External Advisory Committee

Date: Thursday, September 20, 2007

Location: Nutrition and Wellness Research Center

Research Park, Building 6

2325 North Loop Drive, Suite 600


I. Welcome by Associate Dean David Whaley, College of Human Sciences

II. Welcome by Dean Cheryl Achterberg, College of Human Sciences

III. Dinner

IV. “Teacher Dispositions” by Beth Meyers, Investigator for the Board of Educational Examiners

V. Ann Pierce, Teacher Dispositions at the Local Level

VI. Gayle Huey, Teacher Dispositions at the State Level

VII. Break-Out Sessions

VIII. Concluding Remarks

For further information, please contact:

Dr. David Whaley, Associate Dean for Teacher Education

Iowa State University

College of Human Sciences

E 105 Lagomarcino Hall

Ames, Iowa 50011-3188

The University Teacher Education Program hosted the annual External Advisory Committee (EAC) meeting on September 20, 2007 at the Nutrition and Wellness Research Center. EAC provides vision and direction to the expansive program and members serve as a sounding board on curriculum and policy related discussions, as well as share present and future concerns for pre-service teachers.

This year’s topic of discussion was "Dispositions of Teacher Education Candidates," and the role and responsibility of our university-wide Teacher Education Program in monitoring and assessing this. National accrediting bodies have required this for some time now and with the impending changes to Chapter 79, "Standards for Practitioner and Administrator Preparation Program," this becomes an important part of the State's thirty two Teacher Education Programs. Questions naturally arise as to strategies for best assessing this and for the role of the institution in delicately assisting students. Our Field Experience Subcommittee, as well as a State Department of Education committee, have been working during the past year on this topic. At the External Advisory Committee meeting, we heard about the work that has taken place so far and received input for our future efforts.

The committee consists of the following stakeholders (members in attendance at this year’s meeting in parenthesis): Legislator/Policy-Maker Representatives (Lisa Heddens & Herman Quirmbach); University Administrators/Faculty/Staff (Cheryl Achterberg, David Acker, Pat Carlson, Karen Colbert, Gayle Huey, Carolyn Klaus, Leah Keino, Hina Patel, Ann Pierce, Linda Reindl, Katherine Thomas, Robert Tremmel, Carl Smith, David Whaley, Michael Whiteford, Zora Zimmerman), Iowa Teacher of the Year (Jan Keese), Early Childhood Education Teachers (Marian Scott), Elementary Education Teachers (Pat Maahs), Science Teachers (Peg Barbour), Math Teachers (Jean Krusi), Agricultural Education Teachers, English Teachers (Jeanie McElvain), Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, History-Social Studies Teachers (Nancy Peterson) Music Teachers (Cynthia Marten), Physical and Health Teachers (Dave Neubauer), World Languages Teachers (Kim Huegerich), School Administrators (Greg Carenza), Central Office Administrators ( Anne Laing), School Board Representatives, AEA Representatives, Human Resources Representatives (Steve Miller), Community College Representatives (Kelly Faga), Board of Educational Examiners Representatives (George Mauer), and Business and Industry Representatives (Beth Meyers).

The External Advisory Committee will convene again in the spring to continue the conversation about teacher dispositions.