School of Veterinary and Life Sciences
Academic Workload Management System: 2016Metrics
ITEM / WORKLOAD POINTS: 2016 / COMMENTSRESEARCH: / Only research captured in IRMA is allocated through the WMS.
Research workload points are averaged over the previous 3 years.
Staff affected by a period of reduced research opportunity over this previous 3 year period should have this taken into account when planning activities for the years affected by the research calculation. That is, they can be allocated points in anticipation of a return to research productivity. Cluster Leader’s advice and Dean’s discretion are used here.
Research supervision and research will be uncapped from 2015
Early career academic / 150 / Granted for staff within 5 years of completing their PhD. To be applied to teaching or research as negotiated.Duration of allowance – 3 years.
New staff / 150 / Granted for staff with a PhD awarded more than 5 years ago, but new to Murdoch.Duration of allowance – 2 years.
Staff undertaking PhD / 690 / This increase from 2014 reflects the assumption that a part-time enrolment will require a significant commitment of time. Allocation dependent on reaching milestones and reviewed annually. Max duration of allowance – 7 years.
Published article in refereed journal (C1) / =240 + (120/number of authors) / This metric was discussed at length by the Executive and Cluster Leaders. While there are several options that reduce the discount applied when there are multiple authors it was decided that the simple approach of doubling the base points and halving the slope for the discount was preferred. The main rationale was that different disciplines have very different numbers of authors as a standard, and a satisfactory cut-off for authorship before a reduction is applied would be difficult to find.
Book chapter (B) / =50 + (100/number of authors)
Book edited / =35 + (75/number of editors)
Research book or monograph (A1) in scholarly press / =350 + (700/number of authors)
Research book or monograph (A1) in commercial press / =250+ (500/number of authors)
Refereed conference publication (E1) / =50 + (100/number of authors) / Not available for authors who are academics employed at a level D or E to reflect greater expectations at these levels
Refereed conference publication (non-E1) / No allocation / National peer-reviewed conference that doesn’t meet the requirements of HERDC E1
Case report / =70 + (140/number of authors)
Nationally Competitive Grant (NCG) research grant - application / 150 / Awarded in the year of application only
All investigators pro-rata as specified in application
Nationally Competitive Grant (NCG) research grant - management / 200 / Awarded in the years for which the grant was applied.
All investigators pro-rata as specified in application.
Other research income (Category 2,3,4) - application / 50 / Awarded in the year of application only
All investigators pro-rata as specified in application
Other research income (Category 2, 3, 4) - management / 65 / Awarded in the years for which the grant was applied
All investigators pro-rata as specified in application.
HDR completion (PhD, MPhil, RMT) / 100 / Murdoch University enrolled students only. Valid only for the year of conferral.Valid for all supervisors
Research service / Up to 60 / School Dean’s discretion.
TEACHING: / Only contact time (2015+) and assignment/exam marking time (2016+) specified in the Handbook or through Academic Planning is allocated through the WMS
Unit coordination:
- Base load,
- plus
- According to class size
10 for OTHER units
40 for non-lab/field work units
60 for lab/field work units
According to class size - By formula / All responsibility for conducting a coursework unit; unit information and learning guide, unit reader, electronic resources, Moodle site, discussion boards, class lists, Echo 360, marking guides, results, organising guest lectures, voluntary revision sessions, Board of Examiners, Curriculum Groups/Committees, etc.
The base load is only available once per calendar year for units taught in more than one teaching period and/or with multiple versions with variable points. The class size points for the additional offerings are included.
Transition, Research Skills, Breadth and Capstone units to be supported by a unit manager rather than receiving a loading here as previously suggested. Other units where additional support is required are to be captured under Dean’s discretion.
New unit taught for the first time / 150 / This covers the first time a unit is being offered for teaching by the University. It is not applied if a staff member is teaching an existing unit for the first time.
Existing unit converted from 4 to 3 points / 75-150 / Dean’s discretion based upon Assoc Dean Learning and Teaching advice
Existing unit taught for the first time / 75 / If a staff member is teaching an existing unit for the first time.
Lecture: per contact hour / 5 / Group teaching: one teacher presenting prepared unit content and information to all students.
Attending a guest lecture is part of coordination.
Lecture: repeat / 1 / Same content, same semester - as for lecture, although this activity is weighted differently.
Seminar/workshop per contact hour / 5 / Formal presentations in which teaching staff or students present unit material or research findings for discussion. Workshops are interactive and experiential learning activities conducted by staff to give students a ‘hands-on’ learning experience through carefully planned learning tasks. Normally all students in a unit are present, or at least the groups are significantly larger than as for a tutorial.
Seminar/workshop: repeat / 1 / Same content, same semester - as for Seminar/Workshop, although this activity is weighted differently.
