Crime and Punishment Character List

-Because Mr. S. loves you guys so much-

RodyaRaskolnikov – (Rodenka, Rodka) – our protagonist who murders AlenaIvanovna; much of the novel revolves around his psychological development; his name means “schism.”

PulkeriaAlexandrovaRaskolnikov – Rodya’s mother.

AvdotyaRomanovaRaskolnikov – (Dunya, Dunechka, Dounia)Rodya’s sister.

DmitriProkofichRazumikhin– Rodya’s friend; represents conflict between faith (Christianity) and reason; his name means “reason” or “good sense.”

AlenaIvanovna – (Alyona) – merciless and unsympathetic moneylender/pawnbroker murdered by Rodya

LizavetaIvanovna – Alyona’s sister also murdered by Rodya; mentally handicapped

SemenZakharovichMarmeladov – (Semyon) – ex-government clerk and drunkard; father of Sonya; name means “jelly.”

KaterinaIvanovnaMarmeladov –Semen’s wife; abusive to children; works to improve standard of living; thinks she is above poverty

SofyaSemenovnaMarmeladov– (Sonya, Sonechka) – Marmeladov’s daughter; former friend of Lizaveta and confidante of Rodya; name means “wisdom.”

PolinaMickhaylovna (Polya, Polenka, Polechka); Lena (Lyona, Lida, Lidochka); Kolya (Kolka) Marmeladov– Marmeladov children

ArkadyIvanovichSvidrigaylov – wealthy landlord and former employer of Dunya; overhears Rodya’s confessions to Sonya and uses information to torment the two; helps Marmeladov children; we see him commit acts of charity, attempt to rape Dunya, and know of his shady past of crime

MarfaPetrovnaSvidrigaylov – Arkady’s deceased wife he is suspected to have murdered

PeterPetrovichLuzhin – wealthy lawyer and Dunya’s fiancé who pursues her because he wants her to be indebted to him and perceive him as a savior; Rodya despises him; name means “a puddle”

AndreySemenovichLebezyatnikov – (Semyonovich) – Luzhin’s utopian socialist roommate who witnesses his attempt to frame Sonya and subsequently exposes him; name means “to fawn on someone, cringe, ingratiate oneself”

AmaliaIvanovnaLippewechsel – Marmeladovs’ landlady; calls herself Ivanovna (Russian name), but referred to as Amalia (German name); name is blatantly German

NastasyaPetrovna – Raskolnikov'slandlady's servant and a friend of Rodya.

PraskovyaPavlovnaZarnitsyn – Rodya’s landlady; gives him credit for back rent then gives notice to Chebarov (police officer); minor character seen mostly in beginning of novel

Zosimov – a doctor and friend to Rodya who took care of him after his sickness


Chebarov – councilor who summons Rodya to court after not paying rent to Praskovya

AlexanderGrigorevichZametov – (Zamyotov) – chief police clerk; friend of Razumikhin

PorfiryPetrovich – detective involved in investigating murders; convinced Rodya is guilty despite lack of evidence; uses psychological games to provoke and coerce Rodya into confessing