Atlas Familiarization Exercise
INTRODUCTION:Your atlas contains a wide range of information available at your fingertips. This assignment consists of a series of specific questions that will help you become aware of what the atlas really is – an information centre. The atlas will be especially helpful as a source of information for assignments and projects – providing that you know what it can tell you.
INSTRUCTIONS:On a separate piece of paper, answer the following questions. Be sure to clearly label which section your answers are for! Each question is worth 1mark unless stated otherwise.
A. Spatial Maps
- Refer to the “contents” section in your atlas. Note the map referencing. It is meant as a quick way to locate maps pictorially.
On which page would I find the best map to show:
a)the whole country of New Zealand?
b)the whole country of Canada?
c)the whole province of Ontario?
- What page contains a detailed map of the city of Toronto, Ontario?
- Using the map from question two, find the distance (km) between Cambridge and Guelph. (Use a straight line and the map scale provided.)
B. Environment, Health, and Well-Being
- What page would I refer to if I wanted to examine water consumption by various sectors of the Canadian economy, such as agriculture and manufacturing?
- By examining this information, which sector has the highest water consumption?
- What page would I refer to if I wanted to gauge the quality of life in the world based on health issues?
- Based on the maps from question seven, answer the following:
a)What percentage of Canada’s population has access to safe water?
b)Which country has the most undernourished people?
c)Which country has the highest number of people with HIV/AIDs? How many people there suffer with this disease?
- What page would I refer to for information concerning life expectancy?
- Use the maps from question nine to answer the following:
a)What is Canada’s life expectancy at birth?
b)What is the life expectancy at birth of the African Country,Sierra Leone?
11 a) To which page would I refer to examine world environmental issues?
b) Which countries produce the highest carbon emission rates?
12.To which page would I refer to find information the world’s greatest consumers of energy?
13. Who is the top consumer of energy?
C. Trade
- Which pages would I refer to for information on World Trade?
- Which country has the highest value of imports and exports?
- What continent has the lowest value of imports and exports?
D. Demographics
- What pages compare the populations of the continents?
- Which continent has the highest population density?
- Describe Canada’s population density and distribution compared to the rest of the world.
- What percentage of Canada is urban?
- How many cities in Canada have a million people or more?
E. Gazetteer
- Read page 200 which shows you how to use the Gazetteer.
a)Define the following abbreviations: U.A.E., R.S.A., f., Oc. (0.5 each X4= 2 marks)
F. Statistics
- What was Canada’s population in 2002?
- Use a chart to compare France and Haiti on the following terms:
i)Birthrate per 1000 people
ii)Deathrate per 1000 people
iii)Doubling time