Town of Milo Minutes

Municipal Office Selectmen’s Meeting

P. O. Box 218 November 17, 2015

Milo, Me 04463

MEMBERS PRESENT: Lee McMannus, Jerry Brown, Peter Hamlin, Wilma Stanchfield, Isabelle Warren and Damien Pickel.


6:30 PM Call to Order– by Lee McMannus, Chairman.


Peter made the Motion to approve the Minutes of November 3rd with corrections. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously.


Betty read a letter from Robin Larson. She is requesting permission to carry over 11 vacation days to 2016.

Betty read a letter from MDOT stating that they are planning Preliminary Engineering for future Bridge Improvements for Pleasant River Bridge. Copies will be given to the Selectmen.


Frank Cochrane asked about the status of the Community Center in Derby. Lee stated that the Town could not do anything with this building until it has been determined what is happening with all the buildings at the Railroad since it still needs to follow through with the bankruptcy proceedings. There will be Public Hearings and Town Meetings required to do anything with any of the buildings, but at this time, the Selectmen are still waiting. Frank stated that he would be interested in making the building into a Youth Center.



Recreation Department – Jessica stated that she is in the process of applying for a Grant for Playground Equipment. The Recreation Department could receive up to $5200 if approved. The equipment would go beside the Snack Shack and has been measured to make sure that there will be space there for it. The Board agreed to have Jessica move forward with the application process.

Public Health Officer – Ben Kittredge stated that he had no report.

Police Department – Damien stated that the Police Department responded to 66 Calls for Service since the last meeting. This makes 1951 for the year. These calls included 3 arrests (1 Felony Assault Arrest).

Damien stated that juvenile issues have been more frequent lately. The department is continuing whatever outreach they can through the High School.

Damien informed the Board that the streetlight survey has been completed and faxed to Emera.


Betty stated that the Board could vote for a MRC Board of Directors if they wanted to. The ballot needs to be in by December 14, 2015.

Peter made the Motion to cast the ballot for Angus Jennings from Hampden. Second – Lee. Passed – unanimously.


Damien stated that he has spoken with Miles Surveying. The Elevation Report should be here within a couple weeks. The main floor is still good but one area in the basement may need to be filled 5’ to 6’. The area is small and should not be an issue. Damien will update the Board again at their next meeting.


Damien stated that the speed limit signs have been put out by MDOT for Park Street. The speed limit does not change to 55 mph until after the tracks. The new changes does not affect Ron Desmarais’ property.


Town Manager’s Report:

Damien did the Town Manager’s report updates.

  1. Damien stated that the Veteran’s Day dinner was a great success. Thanks to all who worked hard to show our appreciation for our Veterans.
  2. Damien spoke to Chief Preble regarding the ladder truck. The ladder truck has 2 cylinder sleeves that are damaged and the heads are out being repaired. There is no date as to when it will be finished. He also stated that we haven’t received any notification from the adjuster about coverage.
  3. Damien informed the Board that a Special Town Meeting is needed to adjust some wording on the Fire Department Warrant Article from March’s Town Meeting. This needs to be done so the Fire Department can submit their grant request.
  4. Damien stated that the Legion will be having an executive meeting about the proposed skate park.
  5. Damien informed the Board that the Town’s website is almost ready to go live. Susie and Betty have done a great job getting it up to speed.
  6. Damien spoke about the flagpoles on the Main Street lights. Currently the pole holders are about 18’ off the ground. Blaine has been in contact with Dick Dewitt and we can get proper holders for about $20 each and 7 would be needed for a total of $140.

Other – Liquor License for Pat’s Pizza:

Betty informed the Board that she received the application for a Liquor License for Pat’s Pizza. Their current application expires November 22, 2015. The Board asked Damien if there have been any police issues there recently. Damien stated that there has not been.

Jerry made the Motion to sign the Liquor License for Pat’s Pizza as presented. Second – Peter. Passed – unanimously.

Other – Quitclaim Deed:

Betty informed the Board that she has a Quitclaim Deed for another taxpayer that has been on a payment arrangement.

Peter made the Motion to sign the Quitclaim Deed as presented. Second – Jerry. Passed – unanimously.

Other – Holiday Schedule:

Betty informed the Board that the regular Selectmen’s Meetings in December are scheduled for December 1st and December 15th. Betty asked if they wanted to meet both times or to only meet once. The Board agreed to have the December 1st meeting and then schedule another one only if needed.

Betty asked about the Town Office hours for the holidays. The Office will be closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. The Board agreed to also close the Town Office for December 24th and December 31st.

Peter made the Motion to close the Town Office for the holidays December 24th and December 31st in addition to Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Second – Jerry. Passed – unanimously.

Other – Special Town Meeting:

Betty presented the Board with 2 Special Town Meeting Warrants for the Fire Department. One has an extra note stating that the Warrant had been approved at Town Meeting but the wording needs to be changed to apply for the Grant. This is the version that the Selectmen chose to sign.

Jerry made the Motion to sign the Special Town Meeting Warrant with the extra note as presented. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously.


Frank Cochrane stated that the Legion had flags out on Main Street during the summer and there were no issues with the poles. Frank stated that they simply used a ladder to put them up. Damien stated that he will check into this.

Frank also asked the Board about the status of hiring a Town Manager. Lee stated that Damien has been doing a great job as Interim Town Manager. The Selectmen have also taken on more tasks. Everything is running smoothly. However, Lee stated that this decision needs to be made by the residents. Public Hearings will be held before the March Town Meeting to present information and figures to the residents. They will make the decision at the March Meeting.

Fred Trask wanted to remind the Board that the County Commissioners will be meeting November 30th at 7:00 PM.

Richard Mullins wanted to state that he has done some research and he has found out that many towns do not have a Town Manager. They do it by Administrative Personnel.


Jerry made the Motion to enter Executive Session at 7:14 PM to discuss a Real Estate Matter under Title 1 MRSA – Subtitle 405 (6)(C). Second – Peter. Passed – unanimously.

Jerry made the Motion to come out of Executive Session at 7:25 PM. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously.

Motion: None.


Peter made the Motion to adjourn at 7:26 PM. Second – Jerry. Passed – unanimously.

Respectfully submitted:


Lee McMannus, Chairman Betty Gormley, Secretary

Date: ______