Welcome to B’nai Or of Boston!

B’nai Or of Boston is a Jewish renewal community rooted in Torah, seeking wisdom and guidance from the spiritual paths begun by Abraham and Sarah, continuing through Moshe, Miriam and the people of Israel.

All Jews and their partners are welcome to participate in our community. Women and men participate fully in every aspect of our communal life. The B’nai Or community reflects a diversity of lifestyles and family configurations. Many who wish to return to their spiritual roots find us a comfortable place for exploration.

As a davvening group, we seek a relationship with God through prayer, song, movement, meditation, and chanting. As a learning community, we come together for study and intellectual challenge. As a heart-centered community, we are connected with each other through music, prayer, life cycle events, and our neighborhood tribes. As a compassionate community, we reach out to those in need, both in and out of our community, through acts of loving kindness.

We invite you to become a member of our joyful community!

Our Services

Join us for our lively, uplifting services at the Masonic Hall, 32 Church Street in Watertown. We meet regularly on the first and third Saturdays of the month at 10 a.m. and the second and fourth Friday nights of the month at 7:30 p.m. We also enjoy special Shabbatons during the year with our rabbis, a retreat and/or scholar-in-residence program, and bar and bat mitzvah celebrations on additional Saturdays. Children participate in our Shabbat children’s programming. A calendar of our 5764 services is enclosed. Our schedule of services and other events is always posted on our website: www.BnaiOr.org.

Our Leaders

We are blessed to have Rabbi Daniel and Rabbi Hanna Tiferet Siegel as our spiritual leaders. Daniel is Rabbinic Director of ALEPH: Alliance of Jewish Renewal and Hanna Tiferet is a gifted teacher and well known singer-songwriter. Both of them bring unique experiences which enrich our community and move us toward wholeness.


Members receive Kolot Or (our bi-monthly newsletter), a membership directory, and E-news (bi-weekly updates), and can participate on various e-lists. Members and non-members can find up-to-date information on the B’nai Or website: www.BnaiOr.org. For those who prefer the phone, you can reach our info line at: 617/244.5311

Tribal Connections

Our community has created neighborhood tribes to increase opportunities for connection with B’nai Or members and help with community needs. To find which tribe you are in, email: or call 617/244.5311.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah at B’nai Or

It is always a joyful occasion when a child becomes a Bar or Bat Mitzvah at B’nai Or. As a child approaches Bar or Bat Mitzvah age, the family meets with Hanna Tiferet, sets a date and a course of study, and becomes part of an on-going family Bar-Bat Mitzvah year long program. Families must be current members of B’nai Or.

Email or call 617/244.5311 for more information about this program and requirements.

Opportunities for Community, Study, Healing, Music and Growth:

Chanting Group

Chesed Circle: An opportunity to be more involved with B'nai Or members who need

physical/emotional support from our community

Healing Circle: A monthly healing circle & service

Meditation Chevre: A Saturday evening monthly meditation circle, with Havdalah,

silent meditation, teachings, study, chanting and a healing circle

Men's Group

Minyan: A Shabbat morning monthly study/meditation group

Raysheet Chochmah: Boston's Jewish learning center for spiritually inspired living

Shirei Or: B’nai Or singers

Women’s Adult Bat Bitzvah group

Women’s Rosh Hodesh group

For information and contacts for any of these opportunities, email

No e-mail? Call our B’nai Or Coordinator at 617/244.5311

Come, come, whoever you are,

Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving.

This is not a caravan of despair.

It doesn't matter if you've broken your vow a thousand times.

Still come and yet again, come.

by Jelaluddin Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks

Dear Friends, Summer 2003/5764

The High Holy Days will be here soon. This year, Rosh HaShana begins on Friday night, September 26th, when we will bring our families and friends together to celebrate the Jewish New Year with B'nai Or. As we return from our summer wanderings and reunite as a community, we review the changes of the last year and open our hearts and minds to the possibilities and challenges of what lies ahead. We have gone deep in our ability to share both joy and sorrow together and are strengthened by our loving acceptance of each other, no matter where we are in the journey of life. So come, come, whoever you are and join us as we sing, dance, pray and manifest our understanding of heaven on earth.

We look forward to seeing you on the High Holy Days and throughout the year.

L’Shana Tova,

The B’nai Or Spiritual Life Committee


In this packet, you will find:

·  The High Holy Day schedule .

·  Membership form

o  If you are bringing guests, fill out the guest form as well

o  If your children will be part of the High Holy Day children’s programs, put a star * next to those names of your children who will attend a children's program.

o  Please take care in filling out forms —updating addresses, phone numbers and

especially e-mails. Give us only phone numbers you want to have members call you on. If it's your cell phone number, write "CP" after the number.

o  Calculate your dues and/or guest fees and donations

·  High Holy Day guest registration form

·  For both member and guest forms:

o  Please, send back your forms by September 1, or earlier if you can. If you misplace it or need another copy for a friend or family member, forms will be placed on our website at www.BnaiOr.org after August 15.

o  Mail forms back to B’nai Or, PO Box 1756, Brookline, MA 02446; please do not mail registrations after September 20. After that date, you will have to register at the door during the High Holy Days.

If you have any questions, contact or call 617/244.5311

B'nai Or • PO Box 1756 • Brookline, MA 02446; Tel: 617/244.5311 • Web site: www.BnaiOr.org •


B'nai Or High Holy Days Schedule

All services (except second day Rosh HaShana) held at Masonic Hall, 32 Church Street, Watertown, MA,

close to Watertown Square and one and a half blocks north of Main Street (Route 20).

Erev Rosh HaShana : Friday, September 26, 7:30 p.m.

