
Amended & Restated Articles of Incorporation
For The Southwest Youth Soccer League Corporation

On 2015, the Board of Directors by unanimous votedoes hereby accept these amended and restated Articles of Incorporation. The restated Articles of Incorporation correctly set forth the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation as theretofore amended, that they have been duly adopted as required by law and that they supersede the original Articles of Incorporation and all amendments thereto. Articles are being amended to modify Articles 3, 6, and 11; as well as update Addendum 1.

Any amendments or changes must be filed with the Secretary of State along with the filing fee of $16.00.

Article 1

The name of the corporation shall be The Southwest Youth Soccer League, Corporation. Hereinafter called “The Corporation”.

Article 2

The duration of the corporation shall be perpetual, unless dissolved by unanimous Board decision.

Article 3

The corporation’s registered office address and registered agent shall filed with the Kentucky Secretary of State, using Registered Agent name/address change form, within 30 days of each elected/appointed President of Southwest Youth Soccer League.

Article 4
Purpose of the Corporation

The purpose of the Southwest Youth Soccer League, Board Members and Coaches is to:

1. Provide fun and an understanding of soccer.

2. Encourage good sportsmanship.

3. Improve understanding, and encourage teamwork with other players and all involved.

4. Foster a sense of personal achievement by developing new interest and skills.

5. Show how to be helpful and do one’s best.

6. Provide an opportunity for children to learn and play the game of soccer in a supervised, organized and safe environment and to keep the participants welfare free of any adult ambitions and personal glory.

Article 5

The corporation shall be operated exclusively for non-profit purposes:

a. The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and/or scientific purposes under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

b. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof (Article 4). No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

c. Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.

d. Annual compliance filings with Kentucky Secretary of State, Annual Report.

Article 6

The Board of Directors, consisting of nine (9) elected Volunteers, shall govern the corporation. The Board of Directors shall have the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Corporation. The Board of Directors may delegate such duties as appear in the best interest of the Corporation to the extent permitted by law. The Board of Directors shall adopt and amend administrative rules and regulations governing the operation of the soccer league.

These officers will be elected at the end of the regular spring season. Nominations shall be posted prior to the end of the spring season for these positions for two (2) consecutive weekends, of scheduled game 6 and 7 of the regular season and vote will take place on scheduled game 8. All nominees for the office of league President must have served on the Board of Directors at any time in the past in order to be eligible for nomination. All other nominees for the other eight (8) remaining Board of Director positions must be reviewed by the Board prior to nominations being posted. If a nomination has been previously banned from any role in the Corporation, the nomination will automatically be disqualified. A nominee must meet the following requirements. 1. Be a parent or legal guardian of a child in the league. 2. Must have a child in the league during the start of their first term. The membership of the Corporation shall elect the Directors to the Board by means of the ballot. Only the approved names on the ballot, by approval of the Board, shall be counted, no un-approved write-in candidates will be allowed.Each family of the electing season and must have a child eligible for the upcoming season will be allowed two ballots, according to names listed on the registration form provided to SWYSL.

Any officer or officer elect cannot hold a position that would allow both check authorizing signatures in the same relationship. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks. Should two officers (authorized to sign checks) relationship status change, one or both will resign.

All Board Members shall be required to complete a background check on file each soccer season. Each member’s background information must be in good standing to maintain his or her position on the Board. Any disqualifying offenses for any Board Member must be reviewed by the Board.

Vacancies on the Board of Directors caused by any reasonshall be filled for the unexpired term of office by vote of the majority of the remaining directors even though they may consist of less than a quorum and each member so elected shall be a director until his/her successor is duly elected by the members of the Corporation at the expiration of the term. The President, or if the President’s office is vacated, Vice-President, must govern the vote.

