Shavuot, Israel, Bayit Sheni –

Everyone took their first fruit and brought it to Beit HaMikdash to the Cohen. They stood by the cohen and read the history of am Yisrael from Mitsraim to this fruit bringing day.

The march to Yerushalayim was lead by a big bull with golden horns.

Pessach, Israel, Bayit Rishon –

Each family went up to Yerushalayim and Beit HaMikdash with a lamb, to eat together as “Korban Pessach”. The whole nation gathered together, everyone met their families and friends from all over. They ate dressed like they were ready to leave Mitzrayim – with shoes, sticks and travelling cloths.

Chanukkah, America, 1990’s –

Chanukkah is considered the Chag of the gift. Every night, together with candle lighting, each family member receives a present from other family members.

The best night is when granma and granpa come…

Purim, a Polish village, the 18th century -

Walking around the streets you notice that you have never seen the village so colourful before. All the children are walking outside, wearing their costumes, carrying Mishlochey Manot to their friends. Like a big carnival!

Tisha Be’Av, Bavel, Galut after Bait Rishon –

All the Jewish refugees from Israel sitting on the riverside, holding Megillas. Everyone is crying. Most of them still remember the beauty and holiness of Beit HaMikdash that was destroyed because of their sins. Some of the older men tell stories about the Mikdash, that they still remember seeing in their own eyes.

Succot, Yerushalayim, Bayit Sheni –

Evening, Beit HaMikdash yard, The Cohanim pouring the water they brought from the Shiloach Spring over the Mizbeach. All the men were dancing happily around the Mizbeach. Raban Gamliel juggled with 8 burning torches.

“If you didn’t see Simchat Beit HaShoeva at Beit HaMikdash - you never saw a real Simcha in your life!”

Yom Kippur, Midbar (the desert) –

The Cohen Gadol wearing his special clothes, praying to the Lord for Am Yisrael, and asking him to forgive them. He enters Kodesh HaKodashim, the holiest part of the Mishkan. The whole nation is waiting, breathless to see if he comes back. If he came out – everyone knew their sins were forgiven. Wow!!!

Erev Shabbat, Tzefat, 16th Century –

The Ar”i and his Kabbalistic Chaverim are getting ready for Shabbat. They wear all white and go out to the mountains and fields around the city. Sunset starts. They turn to the east and enthusiastically sing “Lecha Dodi”.

Rosh Chodesh, Israel, Syria and Bavel, Bayit Sheni –

The moon becomes smaller every night. Two men come to the Sanhedrin to tell them what they saw. The Sanhedrin investigates and questions them separately. They discuss it and come to a decision – a new month is coming. They go to the closest mountain and light a bonfire. People on the next mountain see it and light another bonfire. The message passes all over, the country is lit. Have a good new month!