“That Was Then, This is Now” Final Projects

Due: Nov. 2nd – Day 9.


  1. New Chapter

Not happy with the way that the book ended? How would you have finished it? Write a new final chapter for the novel. It can either:

  • Replace the current last chapter (Chapter).
  • Follow the last chapter… ie: explain what happens after Bryon visits Mark in jail.

It should be consistent with the story of the book, and should be in keeping with Hinton’s narrative writing style.

  1. Length: 3-4 pages, typed and double spaced (12-point font).
  2. Graded on:
  3. Grammar and Spelling
  4. Style: written in “Hintonian” prose.
  5. Content: Your story is interesting, true to the characters in the novel, follows the details of the story, and uses dialogue and description well.
  1. Soundtrack

Make a soundtrack to the book, as if it were a movie. You can use songs from the period (from the 1960s) or songs from today. The lyrics should relate to the characters of the story, or to certain themes or scenes from the book (at least one THEME should be picked).

Your Soundtrack should be on CD, and contain at least 6 songs. Your CD should be in a case or envelope, with your own original cover art related to the book.Along with the CD, you should give me a set of notes that includes the lyrics and explains when the songs you have chosen would play (which scene), and why you have chosen them (how they relate to the book, etc).

  1. Project should include: CD with Cover Art & Explanations.
  2. Length:
  3. CD – Six songs (minimum)
  4. Song lyrics (I will post some lyric sites in class or on the homework page).
  5. Explanations/Justifications – One full paragraph per song. Your explanations should include, wherever possible, quotations from the story to help prove your points (at least 3).
  1. Graded on:
  2. CD – How appropriate are the songs?

(your justification will help me here).

  1. Artwork – clean and neat, and related to “That Was Then…”
  2. Justifications – Spelling and Grammar, Content.