Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)
What is HSK?
The Chinese Proficiency Test(HSK) is a worldwide test of Chinese language set by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. It is similar to TOEFL or IELTS. The HSKexam report is the only officially recognized Chinese language proficiency certificate for foreigners applying to study and/or work in China. The objective of the test is to assess the Chinese language proficiency ofnon-native speakers of Chinese (including foreigners, overseas Chinese and students from Chinese national minorities).
HSK levels and test structuresThe test includes theYCT (Youth Chinese Test) whichconsists of two independent parts: The written test from Level1 to Level4,the speaking test includes YCT-speaking (Basic) and YCT speaking (Intermediate);the HSK consists of a writing test and a speaking test, which are independent of each other. There are six levels of writing tests, Level I to VI. There are three levels of speaking: HSKBeginner level,HSK Intermediate level, and HSK Advanced level.During the speaking test, each test taker’s speech will be recorded.
- All examination candidates will receive examination reports. A HSK result is valid for long period of time; for university entrance a HSK result is valid for two years.
- Certificate holders are exempt from Chinese language requirement at a corresponding level at Chinese educational institutions.
- Certificates are a reference standard used by different enterprises, organizations and educational institutions in recruiting people for jobs for which Chinese language skills are necessary.
- Certificates serve as an exemption of language testing for hiring decisions for positions requiring basic competence in Chinese.
- Reports act as a referenceto evaluate primary and secondary school’s Chinese language programs.
When & where
You must register 27 days before the test date.
YCT (中小学生汉语水平考试) / 10th of Nov(11月10日)Speaking test available
HSK (汉语水平考试 ) / 4th of Apr (4月14日)
20th of Oct (10月20日)
Speaking test available
Venue:SydneyHSKCentre-StrathfieldCollege Campus
Suite705, Level 7, 451 Pitt Street, Sydney,NSW 2000
(3mins from Central Station)
HSK Scholarships 2012
In order to encourage non-native speakers of Chinese to take the HSK, the Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban) offers HSK scholarships to examinees with excellent HSK scores.
Those who are awarded HSK scholarships are invited toChina for one academic year, half year or one month programs;Hanban will cover tuition fees and accommodation fees and give them stipends for living expenses during their stay in China. Scholarship recipients are responsible for their own international air fare.
Exam fee
YCT 1/ 2/ 3/ 4 / YCT,Speaking Basic / Intermediate / $20HSK 1 / 2 / HSK, Speaking Basic / $35
HSK 3 / 4 / HSK, Speaking Intermediate / $55
HSK 5 / 6 / HSK, Speaking Advanced / $75
BCT Listening and Reading / $70
BCT Speaking and writing / $90
Suite705, level 7, 451 Pitt Street,Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Tel: 9212 7799-121 Fax: 9212 7800
You can download the registration form from our website:
*Please follow “Important Information for HSK Candidates” when you register.
HSK汉语水平考试是中国教育部设立的国家级世界性考试。相当于中国汉语的雅思考试或托福考试。HSK汉语等级证书是学习汉语的外国人在中国求学工作唯一官方认可的汉语水平证书。中国国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室(国家汉办)鼓励全世界学习汉语的外国人都来参加HSK汉语水平考试,测试自己的汉语水平能力。Sydney HSK Centre 是汉办认可的悉尼地区的考试点,将承办2012年在悉尼举行的HSK汉语水平考试。
- 作为进入中国高等院校学习的实际汉语能力的证明。
- 作为汉语水平达到某种等级或免修相应级别汉语课程的证明。
- 作为聘用机构录用汉语人员的依据。
- 中小学生汉语考试成绩长期有效,可检测学校汉语课程的教学效果。
YCT 1/ 2/ 3/ 4 / YCT Speaking Basic / Intermediate / $20HSK 1 / 2 / HSK Speaking Basic / $35
HSK 3 / 4 / HSK Speaking Intermediate / $55
HSK 5 / 6 / HSK Speaking Advanced / $75
BCT Listening and Reading / $70
BCT Speaking and writing / $90
Suite705, level 7, 451 Pitt Street,Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Tel: 9212 7799-121 Fax: 9212 7800
HSK考试报名表(Application Form)
中文姓名Chinese Name / 照 片
ID Name
Citizenship / 性别
and ID No. / 母语
Native Language
Date of Birth / 年 月 日
Year Month Day / 职业
Telephone No.
电子邮件 email
Post Address
报名Apply for::请划勾/please tick
YCT (Level I,Level II,Level III,Level IV) YCT Speaking(Basic,Intermediate)
HSK(Level I,LevelII,Level III,LevelIV,LevelV,LevelVI) HSK Speaking(Basic, Intermediate,Advanced)
BCT (Listening and Reading ,Speaking and Writing) Test Date:______/______/______
1、你学过多长时间汉语?How long have you been learning Chinese?
A. 一年( ) B. 两年( ) C.三年( ) D. 三年以上( )
One year Two years Three years More than three years
2、你是不是华裔?Are you overseas Chinese?
A. 是( ) B.不是( )
Yes No
3、你在工作中用过汉语吗?Do you use Chinese at work?
A. 用过( ) B. 用过一点儿( )C. 没用过( )
I use (used) Chinese I use (used) a little Chinese I never use (used) Chinese
4、你参加过HSK考试吗?Have you taken any HSK test before?
- 是( ) B. 否( )
Yes No
成绩是几级?______。 My HSK grade is: ______.
The Education Office, Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Sydney
悉尼汉语水平考试中心 Sydney HSK Centre
Suite705, level 7, 451 Pitt Street,Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Tel: 9212 7799-121 Fax: 9212 7800