Test: Antebellum (1846-1860)


Included on this Test:

Chapter 10 sections 1, 2, 3, 4 (READ!!)

Lectures/Notes: AIM: What was the importance of Compromise of 1850?

AIM: How did resistance and protest against slavery move forward?

AIM: How did the Republican Party Emerge?

AIM: Why was “Kansas Bleeding”?

AIM: Why did John Brown raid a federal arsenal?

AIM: What events led to Southern Secession?


Key People, Terms and Themes

Wilmot Proviso

Henry Clay’s Compromise of 1850

Fugitive Slave Act

Personal Liberty Laws

Calhoun/Webster Debate

Stephen Douglas/Omnibus Bill

Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe

Underground Railroad

Sen. Stephen Douglas’ Kansas-Nebraska Act

Popular sovereignty

“Bleeding Kansas”

John Brown involvement in Kansas

Sack of Lawrence

Pottawatomie Massacre

“border ruffians”


Brooks-Sumner Incident

Lincoln/Douglas Debates

Freeport Doctrine

Importance of the Election of 1856

James Buchanan

New Political Parties

Republican Party


“Know Nothing” Party and Nativism

Justice Roger Taney’s Dred Scott Decision

The Lecompton Constitution

John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry

Election of 1860

Crittendon Compromise

Southern secession

Confederate States of America

Jefferson Davis


1.  Analyze how the North and the South, from 1820 to 1860, differed bitterly in regard to each of the following: (a) westward expansion, (b) states’ rights theory of government (c) Dred Scott Decision. USE SPECIFIC EVIDENCE

2.  Although the Compromise of 1850 postponed secession and civil war for 10 years, it also contributed to bitter feelings in each section (North & South) toward the other. Discuss three (3) events that were unintended results of this compromise? USE SPECIFIC EVIDENCE

NAME:______PER:_____ DATE:______

Answer the following essay in outline form below:

Analyze how the North and the South, from 1820 to 1860, differed bitterly in regard to each of the following: (a) westward expansion, (b) states’ rights theory of government (c) Dred Scott Decision. USE SPECIFIC EVIDENCE

Introduction: This should include your thesis statement with each argument.

I: Westward expansion




II. States’ rights theory of government




III. Dred Scott Decision




1.  Although the Compromise of 1850 postponed secession and civil war for 10 years, it also contributed to bitter feelings in each section (North & South) toward the other. Discuss three (3) events that were unintended results of this compromise? USE SPECIFIC EVIDENCE