Newsletter of the Anderson Road Runners Club
Editor: Carolyn McKinney May 2005
Noblesville Kiwanis Run
Kicks Off Road Series
Waking to the pattering of rain and howling of the wind, rolling over and staying in bed was a tempting option. But I was pre-registered – still tempting. But it is points in the road series – still tempting. But Ann and I are riding together – ok that seals the deal, get up and get out there. That is what the club does for me: gets me up and gets me out there!
Despite the cold and wind, a large contingent from ARRC was present at the 15 K race. Luckily, the rain held to an occasional mist during the race. Congrats to all who made it.
A fitness challenge designed to encourage runners and walkers to participate in half marathons
was recently launched.
The 'Love The Half" Challenge is designed for those runners and walkers seeking to increase their skills in distance events. For the 'Love The Half" Challenge, participants must run a minimum of 6 half-marathons between Jan 1 and Dec 31, 2005 , and finish each race before the course closes. Any half-marathon or race of greater distance (marathon, 25k, ultras) in the United States during this time is eligible.
Front: Dawn Fluhler, Carolyn McKinney
back: Deb Gillum, Ann Morris, Tommy Goodson, Frank Tuckerman, Michael Shelton, Perry Knox
Award winners not pictured include: James Leffler, and Bill Surbaugh
Runners can learn more and online registration is available at <>
NOTES FROM ARRC PRESIDENTGreetings Fellow Road Runners
Even though the weather isn’t being totally cooperative, we’ve gotten past the worst of winter, have the pre-season races under our belts and the beginning of the points races looms large in our future.
As I write this on May 1st hopefully everyone has already turned in their membership applications and paid their race fees, because today is officially the last day to get those fees paid at the discounted rates.
But wait…because the Mini is next Sat, May 7th, and we’re going to have an extra pre-season race on Thursday May 5th we’ve extended our deadline. As long as your membership and race fees are received by 6:30pm on May 5th you may take the discounted race fee of $15. After May 5th the Thursday night race fees will be $2 per week or $40 for the full twenty-race season. Remember in order to accrue points your membership must be current and your race fee(s) paid. If you have any questions, please ask Bob Kearns or any other officer.
Our plans for the upcoming WRR continue to move forward. Remember the deadline for pre-registration is May 10th and the race itself is Saturday May 21st with the Kid’s Fun Run beginning at noon.
I was at Shadyside on Saturday and was pleased to see a nice-sized crowd on hand for the DOAG Run even with the chilly and damp conditions.
I’d like to wish all of you participating in the Indy Mini the best of luck and good health. Be sure and stop by the ARRC tent after the race for some rest, refreshments and to exchange race experiences.
Good Running,
Steve Hagensieker
Country Music Marathon
Perry Knox 3:08:39
- Qualified for Boston
Flying Pig Marathon & ½
Wrayjean Cornwell 4:55:25
Lonnie Smith 4:26:17
Kathy Wherley ½ 2:16:32
John Gentry ½ 2:28:02
Oklahoma City Memorial
Jack Stepp 4:00:54
DINO Avon 5K
Duane Dye 18:56
Tim Grant 21:16
Glen Davis 24:34
Wray Jean Cornwell 27:58
Debbie Smith 28:18
Kathy Wehrley 29:05
Big Island Marathon
Lonnie Smith 4:00:25
DINO Avon 15k
Tommy Goodson 1:05:54
Ron Harmening 1:12:07
James Hoffman 1:17:29
Tom Corda 1:21:05
Bill Surbaugh 1:26:11
Noblesville Run results will appear in the next issue. Send your race results to:
Household Finance
Gwinn’s Drug Store
MAX 93.5/96.7 FM
WHBU 1240 AM
WERK Oldies 101.7/104.9 FM
1 2 One promotions
Anderson Foot and Ankle Center
Standt’s of Anderson
Copy Connection
Surbaugh and Son
The Herald Bulletin
Rayl Surveying and Engineering
Baylor and Associates, Inc.
Star China
Anderson Family YMCA
The Running Company
GNC at the Mall
Pay Less Cross Street
Blimpie”s Subs and Salads
Old National
Robert Loose Funeral Home
Rax Restaurant
Editor’s Notes
Hi, I am excited to be your new Pacer Editor. Please email me your stories, ideas, results, and race information to . Afterall, the position is editor, not solo writer. Please have information to me by the 25th of May for the June issue. Please notify me of any omissions or errors. Look for your old favorite columns and a new “spotlight on a sponsor” column in the next issue.
While you are reading this, add the above address to your address book. In the future, the Pacer and arrcnews will be sent from that address. Please notify me of changes in your email. Renew your membership! At the end of May, I will be purging email addresses for those who have not renewed their memberships.
Carolyn McKinney
Anderson University Distance Running Camp
Once again, Coach Scott Wilson is holding a training camp for youth grades 6 – 12. It will be held July 5 – 8. For more information, visit .
Thursday night point series begins May 12 at 6 pm.
Youth XC Program Fundraiser
Auto Swap Meet
July 16 8 am to 2 pm
By downtown Rax, look for more details in an arrcnews release.
Visit the ARRC tent in rest & recovery at the Indy Mini!