Nationals- July11-16- Flag Staff Arizona. MV has talked about Charter bus rental for several posts. $495 per person. Pays for place to stay and food.

Last thing:

  • Captain Boe brought up that someone had told him to talk about how work on a 503C while on County time is some type of “ethical” issue. We have been doing this for years and it has never been an issue. This will be discussed with legal to see if we have to get clearance from the County Council to work on it while on County time.

Meeting adjourned at 1130