At the President’s discretion, any Board Member under the Presidentmissing three (3) or more meetings per year without notifying the Board via e-mail, phone or in person prior, or conducting himself/herself in a manner detrimental to soccer or this League, or for any other reason deemed sufficient by the President, may have his/her office declared vacant at the discretion of the Board, which must so declare by a majority vote.Board Member, the officer named does not have a vote. The President may be removed by the same language, but vote must be 1st motioned at the discretion of the Vice-President and Vice-President must be in favor and will be allowed to vote to remove President, and additionally, in the same motion, ask to be accepted as acting President to fulfill duration of term.

President –
To rule, see and govern the organization, help make decisions and preside over league meetings. Serve as spokesperson for the league. Attend all meetings in which the league has interest. Work with community leaders and government agencies to improve the facilities and develop a working relationship within the league and the community. This position has motion privileges except in the case of a tie. Term is for 4 seasons (2 years).

Vice President –
To assist the president in his/her duties. The Vice President shall take the place of the President and perform his/her duties whenever the President shall be absent or unable to act and shall assist in other duties as may be required. To oversee the Registrar, Coaching/Field Administrator, Referee Coordinator, Team Parent/Volunteer Coordinator, Commissioners/Disputes Coordinator, and Activities Coordinator. To perform the duties of Public Relations for the league, to include all advertisement of league activities, by contacting radio stations, newspapers, and TV stations and by e-mail. Term is for 4 seasons (2 years)

If neither the President nor the Vice President is able to act, the Board of Directors shall appoint some other member of the Board of Directors to do so on an interim basis. All remaining Board Members will be allowed to vote.

Treasurer –
The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds of the Corporation in such depositories as shall be designated by the Board of Directors; shall be responsible for correct and complete books and records of account and records of financial transactions and condition of the Corporation and shall submit such reports as the Board of Directors may, from time to time require. To receive/pay bills, enter into books, register checks, and oversee the bank account and issue checks as needed. Provide monthly treasurer’s reports due at the beginning of each month and posted at the concession stand. Prepare reports each season for Metro Parks and any other filing agency as required. Term is for 4 seasons (2 years)

Registrar –
To maintain all player registrations and team rosters and information for the league draft. Maintain the proper Proof of Age for all registered players. To order equipment, shirts and socks for each soccer player and assist with the purchasing of uniforms and trophies. To coordinate team/individual pictures each season. Maintaining record keeping on players and coaches for league. Term is for 4 seasons (2 years)

Secretary –
To record and maintain minutes from league meetings, to include General, and Board meetings, and to produce a copy of minutes to review at each board meeting. To assist the Registrar and other board members in their duties. Keep records and minutes of all meetings. Provide copies of minutes for all meetings to Metro Parks and any other filing agency required annually. Term is for 4 seasons (2 years)

Coaching Coordinator
To oversee all of the coaching staff, commissioners, and assist the Vice-President in his/her duties regarding coaching. To hold mandatory coaches’ meetings in order to maintain communication and to allow for problem solving in that season. Is responsible for arranging and managing coaching clinics. To issue and receive league equipment from coaches, including keys. Term is for 4 seasons (2 years)

Referee Administrator –
To contact the Kentucky Soccer Referee Association assignor for assistance in obtaining and scheduling referees. Schedule all referees for all scheduled games, including center referees and assistant referees (ARs). To ensure that all games start on time. Watch and evaluate all referees in their performance and to report all evaluations to Vice President. To maintain communication with all referees. Provide the Vice President with all schedules and documentation pertaining to their duties. To provide the Treasurer with all information and documents regarding payment of referees. Referee Administrator shall not schedule themselves to referee any games, but shall be prepared to referee in the case of an emergency. To promote refereeing within the League. Field striping coordination and field set up. Term is for two (2) seasons (1 year).

