May 15, 2012

Attending: Fr. Seth Dietrich, Susan Lovern, Robert Mueller, Tim Brown, Beth Durant, Andrea Frankenberry, Meredie Scrivner, Hillary McCown, Sybil Bell, Jay Mueller, Kathy Eurich, Steve Schley, Bruce Dunn, Mark Pietrowiak, and Chris Manger.

Guest: Mitzi Roy

Fr. Dietrich opened the meeting at 7:10pm.

Spiritual Reflections –Tim Brown

Tim discussed his struggles between reading something and allowing it to be an inspiration or to motivate. There is a struggle to open oneself to a friendship with Christ but books can help provide the sparks to get you motivated.

Fr. Seth then read a section of a prayer from St. Patrick.

Financial Statements: Mark Pietrowiak

The Finance Committee feels that the financials are on track for the year, for the most part. Now they are watching for any variances to make sure we are not falling behind. Mark reviewed the “Analysis of Revenues and Expenses – Modified” to explain any variances. The Committee is keeping an eye on the pledges. Mark stated that about $2-3000 currently in the unpledged column in line 4112 should actually go in the pledged. The Committee is sorting it out. The Ministry Expense and General Programming lines are high because they currently include candidate search expenses, which will be going into a separate account. In line 5342 (music program), $1,000 for fixing the piano will go to line 5613 (organ maintenance/repair). Line 5503 (paper) is high because of a one time order of letterhead and business cards. Line 5610 (Utilities – gas & electric) is seasonal. Line 5615 (telephone) is high for some reason and Bob is looking into it. There is approximately $13,000 of buildings and grounds expenses year to date compared to an annual budget of $15,000. There is an anticipated savings of approximately $3,900 in personnel expenses for the year.

For the Rectory rent – there have been two payments to date. The rector’s pension expense is paid quarterly, which is why there is a great variance. The lead abatement will cost $1,500.

There are approximately $32,000 of anticipated capital expenses –finishing the East Wall, security for the Red Door and some electrical and lighting work. There is currently $62,000 in the Heritage Fund, and once these capital expenses are taken out, that will leave approximately $30,000. See the attached worksheet for further information.

**Motion to accept April Financial Statements made by Meredie Scrivner, seconded by Steve Schley. Passed.

Celebratory Committee Report:Mitzi Roy

The Sustainability Committee has been around for about 1 year and has three members; they are working on adding members. They applied for a Meecham Grant and received $2400. They are planning on having a speaker with the Interfaith community and are hoping to get our current Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts-Schori as she is also a marine biologist. The committee has been asked to be a part of a pilot project by the Interfaith Community where they try programs that have been successful elsewhere and see if they work here. Their events have done well this year and they are planning an event for the Fall. Mitzi will look into programmable thermostats, the options and cost. The committee is working on the development of an integrated plan to help us live more sustainably and intentionally.

Rector’s Report: Fr. Dietrich

Recap of the Spring – Worship numbers seemed strong. We’re doing a good job of welcoming people. We had 14 new people in the newcomers class. Confirmation class has summer homework. ASP has 25 kids plus leaders; may be the biggest group. Martha wrapped up a 5-week communion class. Outreach is doing all they have in the past plus more. Adult Formation has been top notch with varied offerings. The church seems spiritually alive with a powerful inner impact on people.

Summer – Garden service begins June 10. The altar will be repositioned outside and ushers will need to move people further into the garden. We want to get more guest musicians.

Seth Allen – Seth Allen has been ordained a deacon and has graduated from Duke. He is currently focused on the transition and the birth of his first child. He is preparing through reading. He is willing to help with a group that is forming in the church to help with the care of small children - MOPS. They have found a place to live in Shorewood and will be moving in mid-July. Having an assistant will be key in maintaining the great energy we have now and helping us continue to grow.

Memorials – There was a discussion about doing something to celebrate Marge and Roger Senn’s extensive work for the church, including Marge’s work in the garden and Roger’s in the building. It was mentioned that we have some volunteers for a garden guild to also assist in the garden. The Senn’s piano will be blessed at the service on June 3 with special piano music part of the service.

Bequests – Fr. Dietrich brought up the question of how do we remind parishioners to think of the church for bequests? Ideas included providing information on will planning/bequests and asking people, gently, about their estate planning.

Newcomers Update:Fr. Dietrich

  • The newcomers class had a total of fourteen people though not many came to the brunch.
  • Nametag Sunday went well but may have been better if there had been an adult forum that day.
  • There was a discussion about creating a more inclusive bulletin, similar to what we use in the summer but for the year round.
  • May need to print more song books for the summer.
  • Next quarter – Today’s concerns (Adult Ed)

Miscellaneous Business:

**Motion to approve the April minutes with the striking out of a sentence in the rector’s report made by Meredie Scrivner, seconded by Andrea Frankenberry. Passed.

-Sanctuary Plastering and Painting update: Bruce Dunn – Painters did not make any specific comments about the ceiling. There was discussion about if we should paint it. In April, the vestry had moved to allow Chris and Bruce to paint the ceiling if they find reason to do so; they agree that it should be painted. They will ask the painters to start after the wedding on July 21st. Meredie and Andrea volunteered to help with the project (and choosing paint colors) as needed.

-Office door: Meredie Scrivner – The formal bid for the key pad on the door with intercom and buzz in is $2800, $800 more than was approved in April. This can come out of the Heritage Fund as it is a Heritage project.

**Motion to approve up to $2800 for office door security system to come out of Heritage Fund made by Meredie Scrivner, seconded by Robert Mueller. Passed.-Community

-Community Preschool Update: Beth Durant – Two year old programs are very popular at their competitors and they get calls all the time about it. Not having a two year old program could hurt as there are more preschools in the area and people tend to stay where they start. Enrollment is already dropping. They are looking for the best place to have a two year old room. The State requires running water in the room or the next room over. One idea is to use the church nursery. Another is to put a sink in the “muscle room,” thereby keeping all the children in the same area. Beth asked if the preschool could pursue a two year old room and the vestry agreed that this was a good idea.

-Summer Greeter – please sign up. Instructions are posted in the closet off the garden vestibule. Summer is more involved so you need to get there 10-15 minutes before greeting time. Susan will circulate instructions. Ushers will help get the people to move into the garden.

-Calendar Committee Meeting – June 17th to set the church calendar.

Meeting closed at 9:05 by Fr. Dietrich with The Lord’s Prayer.