Career Ladder

Program Newsletter

August 2011

2011-12 Steering Committee
Dave Dirksen –Assistant Superintendent

Dolores Biggerstaff - FUSD School Board

John Corcoran –FEA President,

Monsii Zigich -Parent

Nina Andersson -Teacher, Kinsey, primary

Alisa Godwin - Teacher, Thomas, primary

Sandy Hartnett-Smith-Teacher, Knoles, primary

Barbara Campbell -Teacher, SMS, intermediate

Annie Crego-Teacher, Thomas, Intermediate

Vacancy -Teacher, intermediate
Lorraine Acheson- Teacher, MEMS

Jill Allen -Teacher, MEMS

Russ Randall –Teacher, CHS

Rick Treadway-Teacher, SMS

Julie Vlieg-Teacher, CHS

Mike Vogler -Teacher , CHS

Catherine Weidinger – Teacher, CHS

Mary Kay Walton-Principal, Knoles

Tari Popham -Principal, SMS

Jaima Peterson - PFE Representative

Mary Lara-CLP Coordinator

The mission of the Flagstaff Career The mission of the Flagstaff Career Ladder Program is to promote improved student performance and achievement through dynamic change, professionalism, and improved teaching skills.

Coordinator’s Message:

Welcome back! I hope you had a restful, enjoyable and refreshing summer break! The beginning of a new school year is always an exciting time!

We have several changes to tell you about this year.

Student Achievement Project Templates: We have moved the student achievement templates (SPAR, CAP and IGGI) to Google docs. We think this will make the process easier for you to access and complete. Your PFE Teams will give you log-in information.

Career Ladder Handbook: The Career Ladder Steering Committee proposed and the Governing Board approved several small changes (mostly updates) to the Career Ladder Handbook, along with one major change. On page 15 of the Handbook, under “Regular Placement” the new wording is: ISI points will be credited based on the most current ISI evaluation as follows:
Level I: No more than five percent (5%) of the ISI indicators shall be “Approaches District Standards” to be credited with 15 points.
Level II, III, IV: No more than five percent (5%) of the ISI indicators shall be “Approaches District Standards” to be credited with 15 points. Applicant must have no “Does not meet District Standards” ratings on the ISI. The Individual Skills Inventory (ISI) is the instrument principals use to evaluate teachers. You will want to be sure to read through the Career Ladder Handbook to familiarize yourself with the Career Ladder policy.

State Phase-Out of Career Ladder: Just a reminder that the Career Ladder Program will be phased out in equal increments over the next five years:

o  4% for FY 2011-2012

o  3% for FY 2012-2013

o  2% for FY 2013-2014

o  1% for FY 2014-2015

o  Repeals the Career Ladder Program on July 1, 2015.

This 1% reduction translated into roughly a 25% reduction in our budget.

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Lower student enrollment also affected our budget. Needless to say, this will impact Professional Development funding and Career Ladder addendum amounts. We eliminated one part-time team this year. The PFE team school assignments may be different this year, based on the elimination of that team, and the movement of participants around the district. We will have a better idea of addendum amounts in a few weeks, when we know exactly how many teachers will be participating in Career Ladder. My best estimate is that the Level IV, Step 3 addenda will be around $1500.

Christi Carlson will not be returning to Career Ladder as a PFE this year. She has accepted a teaching position at Flagstaff High School. We wish Christi a great year! Trudy Hope will return to Career Ladder in Christi’s place, having the next highest score in the PFE interview process from last spring. We are glad to have Trudy back!

This first newsletter contains important information including due dates. Please read it completely. Have a wonderful year!

Mary Lara

PFE Contact Information:

PFEs / Email / Office Phone / Schools Served
Lindsey Hillyard
Carrie Jenkins /
/ 527-6133 / DeMiguel, Killip, Kinsey, Knoles, Marshall, FHS, DW
Pam Anderson
Jaima Peterson /
/ 527-6135 / Cromer, Puente de Hozho, Thomas, SMS, CHS, DW
Paul Gianelli
Trudy Hope /
/ 527-6134 / Leupp, Sechrist, Project New Start, MEMS, DW

Participation: According to our legal\council, participation in 2011-12 requires having received addenda in 2010-11. Based on this interpretation of the law, participation in Career Ladder this year is limited to participants who received addenda last year.