Online activities equivalent to lectures; e.g., mini-lectures/podcasts / 5 per hour of total delivered time / This only refers to material prepared by the lecturer, and will need approved as part of Academic Planning.
Tutorial per hour / 3 for original tutorial + 2 for repeats (this is the same as for PTT) / Interactive small-group learning where students discuss issues/topics raised in lectures and readings, and develop academic skills under the guidance of a tutor.Weighting of 3/2per contact hour includes ancillary activities; e.g. attending tutors meetings to discuss coming tutorials and the moderation of marks. This allocation is principally for staff who tutor into a unit that they don’t coordinate. In the interest of simplicity this weighting applies for unit coordinators who tutor in their own units, even though some these activities are part of coordination. All marking that occurs outside of class time is allocated separately.
Note - An equivalent arrangement will apply for casual tutors from 2015.
Virtual tutorial per hour: for external and OUA groups / 3 for original virtual group/Live Classroom tutorial + 2 for repeats / Interactive small-group learning where students discuss issues/topics raised in lectures and readings, and develop academic skills under the guidance of a tutor.Weighting of 3/2 per contact hour includes ancillary activities; e.g. attending tutors meetings to discuss coming tutorials, and the moderation of marks. This allocation is principally for staff who tutor into a unit that they don’t coordinate. In the interest of simplicity this weighting could remain for unit coordinators who tutor in their own units, even though some these activities are part of coordination. All marking that occurs outside of class time is allocated separately
Note 1 – This metric should encourage the uptake of Live Classroom.
Note 2 - An equivalent arrangement will apply for casual tutors from 2015.
Laboratory demonstration per hour / 1 for original lab session (preparation) + 1 per hour in lab +1 per hour in lab for repeats / Laboratory learning where students develop and practice particular skills in exploring material, techniques and equipment. Generally used for wet lab or equipment based laboratories, such as biological, chemical, physical, vet science.
One hour of preparation time explicitly included.
On-campus laboratory sessions for external students / 2 for each day of lab sessions (preparation) + 1 per hour in lab / Laboratory learning where students develop and practice particular skills in exploring material, techniques and equipment. Generally used for wet lab or equipment based laboratories, such as biological, chemical, physical, vet science.
One hour of preparation time explicitly included.
Field trip / 2 per day of field workfor preparation + Up to a maximum of 12 hours per day / Any learning activity done in the field, including field classes and residential trips.
Clinical Teaching by rostered days ‘on clinics’ / Undergraduate:
For days that involve students on core clinical rotations and streaming: - 4.0 hours per day
- 6.5 hours per day for ‘Zoo’ teaching
For days with students on EME (VET538): - 2.5 hours per day
Plus (if applicable): - Supervision of resident: - 1.0 hour per day
(Clinical consulting has a separate metric – see below) / Learning activity involving clinical rounds / rotations / observations / practicum
When residents are present during clinical teaching of undergraduates and assist with the teaching their hours should be allocated to the relevant undergraduate unit as 1 point per hour. An additional hour also needs to be allocated for one-on-one resident/supervisor interaction. This hour is set against the relevant postgraduate MVCS unit
In entering these data the number of groups of students need to be treated individually as with a standard tutorial with repeats.
Assignment Marking / 0.5 per student assignment / Use for any assignment that is done in student's time and handed in – to a maximum of 3 per unit per semester. (Assessment Guidelines). From 2016 this metric will reflect the specific marking requirements for the assignments set for each unit in accordance with the Assessment Guidelines and as approved through Academic Planning.
Exam Marking (final and intra-semester exams) / TotalStudentNo. x 0.25 / Any formal examinations undertaken for the unit. Includes clinical, practical, mid-semester, final, and online. This includes all external students’ exams. Computer marked exams receive zero points. From 2016 this metric will reflect the nature and duration of the exam?
Independent Study Contracts / 15 / Pro rata for multiple supervision.
Honours project supervision / 100 / Pro rata for multiple supervision. No allocation for supervision of non-Murdoch students
PGCW Dissertation / Project Supervision / 12 for a 3 point unit / Pro rata for multiple supervision. No allocation for supervision of non-Murdoch students. This metric is for individual student supervision not unit coordination. The latter only applies to the nominated Unit Coordinator(s).
23 for a 6 point unit
34 for a 9 point unit
46 for a 12 point unit
HDR Thesis Supervision
(PhD, DVMS, MPhil, RMT) / 120 (180 for international ESL students) / Pro rata for multiple supervision as listed in Callista. No allocation if over 4 years for a domestic PhD student, 2 for a domestic DVMS student, and 3 for a domestic MPhil student. No allocation for supervision of non-Murdoch HDR students unless agreed by Dean.
