Public Health and Safety Committee Meeting

Monday, December 29, 2014

Red Bud City Hall

Council Chambers (2nd floor)

Committee Members Present: Glen Linnertz, Bill Hanebutt, Jeff Toenjes

Committee Members Absent: Don Thompson

Council Members Present: Mayor Tim Lowry, Clem Esker, Clarence Nail

Council Members Absent: Mike Reed

Others Present: Administrative Assistant, Pam Poetker; Chief of Police, Dan Brotz; City Attorney, Paul Ray; City Superintendent, Josh Eckart

Chairman Hanebutt called the meeting to order at 7:53 p.m.

Old Business

I. West Field Drive—Buses and Safety Concerns Update

Esker stated that some citizens in the neighborhood met with Superintendent Tallman and will be attending a Council meeting on this.

New Business

I. Approval of Prior Month’s Meeting Minutes

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Hanebutt, seconded by Committee Member Toenjes to approve the minutes of the November 25, 2014 meeting. Carried.

II. Part-Tim Officer—IMRF Eligibility—Authorization to Proceed

Brotz, Hanebutt and Mayor Lowry will meet to discuss this.

III. Training Requests

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Hanebutt, seconded by Committee Member Toenjes to send Carl Williams, Chris Hewitt and Todd Ehlers to a one day “Haz Mat” training on January 7, 2015 in Evansville, Illinois with no registration fee. Carried.

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Hanebutt, seconded by Committee Member Toenjes to send Carl Williams, Chris Hewitt and Todd Ehlers to a one day “Bloodborne Pathogens” training on February 4, 2015 in Evansville, Illinois with no registration fee. Carried.

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Hanebutt, seconded by Committee Member Toenjes to send Todd Ehlers to a one day training entitled: “8 Hour Juvenile Law Update” on March 2, 2015 in Collinsville, Illinois with no registration fee. Carried.

IV. Police Chief Search Timeline

Hanebutt and Brotz have met, they would like to advertise in February for 3-4 weeks, do interviews in March and have a name for approval in April.

Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Hanebutt, seconded by Committee Member Toenjes for authorization to advertise for the position of Police Chief up to 30 days. Carried.

V. Public Comments/Anything for the Good of the City

Meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karla Landgraf, City Clerk

Red Bud, Illinois