Ranking Story Starters

Created by Vicki Fritz, Warburg School and Steve Trueman, BGRD Instructional Coach

Step 1: Cut apart the story starters in the chart.

Step 2:As a team read through them and decide which one is the best way to begin a story. Work your way through the list, deciding on the second best, third, and so on.

When your team is done, tape your choices onto poster paper, numbering them 1st to last.

Step 3:Discuss with the class what your top choices where and why those story starters were the best for your team.

Then, share what your bottom two or three choices were. Why were these story starters not successful?

Step 4: Finally, as a class, come up with the characteristics of what makes a successful story starter. Make sure you write down these characteristics.

Now you’re ready to try this on your own! Take one of the WORSTstory starters on your team’s list and rewrite it, using the class notes you helped to create! Share it with the class.

  1. the fire had completely burnt out during the night. It was so cold that I woke up shivering and sniffling. I thought I would get wood for the morning fire. I slipped on my shoes to go outside. I barely had the door open when I saw it looking right at me.
  1. The black cat said let's climb the fence.

  1. I waited for the early rains to stop and on the first clear day I grabbed my basket and lightly skipped to the wild little garden. I had barely covered the bottom of my basket when I found the little treasure box. I opened it but it was empty.
  1. once upon a time there was a pigg

  1. Earl, the polar bear sighed sadly as he looked at the snow.
  1. The rich woman was standing by the tree in the town. When they got to there house they saw her and she was walking. The flowers smelled good to the man and he picked them for the woman.

  1. greg and the goat did not get along.
  1. The turtle woke up and he didn’t have a shell because he sold it.

  1. Four frogs sat on a log and the Red frog said what are we going to doo today?
  1. It all started the summer we visited our uncle in South America and then the volcano near the village where we were staying was supposed to be quiet and then steam started leaking from it and then my little brother and I were near the volcano the morning it began to shake and then its north side collapsed and then loads of rock and ash shot into the air and then lava and mudflows blocked our path back to our uncle’s cabin and then my little brother was crying.

  1. Edward found a 4 leaves clover he thought it would be his lucky day boy was he wrong
  1. There was a princess up in a tower who was sleeping.

  1. What if all the rivers were made of jello?
  1. The minute he stepped into the dark room the smell was awful. He coughed and pulled his sweater over his mouth. He grabbed the flashlight at his waist and flipped it on. The light danced over the room from one corner then the next with the light. Where was that awful smell coming from?

  1. What if insects were as big as people?
  1. The monster roared and ran up to the people. He wanted to eat them up but he didn't. He decided to go back to bed.

  1. The guy at the pet store said he was pretty sure it was a Green Basilisk Lizard egg. Boy, was he wrong. Now the newspaper wants to know what happened to my little brother, that nice old lady down the street, the left
    side of Washington Elementary School, and the three jets, two helicopters, four tanks, and 36,000 gallons of Marshmallow Fluff. They will probably cover up the true story. But here's what really happened . . .
  1. shewantid to go to the zoo but they wouldn't let her She had to come upwith a plan. She knew what to do she would would ask her faery godmother to cast a spell. Her faery godmother decidid to help her.

  1. Dear third-grade journal,
    Only Mother and Daddy said I can’t actually tell
    people yet! But a journal is not even people! And so I am just going to write it in these pages. And that’s all! Last night,
  1. The apple fell thump on his head. Oww! He said.