Website Redesign Request for Proposal


The Village of Bartlett (the “Village”), a community of 41,402, located in Cook, DuPage and Kane Counties, Illinois is seeking a qualified and responsible company (the “Contractor”) to redesign the village’s website. The Village seeks to create a dynamic website that is designed and organized in a manner that allows viewers with limited computer experience to easily find and access information, acts as a marketing tool for the Village to highlight the community, its assets, and attractions to potential residents and businesses, is easy to update and modify, and is able to incorporate additional components in the future.

The village’s current website includes links to the Bartlett History Museum and Bartlett Hills Golf Course’s websites via icons on the village’s homepage. These websites are not included in this RFP for redesign.

This project includes the redesign of the village’s website template, including all functional, technical and specifically requested aspects. However, the village will be responsible for migrating existing content and populating the redesigned website.

The anticipated project timeline for the website redesign project is listed below. This timeline is a guideline for the project and is subject to change.

  • July 25, 2013 - RFP issued
  • August 8, 2013 - Proposals due
  • August 9 – September 6, 2013 - Interviews of selected respondents between
  • Following review of website redesign proposals by Village of Bartlett staff, a

small number of companies will be selected to provide demonstrations of their

proposed functional, technical and required aspects for the village’s website

redesign project

  • September 17, 2013 - Contract awarded


Functional Aspects

A)Visual appeal – the website must be visually appealing and include a mix of text, photos and graphics.

B)Layout and Design Consistency – It should provide a user-friendly navigation framework for the Village website that is understandable to users on all levels. The website should use consistent fonts and styles throughout the website to give a uniform appearance.

C)Searching –enable visitors to search for content on the site via a site search engine.

D)Integration – the website shall integrate the village’s citizen relationship management system provided by GovOutreach, theFOIA management system provided by WebQA and interactive maps generated through ESRI ArcGIS templates. The site should also be capable of displaying social networking profile links and content feeds from various social networks.

E)Secure Pages–ability to secure pages or sections from public view, with access restricted by password protection.

F)ADA Compliance – the website should follow the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Accessibility Initiative to provide a website that is compliant with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).

Technical Aspects

A)Content Management – provide a user-friendly content management system (CMS) for non-technical personnel to update content including; uploading photos, videos, documents, creating hyperlinks, and entering text. The system should also permit the use of custom code. Respondents should indicate the type of software being used and also list any additional software that will be used to create the site. Respondents will also need to indicate any software licenses or maintenance the village will need to purchase, if applicable.

  1. Workflow Functionality – respondents should include a way for the website administrator(s) to approve content prior to it being posted to the website, to schedule the launch and expiration of content as well as utilize workflow features to set reminders to update content.

B)Respondents should include hosting of the site in their proposal or designate a suitable third-party hosting provider. Hosting should be reliable and automatically scalable.

C)Search Engine Optimization – pages should be constructed for indexing by common methods with the capability to designate certain pages to remain un-indexed.

D)Website Analytics – provide the ability for staff to track usage of individual components and pages within the website.

E)Style Sheets – text characteristics should be primarily controlled by judicious application of style sheets. These can be static CSS pages, or generated by database operations and should be designed to minimize formatting at the tag level. Pages should be printable without excessive visual degradation.

F)Mobile Browser Capability – the website should be usable on a variety of mobile devices of various screen sizes and resolutions.

G)Plug-ins – the website should not require any plug-ins to function.

H)Storage Space – the website should accommodate at least 10 gigabytes of storage for audio, video, images and PDF files.

Requested Aspects

A)Community Calendar – the village would like to provide residents with the ability to see current and upcoming events through an interactive calendar. The calendar should provide filtering for different views. It must also provide a method for visitors to the site to submit events for the calendar with the ability for staff to easily edit/approve/reject the submissions.

B)Emergency Notification – the village would like the ability to display an emergency message on a scroll across the website. When activated, the emergency scroll would appear on each screen viewed by visitors.

C)Forms – the website should provide the ability for staff to easily create and compile forms that can be submitted by visitors to the site.

D)Video Streaming – the website should be designed to accommodate embedded and streaming video.

E)E-mail Notifications – the website must provide a user-friendly way for residents to sign-up and receive E-mail notifications. Respondents should provide new ideas and technologies for effectively communicating with residents and local businesses via E-mail notifications.


Vendor Qualifications

A)List five municipal websites, that best showcase the work of the company. Non-municipal website addresses may be provided as long as they demonstrate similar functionality to municipal websites. Please list a brief description of what the company’s role was in the design of the municipal websites listed.

1)Provide reference information for fivemunicipal clients. These references do not have to be from the same organizations that have websites showcased as described above.

B)Provide an executive summary of your company which includes the company’s name, address, phone/fax numbers and website address as well as a brief background description of the company’s experience.

C)Provide a description on how your company will implement and provide services as provided in this RFP, including; the company’s process for working with a client to redesign a website, the ability to meet the village’s proposed timeline as listed in Section 1 of this RFP and the company’s approach to testing the redesigned website prior to its official launch and support of the website moving forward.

D)Provide contact information for the person submitting your company’s proposal. This information should include name, title, phone/fax numbers, mailing address and email address.

E)The selected company will be required to provide training to village staff on how to input content, perform routine maintenance and add audio/visual components to the website.

Financial Proposal

A)Describe the firm’s proposed fee for providing the Services as requested in this RFP. The total cost in the financial proposal must include the following:

1)The cost to redesign the village’s website homepage and subsidiary pages

2)The cost for any components needed for the website to function

3)The cost to host the village’s website

4)The cost for any training for village staff in relation to operating the website

5)The cost for any maintenance (i.e. service plan) after the website is completed and activated

6)The cost for any future additional work and/or upgrades to the website as requested by the village

Please be very explicit in listing and describing any services or items not covered in the proposal fee amount. Proposal fee should be broken down to include major fee categories.


A)The Village of Bartlett will evaluate proposals, and if a vendor is selected, the vendor will be selected on the basis of:

1)The Contractor’s plan to provide the Village of Bartlett with the services as specified in the RFP

2)The Contractor’s experience in providing services similar to those described in this request for proposal

3)The Contractor’s references

4)The Contractor’s financial proposal

5)Any other factors relevant to the Contractor’s capacity and willingness to satisfy the Village of Bartlett

B)Upon selection, final contract amount will be subject to negotiation to determine exact scope of services to be provided and final contract fee amount and a contract outlining all relevant terms shall be executed by both parties. Selection does not guarantee award of the contract. In the event the Contractor and the Village fail to agree to a contract, the Village will choose from remaining respondents or put out another Request for Proposals.

The Village reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel or modify the RPF in part or in its entirety.


A)Three paper copies of the proposal and a PDF version must be received at the Bartlett Village Hall, Main Office, Attention: Chris Hostetler, IT Coordinator, 228 S. Main Street, Bartlett, IL, 60103 by 3:00 p.m., Thursday, August 8, 2013. The PDF version may be e-mailed to (so long as it is less than 10MB).

B)Any questions concerning this request for proposal should be directed to Chris Hostetler, 630-540-5944 or , and not any other person at the Village of Bartlett. All requests for clarification about any item contained or relating to the RFP should be made in writing via email. Any clarifications made in response to questions received will be emailed to all expected respondents providing contact information and requesting the Village do so, as appropriate and as judged necessary at the discretion of the Village. Anyone planning to submit a proposal should contact the Village contact listed above to convey such intent. The deadline for requesting clarification is seven (7) days prior to the due date for proposals.