Eligibility: Based on HB 2008 from the 2010 legislative session, teachers are eligible to participate in Career Ladder if they received addenda last year, the position requires placement on a teacher’s salary schedule, and the participant holds a valid teaching or professional certificate issued by the Arizona Department of Education. Counselors and speech pathologists that have a certificate issued by the ADE are eligible to participate in Career Ladder, provided the following requirement is met. Keep in mind that Flagstaff’s eligibility language requires meeting the above mentioned criteria in addition to the requirement that teachers spend at least 50% of their contracted time instructing students. In some instances (counselors, speech pathologists, library media specialists, etc.) this may be an individual case by case decision, Please work with your PFE team, keeping in mind that is Career Ladder is audited, you must be prepared to provide documentation proving you meet the above requirements.

Collaborative Achievement Project (CAP): With the district’s focus on creating common formative assessments, you might consider forming grade level teams to use the CAP student achievement project this year. If a common summative assessment has been created for your grade level/subject, you could use that as your Pre/Post Assessment and use the CAP to create common formative assessments for the benchmarks. This would also tie in nicely with your Collaborative Team time. Your PFE teams will be happy to explore possibilities with you!

Student Teacher Checklist: If you are supervising a student teacher this year, don’t forget to have the student teacher complete the “Student Teacher Checklist” before they leave town so that you can get your ICP points. The checklist can be downloaded from the Career Ladder website. Go to ( and click on “Career Ladder Forms.”

Important Deadlines:

CAP and IGGI proposals must be submitted by Friday, August 12th for Killip and Leupp, Friday, September 2nd for all other schools.

CAP and IGGI Planning Interviews must be completed with PFE team by Friday, September 2nd for Killip and Leupp, Friday, September 23rd for all other schools.

These are very important dates. Please do not allow them to pass without contacting your PFE’s. Failure to complete a student achievement component reduces a participant’s placement to level 1 and requires a repayment of CLP addenda paid to that point in time.

I would encourage everyone to begin the student achievement project as soon as possible.

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Individual Skills Inventory: The ISI is the tool principals use to evaluate teachers. As noted above, Career Ladder policy has changed with regard to the ISI.

Level I: No more than five percent (5%) of the ISI indicators shall be “Approaches District Standards” to be credited with 15 points.
Level II, III, IV: No more than five percent (5%) of the ISI indicators shall be “Approaches District Standards” to be credited with 15 points. Applicant must have no “Does not meet District Standards” ratings on the ISI. The Individual Skills Inventory (ISI) is the instrument principals use to evaluate teachers.

If you suspect you may have trouble with your ISI, please contact the Career Ladder Office as soon as possible. We can stop your Career Ladder addenda. In this way, if you are not able to rectify the ISI concerns, you will not have to repay the money collected throughout the year. If you rectify the ISI concerns, you will be paid the entirety of the CLP addenda.

Please remember that the Career Ladder staff is available to assist you with your improvement plan.

PGA Classes

The Peer Coaching and Create Your SPAR classes will be offered only in September. These two courses, along with all other new PGA classes can be accessed through the Electronic Registrar Online (ERO). ERO can be accessed through the FUSD homepage ( > Faculty & Staff Links > ERO.

SEI: Structured English Immersion

This Career Ladder PGA Course is designed to help teachers meet the needs of former English Language Learners (ELLs) transitioning into mainstream classes. It also addresses the needs of other cultural minority students. Following the SIOP Protocol, teachers will develop lessons, materials, and instructional models to maximize the learning of all students. This course meets the requirements for the 45-hour component of the Arizona SEI endorsement and can be used for recertification and to advance on the salary schedule (3 graduate credits). It is offered free of charge to all FUSD employees. The fee for out-of-district participants is $50/credit hour ($150 for this 3-credit course).

Location: FUSD Administrative Center

Dates/Times: Fridays, 4-8 pm; Saturdays 8 am – 4 pm; Sept 23-24, Oct 14-15, Nov 4-5; Must attend all dates

Facilitator: Sue Pierce

Registration: BESL1001, SRN#2011100103

The Career Ladder Office is located in Room 12, in the basement of the Administrative Center.

Office phone: 527-6130

Cyndi Bales, Secretary

Mary Lara, Coordinator

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