Event Date / Thursday 9th June 2016 / Event Code / 090616-TSM2EARS
Are two ears really better than one?
Event Location / Post Graduate Education Centre, Queen's Medical Centre Campus, Derby Road, NG7 2UH
Note: CPD Points may be available for some events and meetings.
Would you like to be awarded CPD points for this event if available? / Yes No
Delegate Details
Membership No.
Title / MrMrsMissMsDrProf
Surname / First Name
Initials / Preferred Location Of Primary Contact / HomeWork
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Work Contact Details
Please complete this section if you are an audiology healthcare, scientific or educational professional.
Job Title
Type of Role / AcademicAdministrative
Organisation Name
Type of Organisation / Academic SectorNational Health Service
Private SectorProfessional Bodies
Voluntary Sector
Town / City
Country / Postcode
Main No. / Fax No.
Website Address
Event Booking Form
Delegate FeesDelegate Type / Cheque / PayPal (+£3)
BSA Member / £30 / £33
Non BSA Member / £37.5 / £40.5
Student BSA Member / £5 / £8
Student Non BSA Member / £6.25 / £9.25
Booking Checklist (please delete as appropriate)
Purchase order details sent YESNONOT APPLICABLE
BSA membership number providedYESNONOT APPLICABLE
Booking Declaration
I have read and agree with the Terms and Conditions of registering for this event (below) and have included an appropriatemethod of payment with this booking form.
A cheque for the following amount is enclosed with this form / £
Signed / Date
Please either submit your registration form with 1. Purchase Order reference and address; 2. Contact the BSA office for a reference number for you to pay by bank transfer to the following:-
Account Name: British Society of Audiology; Sort Code: 30-96-96; Account Number: 00289881;
Bank Name and Address - Lloyds TSB, 1 Market Place, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 2EQ;
IBAN: GB49LOYD30969600289881; SWIFT: LOYDGB21011;
Cheques should be made payable to the British Society of Audiology.
This completed booking form and payment should be returned to:
British Society of Audiology, Blackburn House, Redhouse Road, Seafield, Bathgate EH47 7AQ, United Kingdom
Please contact the Admin office on 0118 966 0622 or by email: for further information
BSA Meeting and Conference Registration
Terms and Conditions
Anyone wishing to attend a Society meeting or conference must first complete a registration form in respect of that meeting and have received written confirmation of their registration from the Society’s Admin Office prior to attending. If intent to attend a meeting is given by telephone or other means, this must be followed by a completed registration form.
The registration form should be completed with payment in full. Delegates who expect a Health Authority, Trust or other employer or organisation to pay must arrange for that organisation’scheque (or official Order Number and invoice address) to be sent at the time of registration. Where that is not possible for any reason, the delegate must submit a personal payment and seek subsequent re-imbursement from the employer. Provisional bookings CANNOT be accepted.
Confirmation will normally be sent to delegates upon receipt of online registration. If confirmation is not received at this time, it is the responsibility of the delegate to obtain confirmation. A receipt will be sent out prior to the meeting. In order to assist meeting organisers, delegates are requested to register as early as possible. Late registrations will normally be accepted if space is available, but may be subject to an additional charge.
If a delegate is unable to attend a meeting, a refund may be granted at the discretion of the Society’s Trustees. The amount of any refund will depend upon the unrecoverable expenses incurred by the Society. These will vary depending on the venue and, usually, on the amount of notice of cancellation given to the Society by the delegate. Requests for refunds, stating the reason why the delegate is/was unable to attend, must be sent to the BSA Admin Office in writing within seven days of the meeting. The Trustees’ decision shall be final.
Where meetings are subject to CPD points, Certificates of Attendance will be issued at the end of the meeting. These revised Terms and Conditions supersede all previous Terms and Conditions. Although care has been taken in preparing course content, the British Society of Audiology does not and cannot guarantee its interpretation and/or application. The BSA cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions and accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising. Opinions expressed are those of the speaker(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the BSA.