Physician Reimbursement for Administrative Time Associated with Identifying and Notifying Patients about the Voluntary ASR™ Recall

DePuy will reimburse physicians, physician practices, and hospitals/clinicsfor certain administrative time associated with identifying and notifying patients about the voluntary ASR recall. These ASR administrative activities include:

  • Reviewing patient records, billing systems, and other databases to identify patients who received ASR™ implants (ASR Patients)
  • Providing DePuy’s standard voluntary recall information to ASR Patients
  • Responding to inquiries from both non-ASR and ASR patients about their ASR status
  • Preparing DePuy’s ASR Recall Patient Data Report

Fair Market Value Payment for Reasonable Time Spent

DePuy had previously stated that it would pay a $50 per ASR patient fee for the administrative time associated with identifying and notifying ASR patients of the recall. After further review, DePuy concluded that any payments for identifying and notifying ASR patients and providing DePuy with its requested information should be based on the actual reasonable and appropriate amount of time spent identifying and notifying the ASR patient.

Payments will be based on the established fair market value rates for the staffthat are performing the ASR administrative activities. The fair market value rates are based on standard wages and salaries. DePuy will also reimburse providers for related out-of-pocket expenses, such as the cost of sending DePuy’s standard notification documents to patients.

Activities Not Eligible for Reimbursement

Activities that are related to providing patient care are not eligible for payment as ASR administrative activities, including:

  • Scheduling appointments and caring for patients
  • Engaging additional registrars or surgeons
  • Hiring other clinical professionals to provide patient care
  • Performing general reception services, such as checking-in patients, preparing patient records before a visit, or updating patient records after a visit
  • Providing DePuy’s standard voluntary recall information to ASR patients during a reimbursable patient consultation

Details Required in ASR Voluntary Recall Patient Identification & Notification Administrative Reimbursement Time Log (DPYOUS 46) and the Recall Patient Data Report (DPYOUS 58)

In order to facilitate payment for ASR administrative activities, providers need to provide detailed information about:

  • Title/position of the person doing the work
  • A detailed description of the work performed
  • The date the work was performed and the amount of time spent

DePuy has providedanASR Voluntary Recall Patient Identification & Notification Administrative Reimbursement Time Log (DPYOUS 46) and a Recall Patient Data Report (DPYOUS 58)that providers will be expected to use.

ASR Administrative ActivitySubmission Process

To request and receive appropriate payment for the reimbursable ASR Recall Administrative Activities:

  1. Please read the Terms and Conditions within the ASR Voluntary Recall Patient Identification & Notification Administrative Reimbursement Time Log (DPYOUS 46)
  1. Please complete and sign the ASR Voluntary Recall Patient Identification & Notification Administrative Reimbursement Time Log (DPYOUS 46). When completing the Log, use a separate row for each Job Title (e.g., Physician, Nurse, Admin Staff) since the fair market value rates DePuy will pay vary by Job Title type. Complete and sign additional Logs as necessary.

DePuy will accept other tracking documentation that was completed before this “Log” was provided. Any such documentation must:

  • Identify the date the ASR Recall Administrative Activities were performed
  • Describe the ASR Recall Administrative Activities performed
  • Identify the job title of the person who performed the ASR Recall Administrative Activities
  • State the amount of time spent performing ASR Recall Administrative Activities by job title.
  • Provide the tracking documentation with a signed copy of the Log that includes the physician or hospital/ clinic information.
  1. Please complete the Recall Patient Data Report (DPYOUS 58) for each identified ASR patient.
  1. Submit all completed Logs, ASR Recall Patient Data Reports, receipts, and other documents to Crawford:

[Insert Local Crawford Office Details]

[Insert local Crawford email contact]

Call [Insert Local Crawford Office Number ] if you have any questions about ASR Recall Administrative Activity reimbursement, including the types of activities that are and are not eligible for payment.

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