Employee Access Instructions

Accessing Your Paycheck and Leave Balance Information

Employees access their paycheck information online by clicking on the Skyward icon at the top of the District’s website (www.lynden.wednet.edu). Each employee has a Skyward login and password to access their payroll information. (This is a different login/password than the one you use to log into the district’s computer network.) The first time you login or if you forget your login/password at any time, click on the “Forgot Login or Password?” link.

You will be directed to the screen below. For employees your school email address will be the address that is in the system. For substitutes, coaches, game assistants, tutors, and summer staff, enter the email address that you submitted to Human Resources with your employment information.

You will receive an email that will give you a link to click or paste into your web browser to reset your password. The email will include your login name.

After logging in there are several tabs at the top of the page, depending on what areas in the system you have security access to. All employees have access to the Employee Access tab, which is where you will be able to look at your paycheck and leave information.

View Paycheck Information – Buttons: Employee Information/Payroll/Check History

You will be able to view and print your payroll information here. Check information will be available by the 25th of each month. Please review the information each month and notify the Payroll Office if you see an error. The actual transfer of funds into your bank account will always occur on the last weekday of the month.

Calendar YTD will provide your pay information by calendar year (Jan. through Dec.)

Fiscal YTD will provide your pay information by school year (Sept. through Aug.)

Direct Deposit information and W4 information is also available. After W2’s are issued in January, you will be able to access and print that information as well.

Check Estimator can be used to run scenarios on the effect on your paycheck if you should make changes in deductions, number of dependents, etc. Any information entered here is for estimation purposes only and does not change your payroll records.

View Leave Balances – If you click on the Time Off button, you will be able to view your leave information.

If you need assistance to login, please contact your building Tech Coach or Secretary.

Payroll questions should be directed to the Payroll Office. The information in Employee Access is for view and print only. Any changes you wish to make in deductions or in your W4 have to be made directly with the Payroll Office.