HDR Advisory Committee, Chair / 10 points per Chair / Staff should take on no more than 3 Chairs
HDR (PhD only) Pre-submission Read / 150 (225 for international ESL students) / Allocated only once per student with the full value valid for all supervisors as listed in Callista. No allocation for non-Murdoch students unless agreed by Dean.
Honours Thesis Examination / 10 / Includes an allocation for non-Murdoch students.
PGCW Dissertation / Project Examination / 5 / Includes an allocation for non-Murdoch students.
HDR Thesis Examination
(PhD, MPhil, RMT) / 24
SERVICE and OTHER / No double counting with ex officio memberships, unless approved by Dean in exceptional circumstances.
Academic Chair: Undergraduate / 100 + (StudentNo.) / This allocation applies to each major for which the Academic Chair is responsible.
Must be formally recognised (
Academic Chair: Honours / 50 / Flat rate, independent of number of honours courses for which the Academic Chair is responsible.
Must be formally recognised (
VLS Honours Chair / 100
Academic Chair: Postgraduate coursework / 75 + (StudentNo.) / This allocation applies to each separate course for which the Academic Chair is responsible.; i.e., related Grad Certificates/Diplomas/Masters count as one.
Must be formally recognised (
Academic Conduct Adviser / 50
Associate Dean Research / Associate Dean Learning & Teaching / 600 / Additional loading under Dean’s discretion
Base allocation / 45 / A default allowance to all staff to cover contribution to School meetings, grad ceremonies, editorial boards, review boards, etc. This allocation has been reduced for 2016 with Cluster-level School committees now explicitly included.
Promotional events / 5 or 10 / 5 points for open nights, high school events, expos. 10 points for open day (all day). Inclusive of training. The inclusion of points under this category in 2015to encourage significantly greater attendance at promotional events was not successful.The 2016 values reflect relative effort across metrics.
Chair of Admissions - College of Veterinary Medicine / 200 / One staff member receives this allocation.
Chair, international admissions – College of veterinary Medicine / 50
Chair of School Committee/ Working Party / 80 / Safety Committee, Advisory Committee, Marketing Committee, College Research Committee, Residents Oversight Committee.
Must be formally recognised
Member of School and Cluster-levelCommittee/ Working Party / 20 / Elected member of School Board, Safety Committee, non-ex officio Learning & Teaching Committee and Research Committee, Advisory Committee, Marketing Committee, College Curriculum Committee, College Admissions Committee, College Research committee, Residents Oversight Committee, Hospital management Team (academic), Infection Control Committee (academic), DVM Oversight Committee and College Accreditation Committee (both the latter for 2015/16 only). Must be formally recognised.
Chair of University Committee - Major / 200 / Academic Council, Academic Council Working Party, Academic Courses and Admissions Committee, University Learning and Teaching Committee, Committee on University Entrance (or replacement), Quality and Equity Standards Committee, Research Committee, Research Degrees and Scholarships Committee, Animal and Human Ethics Committees, Senate, Senate sub-committees
Must be formally recognised (
Chair of University Committee – Standard / 100 / Fieldwork Committee, Institutional Biosafety Committee, Radiation Safety Committee, Env. Sustainability Advisory Committee
Must be formally recognised (
Member of Academic Council Working Party / 50
Member of University Committee - Major / 50 / see above
Member of University Committee – Standard / 25 / see above
Clinical consulting, referral, or service (not teaching) by rostered days ‘on clinics’ / For days that involve students on core clinical rotation and streaming:- 2.5 hours per day of clinical service
For days with students on VET538:- 4.5 hours per day of clinical service
For days with no students – exam weeks - 6.5 hours per day of clinical service
Dean of School / 1500
Deputy Dean of School / 600 / Additional loading under Dean’s discretion
Cluster Leader / 400-600 / Negotiated with School Dean
Principal of College of Veterinary Medicine / 1000
Editor-in-Chief of Scholarly Journal / 200 / Not for membership of Editorial Boards as membership is considered part of Base Service. Requires approval by the Dean.
Enrolment in Enhancing Postgraduate Supervision course / 50 / Only allocated once.
Enrolment in Tertiary Teaching course / 150 / Only allocated once.
Graduate Research Director (HDR) / 100 / 1 per Cluster (HDR = PhD, MPhil, RMT)
School Colloquium Coordinator / 30
School Research Grants Shepherd / 200
Year Level Coordinator / 30
Other / Dean’s discretionary / For activities such as contributions to popular science journals, significant contributions to external bodies (e.g., membership of government bodies, or lead roles in professional associations), conference organisation. When relevant staff involvement in accreditation work can be included here.
Allowance for leave
- Annual leave
- Long service leave
- Research studies leave
- Annual leave - none
- Long service leave – include in allocations corresponding points; i.e. 37.5 per week of leave
- Research studies leave – 60% of normal teaching load
14th October 2015 – 2016 v.2Page 1 of 8