First Day Rosh HaShana: Saturday, Sept. 27, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. (Bring prayers for the earth)

Second Day for members only: Sunday, Sept. 28, 10 a.m. (Ari and Moira's barn)

Kol Nidre: Sunday, October 5, 6:45 p.m. (sharp)

Yom Kippur : Saturday, October 6, 9:30 a.m. - 7p.m. (Our custom is to bring tzedaka, a tallit, and to dress in white)

Children: Program for ages 3-11+. Sign up in advance. Bring bag lunch for your kids; we provide snacks.

Directions to the Masonic Hall (MH): Directions and additional member and guest registration forms are also at: www.BnaiOr.org; or call the B’nai Or information line at: 617/244.5311.

Driving: The MH is at 32 Church Street, close to Watertown Square, 1 1/2 blocks north of Main Street (Route 20).

From the Mass Pike: Take Mass Pike to exit 17 (Newton Corner).

From the WEST, make first left off exit ramp; cross over Pike. From the EAST/BOSTON, go right at top of exit ramp.

EITHER DIRECTION, go straight onto Galen Street until you reach bridge spanning Charles River. Cross bridge and at intersection – Watertown Square –go left onto Main Street (Route 20) a short distance; turn right onto Church Street at first traffic light. MH will be on your left in second block.

From Memorial Drive West: At end of Memorial Drive just west of Harvard Square, stay to left at split; follow signs for Watertown onto Mt. Auburn Street towards Watertown Square; after a few miles, you'll pass Dunkin’ Donuts on your left; at next light, go straight onto Main Street (Route 20) a short distance; turn right onto Church Street at first traffic light. MH will be on your left in second block.

Via MBTA: Take Red Line to Harvard Square. Take 71 bus to Watertown Square. Walk a short distance on Main Street (Route 20); turn right onto Church Street at first traffic light. MH will be on your left in second block. If traveling by T, you might want to e-mail or call 617/244.5311 to see if there is someone who lives near you who would give you a ride.

Parking: There is on-street parking on nearby streets. Many people park in the metered spaces behind the stores in the small shopping center off Church Street. If you do, you will have to feed the meters during metered times. Do not park in the lot behind the MH. And do not park in the Unitarian church's parking lot or the bank parking lot, both of which are across the street from the MH; you will be towed.

Reserve Your Place: The B’nai Or High Holy Days Bookmarks

When you renew your membership or register for the High Holy Days, you will receive bookmarks to hold your place at our services and to use in your prayer books. Bookmarks will be held for you at the Masonic Hall, where you can pick them up at any of the High Holy Day services.

Dues, Donations and High Holy Day Fees

We rely on contributions in addition to dues and fees to support B’nai Or’s vision and practice.

We thank you in advance for your generous support.

Preparing for High Holy Days excerpted from Elul: The Promise of New Beginning, by Matia Rania Angelou

Elul is the last month on the Jewish calendar and precedes the High Holy Days. This month is a time for renewal and return, a time for reflection and clearing, before the busyness of the High Holy Days. It gives us an opportunity to focus on teshuvah, turning to God and a conscious way of life. We begin this process on Rosh Hodesh Elul, the first day of the month, which this year falls on Thursday the 28th of August. We blow the shofar every weekday morning during Elul to remind ourselves to wake up and pay attention. We also read Psalm 27 which reminds us to call to God for help with the sometimes difficult process of teshuvah. We ask Shema Ya koli ekrah, v, haneini va aneini. “God, hear my voice when I call, be gracious toward me and answer me.”

B'nai Or Membership Form Returning Member New Member


Names Birthday Occupation



CHILDREN IN FAMILY: Please put a star next to children attending HH Day services this year.

Names Date of Birth School grade, 2003-04





Street Address: ______


Tel 1 ______Tel 2 ______

Tel 3 ______Tel 4 ______

Tel 5 ______Tel 6 ______

Email 1______Email 2 ______

Give only phone #'s where you want to be called; please also indicate 'H' (home); 'W' (work); 'C' (cell).

If more than one in the household, put name of member next to phone number as well.

Membership Dues

As part of our obligation to create a holy community, we must also assume the responsibility of meeting the financial requirements of B’nai Or. We thank you in advance for your generous support. All dues and contributions are tax-deductible. Dues are structured on a sliding scale. Please circle the amount that most reflects your current financial resources. Dues include all High Holy Day services and are tax deductible. Subtract $50 per individual or family if you belong to another temple or are joining B’nai Or for the first time. Special arrangements for financial hardships can be arranged. Call Annie Braudy at 617.244.5311. All conversations will be held in confidence.

Family: $700 $600 $500 Couple: $650 $550 $450

Single Parent Family: $500 $400 $300 Individual: $400 $350 $250

Payment in full I enclose three checks dated between now and December 30, 2003

Credit Card: Name on card______

MC or VISA #______Exp: ______

(Sorry, no American Express)

Donations: Your funding of one these projects will make a tangible contribution to our community.

B’nai Or General Fund $_____ Adult Study Programs $_____

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund $_____ Siddur Development Fund $_____

Tzedakah Fund (for others in need) $_____ Esther's Kids Children’s Program $_____

TOTAL Donations: $______

B'nai Or has committed its full support to ALEPH, the Alliance of Jewish Renewal. Our financial contribution to ALEPH is $18 for each B'nai Or household. Please include the ALEPH dues amount of $18 in addition to your membership contribution.

Membership Dues $______(minus $50, if applicable)

ALEPH Dues $18______

Donations $______

TOTAL: $______

Make check payable to B’nai Or or fill in credit card information above. Thank you!

Mail to B'nai Or • PO Box 1756 • Brookline, MA 02446

Please do not put registrations in the mail after September 20.

After 9/20/03, you will have to register at the door during the High Holy Days.

High Holy Day Guest Registration Form