Risk Management Director –
To oversee the potential risks of all coaches, assistant coaches, referees, board members and volunteer positions within the league. To ensure that all background checks are completed prior to the start of each soccer season. Maintain volunteer records and keep confidential. Maintain background checks, first aid kits, safety procedures, and documentation of safety issues, board of health issues and field safety issues. Investigate and report any findings from a background check or complaint to the Board of Directors for review. Provide an overview of the Risk Management Program at monthly board meetings. Maintain communication between league and officers of safety within the community. Will create a system of safety in order to maintain our league. Distribute on a periodic basis appropriate educational material regarding the Risk Management Program to all league volunteers. All matters involving a disqualification shall be kept on file for a minimum of ten (10) years. Oversee all insurance claims for the League. Oversee any and all situations that involve any type of risk within the League. Safety issues regarding children in the league are top priority in this position. Term is for 2 seasons (1 year)

Team Parent/Volunteer Coordinator –
Oversee team parents and provide information from the league regarding any functions and activities of the league. Coordinate monthly meetings. Ensure all teams have a team parent. Establish a volunteer list or contact sheet for the sole purpose of volunteering for our many activities throughout a given season. Maintain phone numbers and emails for call out. Responsible for the coordination of activities throughout the season. Term is for 4 seasons (2 years)

Responsibilities of Board Members

1. Make decisions in all issues or protests. Its decisions are final and binding. No Board may overturn a decision a previous Board has made as it relates to disciplinary actions of league volunteers.

2. It shall establish financial policy and bookkeeping procedures for the corporation.

3. It shall decide what is and what is not acceptable conduct by players, coaches, and parents on the playing or practice field.

4. It will decide the acceptability of fundraising events.

5. Registration fees will go first towards the purchase of Uniforms, Insurance, Pictures, and Trophies.


1. Meetings shall be held as needed with a minimum of 6 per calendar year with 1 being held at the beginning of the season.

2. Any Board Member can call a Special Meeting. Request for a Special Meeting must be made through the President. Any special meeting called by a Board member shall be closed to non-Board members.


1. All members will be allowed to vote on any subject matter that doesn’t include personal gain, the Board member shall be asked to be excluded (abstain) by the President. Motion status, first and/or second, does not exclude any member from their right to vote. Unless an emergency vote is required, approved by acting President or in the absence of, President elect, any motion debate that will be voted on requires a wait period that is dictated by the sensitivity of the deadline but no more than 7 days. A vote may take place at a special meeting or monthly meeting; but all Board Members shall be notified in advance of said vote. If a Board Member is not present for the meeting vote, a proxy vote may be taken by the President, or President elect, and must be in writing (text message or email is accepted) prior to meeting vote. Phone in conferencing for attending the meeting will be allowed to vote.

2. Once a motion has been voted on, agreed and put in the minutes, it cannot be changed without another duly called meeting, no motion or debates will be accepted at meeting of vote. New motions on a previously voted on motion will only be accepted if there is sufficient new evidence to warrant a new vote; President has final approval to accept any repeated motions.

Article 7


1. All coaches and co-coaches must be volunteers.

2. Each coach and co-coach shall be reviewed by the Board Members prior to the beginning of each season.

3. It is the responsibility of all coaches to contact the League for their rosters.

4. Each team will play each attending player, at least half of the game, at the players will.

Article 8

Any coach, referee, spectator, player or other person may be disciplined up to and including banned from league activitiesif found guilty of the following offenses.

1. Under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on the playing or practice field.

2. Abusive language.

3. Striking any person.

4. Possession of weapons, of any type, on the premises.

5. Specific to Coaches, violation of the Code of Conduct policy, signed at the beginning of each season. Violations do carry over from season to season.

Article 9

1. Shin guards are required, worn under socks. (Which parents must provide.)

2. Soft cleated shoes must have the tip cleat removed (official soccer shoes do not have this). Metal tip shoes must be approved prior to practicing/playing (official soccer shoes have rubber tips); the Board has final say in allowing such shoe. (Which parents must provide.)

3. There will be a Registration Fee.

4. Registrations are final as of cut-off date as determined by the Board Members each season. In no case shall the date be later than the start of the second game.

5. Team Assignments, in general, will be made as following.

A. Coaches may receive last season’s players, until teams are full.
B. Special needs request.
C. Parents’ request.
D. Balance: Age and Gender.
E. Board Members.

The Board reserves the right to change as necessary, season to season, in the best interest of the league.

Article 10
Fields and Equipment