Application Form for Counselling Student Placements

Lanna Rehab – Thailand

Counselling Placement

(Contact Student Placement staff for further details.

Do not contact Lanna Rehab)

Lanna Rehab is a well-respected treatment facility in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand; which caters for a maximum of 15 clients at any one time. Lanna was set up by leading professionals in the field who have been responsible for opening numerous programs in Thailand, UK and the US.

This student placement opportunity is available to students currently enrolled in a counselling course at ACAP and eligible for student placement. Students must have a keen interest in a counselling career in the area of alcohol and other drugs. Please do not apply unless this is a genuine area of interest for you and you have already completed, or are about to complete the unit Alcohol and Other Drugs.

Students will be thoroughly trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and also use Schema Therapy, ACT and Mindfulness throughout the placement.

While it sounds idyllic, this is a very challenging placement and not for everyone. You need to be prepared to live in close quarters and socialise with staff and the clients for three months. This requires VERY strong boundaries and is a great challenge to most students. It is important to be self-sufficient and able to cope with limited social resources. Though not essential, you need to plan to try to leave the centre on your days off in order to have a break and be able to relax away from staff and clients. There are many very cheap options for this.

You will be on call in the Centre one night per week. You will not be required to make decisions beyond the capacity of a student and you will be supervised at all times.

NOTE: This placement runs for one term only initially (there may be an option to extend under certain circumstances) Therefore, you must secure a second placement to begin the term immediately before or after this one for a minimum of 14 weeks. This will allow you to enrol into the unit Counselling Placement and Supervision 1 (clinical supervision unit), then follow the next term with Counselling Placement and Supervision 2 (or vice versa). You must be in placement continuously when enrolled in these 2 consecutive units. Therefore, you need to have a second placement organised before your Lanna Rehab placement will be approved. Should you need a break between the units, please discuss this with your placement coordinator.

Placement Requirements: (Do not contact Lanna Rehab yourself. Contact the Student Placement Manager if you have questions):

1.  The unpaid placement is for 3 months or one ACAP term (see previous note re extending and discuss with the Placement Manager)

2.  Students will work 8 hours per day, 5 days a week (the same as the staff)

3.  Work days and hours are on a rotating roster – scheduled 1 week in advance

4.  Students will work under the supervision of Lead Therapists. After a thorough induction and training period, students will undertake CBT group therapy facilitation. You will conduct one to one intake interviews and will have opportunities for one to one counselling.

5.  You will be assigned one client to follow through from the commencement of their program, to completion. You will keep case notes and a journal for discussion in your supervision sessions with Lanna Rehab staff.

6.  Students will be expected to participate in all aspects of life at the counselling centre. This may include some administrative tasks at times.

7.  Accommodation and food are provided. Travel to and from the centre is not provided and is at the students own cost. Please investigate these costs for yourself. ACAP insurance covers students should there be accident or injury while travelling for the express purpose of attending the placement (provided total time is less than 180 days).

8.  The unit Alcohol and Other Drugs is a pre requisite for this placement. We highly recommend you also complete Groupwork Theory and Practice before commencing placement to ensure you have the skills to facilitate a group.

9.  Lanna Rehab staff members are very supportive and provide excellent supervision and feedback. If there are any issues to be addressed you will be advised as soon as possible and given every opportunity to develop appropriate skills, attitude or behaviours while on placement. Should the placement be cancelled for any reason you will need to leave the centre and there is no compensation available for the costs and expenses you have incurred.

Student Details:

ACAP Student ID:
Full Name:
Skype Name
Telephone 2:
Email Address:
Course Name:

Previous Qualifications:

(e.g. Sydney University) / Course
(e.g. BCoun) / Years of study
(e.g. 2005 – 2009)

Counselling Experience:

What counselling experience have you had? When and where was it? How long was it for?

Have you had any clinical supervision as a counsellor or student counsellor? If so, please give details;

What is your own experience of personal therapy? Please give details;

Why are you applying for this position? What do you hope to gain from this experience?

Please briefly describe your preferred therapeutic approach;

Is there any additional information or do you have other skills or experience that may be relevant?

