The Parish of St. Paul with St. John’S

Calliaqua: 7:00a.m - Belair 9:00a.m

Before the service - speak to the Lord

During the service - let the Lord speak to you

After the service - speak to each other

Most important be reverent

02nd April, 2017

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Lectionary A





Home Telephone: 784-458-4332

Office: 784-457-5163




Ms. Joye Browne (457-4128) & Mrs. Cynthia Hope-Browne (456-5311)


P.C.C Secretary: Mrs. Camilla Mandeville-Mulzac

Mrs. Anita Nanton– Organist

Education Sanctification Fellowship Evangelism

Today’s Celebrant :The Rev’d Canon Ashton Francis

Today’s Preacher: The Rev’d Mr. Elso Ross

The Order of Service

Entrance in silence

The Great Litany Pg. 87

Opening SentencePg. 98

Greetings & Collect for PurityPg.101

The Kyrie Pg.102

Collect for the Day Pg.164

Collect for Ash Wednesday Pg.163

The First Reading Ezekiel 37:1-14

Psalm 130

The Second Reading Romans 8:6-11

Gradual Hymn 253

Gospel John 11:1-45

The Sermon

Hymn 561

The Peace Pg. 213


Offertory Hymn 236, 491

Offertory Prayer Form A Pg.126

Eucharistic Prayer Form A Pg.131

The Lord’s Prayer Pg.144

The Breaking of BreadForm II Pg.145

Invitation Form C Pg.146

Communion Hymns – 586, 595, 620

Post-Communion Prayer - Prayer II Pg.148

Blessing of the Children, Birthday, Anniversary, Travelling 651, 669

Recessional Hymn 531

During Lent we join hands and sing the Doxology



Church First Lesson Psalm Second Lesson

St. Paul: Men’s Fellowship Men’s Fellowship Men’s Fellowship

FINANCIAL CORNER 26th March, 2017

OFFERING Calliaqua Belair

Open 301.50 168.75

Pledge 1997.00 510.00


Designated Gifts (Church grounds) 11.50

Lenten Booklet 60.00

Sponsoring of the Bulletin 200.00

Glebe Rent 75.00

Tickets 450.00

Donation - Easter Luncheon 850.00 ______

Total 3745.00 678.75

ATTENDANCE 186 62 = 248

Weekly Church Notices

WELCOMEto the Parish of St. Paul, Calliaqua with St. John, Belair. We

are so pleased that you chose to worship with us today and it is our hope

that you were blessed by Word and Sacrament and that you will visit us again.

1.We are asked to read Colossians in preparation for Bible Study.

Tuesdays - Bible Study St. Paul at 6:00p.m

Wednesdays - Bible Study St. John at 5:00p.m

Fridays - Stations of the Cross St. Paul & St. John at 6:00p.m

Saturday 08th April Healing Service at St. John 4-6:00p.m

2.We need all hands on board this year to make Palm Crosses on

Saturday, 08th April.

3.The Easter Luncheon is upcoming, and we ask for your usual support and help in whatever way you can. Tickets are now available.

4.The Guild of Vocations invites all those who believe they are being

called to or whowould like to be consider for the ordained ministry to

a quiet day on Saturday8th April, 2017from9:30am to 2:00pm at

St. Mary's Church, Buccament.

5. The Diocesan Regulations are on sale at $25.00 per copy at the Diocesan Office.

6.Palm Sunday is the 9th April. Services are as follows: 6:30am starting at the Calliaqua Anglican School Yard for St. Paul and 9:00am at St. John.

7.The Service of the Blessing of Oils and Renewal of Ordination Vows

will be held at 5:00pm on Wednesday 12th April at the Church of the

Ascension at Sion Hill.

8. Holy Baptism will be administered at St. Paul’s on Holy Saturday

15th April, 2017, which is also Easter Vigil.

Please read the bulletin, then pass it on to a friend or relative.


Special birthdays greetings are extended to: Salathiel Durham, Sharon Haynes, Alfred Huggins, Norma Jack, Jacel Toney and anyone celebrating this week. We wish God’s blessing on you.


This bulletin is sponsored by the Mrs. Claudette Defreitas and family in loving memory of her brother Luther Robertson Jr, who died on the 26th March 1981. Sadly missed by his family.


