Student Learning Outcomes Committee

Meeting Notes

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Room 1317

Present:Cathy Anderson, Lena Baker, Bob Bittner, Lenore Frigo, Tom Glass, Ralph Perrin, Shelly Presnell, Carolyn Singh

Guest: Marc Beam

Meeting called to order at 3:03 pm.

Minutes of Last Meetings: Lenore Frigo moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Lena Baker, approved without opposition. No corrections or deletions requested.

Public Comments: None

Reports: None

Discussion/Action Items

A) Butte College Workshop: EightShastaCollege personnel attended this Workshop. There was much good discussion and people seem excited about using SLOs in a way that can help their institution. Tom Glass said he thought we are ahead of all the other colleges and are as informed or more informed than most of the other people there. Ralph said he was impressed with where we are. Everybody in his group was working on things we have already accomplished. We are on track, especially in comparison to other colleges.

In the next round of visits and reports for ACCJC, they will expect us to provide evidence that wehave made changes based on SLO and PLO assessments. When changes are made based on the SLO or PLO results, it needs to be included as an initiative in an Annual Plan or Program Review in order to show evidence. As our Researcher, Marc is our Coordinator of Evidence, and TracDat is the way to collect this evidence.

We received a small grant from ACCJC to work on our Gen Ed. We are among 14 colleges (not just from California)that were awarded the grant. Everyone’s project is just a little bit different. We will be working on trying to find meaning in the Associates Degree. Faculty will be participating in general assessments of the value of our GE courses to identify our strengths and make those more public for students and the community.

Business faculty would like the ability to track their students as to whetherthey did or did not pass their PLO.

Course Level SLOs: Ralph suggested the Title of that paper should have the words for “SLO” spelled out. It should be something like “Quick Guide to Course Level Student Learning Outcomes”.

The Means of Assessment should meet 4 criteria (see the Handbook); SLO statements should meet 4 criteria (see Handbook).

The Research Office will put SLO statements on Docushare annually to satisfy the requirement of being visible by the public. At some point we will have to share the PLOs and GELOs. PLO results can only be one click away from the college home page.

GELO results - go to the SLO page and submit them the way it was previously done. Next semester Foundational Skillswill be scanned and done at the Research Office. Faculty who teach GE courses are expected to assess GELOs at least once a year. GELOs survey would be taken both fall and spring; once for fall and once for spring. PLO results have to be public. PLO assessment results must be submitted before the biannual review form is completed.

c) Flex Day: We’ve asked for the standard two-hour block for everyone to get together to do their summaries. It was decided that we should ask for a GELO Session as well. Two hours for summary; the same as last Fall. There will also be TracDat Training. Marc suggested we allow an hour for TracDat training, at least an hour for the Review and Summary of SLOs, a two-hour summary by Shelly & Cathy, and one hour on how to write authentic assessments by Marc.

The meeting adjourned at 4:05 pm