Commitment and Availability:

I am available for a period of 3 months to commence: (Indicate YES for start dates that suit)

September 2016

February 2017

I am aware that I will be unpaid and working a 8 hour day / 5 days per week roster and I am willing to commit to being available at these times.


I have completed the unit Alcohol and Other Drugs YES / NO

If available, what grade did you receive?

APPLICATION CHECKLIST: (please write yes or no)

Yes / No
I am a Bachelor of Counselling, Bachelor of Counselling (Coaching), Graduate Diploma of Counselling, or Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy student
I am in the process of securing a second placement (preferably with one to one counselling) for the term immediately before or after this placement
Include a Video of a counselling session (30 mins max). This can be from an assignment you have submitted previously or a DVD you make specifically for this application.
Submit the compressed DVD to and address it to
NOTE: This is the only method to submit your video.
A consent form signed by the client giving permission for Lanna Rehab Supervisors to view the recording (see appendix 1)
I have included a 1 page self-critique of the video session
I have received treatment or sought support for alcohol or drug issues in the past 2 years Yes / No

Please scan or save your completed application form and forward to you Placement Coordinator.

Appendix 1

‘Client’ Consent Form

DARA Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Placement

ACAP student ID number

Student Name: ______

Mobile: ______



To protect the privacy of individuals who consent to participate in practice counselling sessions or interviews that involve the disclosure of private information, the College requires students to seek the informed consent of the client and/or interviewee, and to erase or appropriately dispose of recorded material upon completion of the course of study and receipt of a final transcript of results.

When a student undertakes an assessment that involves another student or non-student disclosing private and personal information in an interview or practice counselling/interpersonal session, the student must:

· Ensure the client is aged 18 years or over

· Ask the client to read and sign this Client Consent Form. Use a separate form for each person when there is more than one client

· Provide a copy of the completed Consent Form to the client

· Attach a copy of the completed Consent Form to the respective assessment.

· Retain the original copy of the completed Consent Form in a secure location.

· Destroy or delete the content of the practice session or interview (if recorded) once you complete your course of study and receive your final transcript of results.

I understand that (student name)______is a student at the Australian College of Applied Psychology.

My name is (print) ______and I have been asked to participate in a counselling session as part of an assessment of the student’s suitability for a Student Placement at Lanna Rehab in Thailand. I understand this session will be recorded and sent to the Lanna Rehab Supervisor for review. The recording will be kept private apart from placement staff at ACAP and counselling supervisors at Lanna Rehab.

I agree to partake in and record the counselling session with the above mentioned student under the following conditions:

1.  I understand that this student is applying for a student placement at Lanna Rehab and give my permission for this counselling session to be viewed by Placement Staff and by qualified Therapists at Lanna Rehab in order to assess this student’s counselling skill level and readiness for placement.

2.  I understand that this is a role play, but it is not acting or ‘making up’ an issue, and I am happy to discuss my real life experience

3.  I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I may withdraw permission to participate and/or be recorded at any time, including during the counselling session

4.  I understand that, although the counselling session is for the assessment purposes of the student, it nevertheless occurs in a context of confidentiality (as far as the law allows) and respect.

5.  I understand that the information recorded will be transferred electronically with password protection to ensure confidentiality as far as is possible.

6.  I understand that the recording will be erased after the supervisor has viewed it.

I give permission for the recording of my Counselling session to be viewed by ACAP Placement Staff and by qualified Therapy Staff at Lanna Rehab for the purpose of assessing the student’s skill level and readiness for Placement. / I agree to meet the terms and conditions specified above
Signature of Client
Print name:
Date: / Signature of Student Undertaking Assessment:

NB: The definition of the word “recorded,” for the purpose of this document, refers to any counselling session that is either audio-taped, filmed and/or transcribed in part or full.

Please Note:

-  Incomplete applications will not be considered and will be returned directly to students

-  Students must retain a copy of their application and DVD for their own records

-  First round application assessments will be conducted by ACAP

-  Final round application assessments will be conducted by Supervisors at Lanna Rehab

-  Shortlisted students will be interviewed by Skype

-  Lanna Rehab’s decision is final.