Airports Commission - Consultation Document


These comments address two issues in the Airports Commission Consultation report that are highly relevant to the primary purpose of the AONB designation which is the conservation and enhancement of the natural beauty of the Surrey Hills AONB. The policies to achieve this purpose are set out in the statutory AONB Management Plan (2014 – 2019).

1. The impact of noise on the special character and quiet enjoyment of the Surrey Hills AONB.

2. The impact of any further development at Gatwick Airport and supporting infrastructure on

the Surrey Hills AONB.

1.  The impact of noise on the special character and quiet enjoyment of the Surrey Hills AONB

Despite the setting of the Surrey Hills AONB in the busy South East region and largely within London‘s Metropolitan Green Belt, its relative tranquillity is highly valued by residents and visitors. Concern over the intrusive noise of aircraft is increasing and the AONB Management Plan consultation in 2014 identified Aircraft Noise as a major pressure on the AONB. This concern was further demonstrated by the Plane Wrong Campaign.

Tranquillity is a special quality of the Surrey Hills and part of what constitutes the AONB’s natural beauty. Under Section 85 of CROW 2000, we would expect the Department of Transport as a public body to require the Airport Commission to assess the likely impacts of these proposals on the relative tranquillity of the nationally protected South Downs National Park, Surrey Hills and High Weald AONB. As far as we can judge this assessment has not been undertaken.

Certain parts the Surrey Hills, like Leith Hill which alone attracts around 850,000 visitors, have highly valued views over surrounding countryside and are very sensitive to aircraft noise. Any new runway with its buildings and associated lighting, creating light pollution, will have a detrimental impact on these areas and the quality of life of its residents. In recent years, Government grants have supported Shepherd Hut and Yurt enterprises in the Leith Hill area alone. This investment of these public funds is threatened by Gatwick’s expansion as well as the wider impact on the total economy.

2. The impact of any further development at Gatwick airport and supporting infrastructure on the Surrey Hills AONB

Although the proposed site of Gatwick’s second runway does not lie within the Surrey Hills AONB, the additional transport infrastructure will have an impact. This will include major road and rail links connecting to the M25 Motorway and potential improvements to the North Downs Line. This Line is actively promoted through partnership work with First Great Western as providing access to the Surrey Hills and helping to maintain the use and therefore viability of the stations. Any major investment in this line could fragment the landscape and the need for express services could undermine the local stations which serve the Surrey Hills community.

As the existing infrastructure is already so stretched, increased traffic generated by Gatwick’s expansion could have a further detrimental impact on our already busy country lanes and villages. The lanes are already used by high volumes of cars and vulnerable cyclists, particularly at weekends. The implication of this traffic generation should be fully assessed through traffic modelling and mitigation measures appraised.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond.

Rob Fairbanks

Surrey Hills AONB Director

For, and on behalf of, the Surrey Hills AONB Board