Oliver 08th April 2004 Betty Bradshaw 05th April 2014

May their souls rest in peace. Amen

The Living Word: page 745

Mon Jer. 24:1-10 Psalm 31 Rom. 9:19-33

Tue Jer.25:8-17 Psalm 120 Rom. 10:1-13

Wed Jer. 25:30-38 Psalm 119:145-176 Rom. 10:14-21

Thu Jer. 26:1-16 Psalm 131 Rom. 11:1-12

Fri Jer. 29:1,4-13 Psalm 95Rom. 11:13-24

Sat Jer. 31:27-34 Psalm 137:1-9 Rom. 11:25-36

Lectionary a

Isaiah 50:4-6 Psalm 31:9-16 Philippians 2:5-11 Matthew 26:14-27:66

P.C.C. Members

Noel Browne Milton Browne Michelle Bullock Alma Dougan Roddy Dowers Cheryl Evans Dionne John Patricia Israel Sandra Noel Charles Samuel

Church Secretary: Mrs. Sheradon Lucas

Verger: Mr. Leroy Pompey

Sexton: Mr. Gideon James



Solemn Sung Mass St. Paul 7:00a.m.

Solemn Sung Mass St. John 9:00a.m.

Sunday School St. Paul 3:30p.m.

Sunday School St. John 3:00p.m.


Bible Study St. Paul 5:00p.m.

A.C.W.A. 3rd Tuesday 5:00p.m.

Mothers’ Union St. John 1st & 3rd Tuesday


Mass St. Paul 6:00a.m.

Bible Study St. John 5:00p.m

Choir Practice St. Paul 5:30p.m


Morning Prayer St. Paul 6:00a.m

Mothers’ Union St. Paul

2nd & Last Thursday

Choir Practice St. John 5:00p.m


Deacon’s Service St. Paul 6:00a.m.

God’s Garden & Homework Club 5:00p.m.

IMPAC+ Youth Ministry 6:30p.m.


Servers Practice St. Paul 4:30p.m.

Your prayers are asked for the sick of the Parish, both at home and in the hospital.

Sick & Shut-ins

Eldon Anderson, Clifton Antrobus, EnaBennette, Chinyelu Browne, Isabella Browne, Ethel Butler, Ezekiel Clarke, Sarah Commissiong, Rosalie Davis, Rosalind Delpeche, Stanley Finch, Cindy Hogan, Rita George, Jeremy Grant, Fr. Frank Garraway, Miriam Gurley, Linda Gopaul, Owen Hope, Victor Hunte, Bertie Hope, Pearl James, Adella John, Cynthia John, Sylvina John, Kathleen Jones, Helena Joseph, Agnes London, Sinclair Joshua, Inez Mandeville, Ena Malcolm, Lorna McBarnett, Ardon McCree, Elaine Ollivierre, Agnes Obrien, Tabitha Providence, Cheryl Peters, Theresa Quashie, Dorothy Ryan, Beryl Richards, Doreen Richards, Susan Sinson, Clara Sandy, Sarah Spencer, Vera Smart, Stephanie Seales, Carl Stephens, Josephine Thomas, Ephraim & Rhoda Williams, Kaleb Williams, Azucena Williams, Olga Weekes, Hugh Marshall, Oswald Nanton.Maggie Warren, Victoria Derrick.

(Please keep us informed of the condition of these persons)

Today’s Celebrant & Preacher: The Rev’d Mr. Elso Ross

The Order of Service

Entrance in silence

The Great Litany Pg. 87

Opening SentencePg. 98

Greetings & Collect for PurityPg.101

The Kyrie Pg.102

Collect for the Day Pg.164

Collect for Ash Wednesday Pg.163

The First Reading Ezekiel 37:1-14

Psalm 130

The Second Reading Romans 8:6-11

Gradual Hymn 253

Gospel John 11:1-45

The Sermon

Hymn 561

The Peace Pg. 213


Offertory Hymn 236, 491

The Lord’s Prayer Pg.144

The Church of Christ of which we are members has taken this bread and wine and given thanks according to the Lord’s command. We now share together in the communion of his body and blood.

Invitation Form C Pg.146

Communion Hymns – 586, 595, 620

Post-Communion Prayer - Prayer II Pg.148

Blessing of the Children, Birthday, Anniversary, Travelling 651, 669

Recessional Hymn 531

During Lent we join hands and sing the Doxology



Church First Lesson Psalm Second Lesson

St. John: Pamela Charles Shirla Little

FINANCIAL CORNER 26th March, 2017

OFFERING Calliaqua Belair

Open 301.50 168.75

Pledge 1997.00 510.00


Designated Gifts (Church grounds) 11.50

Lenten Booklet 60.00

Sponsoring of the Bulletin 200.00

Glebe Rent 75.00

Tickets 450.00

Donation - Easter Luncheon 850.00 ______

Total 3745.00 678.75

ATTENDANCE 186 62 = 248